Gas the Generals

What the point of coming to Jow Forums if you are just going to speak in your language with people from your country, in threads about your country?

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Other urls found in this thread:

good thread

Generals are a bad thing on all boards but it doesn't make sense to disallow them either

Just ban /brit/ and /balt/. The rest are fine.

Fuck off pajeet

I only post there because I know its pissing off faggots like you

that's what happens to all multicultural societies.

That's a good point, actually.

when are you going to make /ge/?

that's deep

>yeees make sure those pesky non-anglos can't communicate in their language
>english should dominate

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There's like one or two guys. He can post on /ex-ussr/.

Dutch one is full of namefags. They all are on Discord together yet feel the need to post on Jow Forums at the same time about stuff they talk about on their discord

There aren't enough of us on here for that, but I was thinking of making /Cau/

I reply to all intresting threads and (mostly) keep the shitposting and 2d4u memes in my own general. What's wrong with that?

rest of us like Finish shitposting too

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Keep any of the generals that are mostly anime.

...Ban /brit/

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>complains about generals
>oh yeah I was just thinking of making this one general....

>Keep any of the generals that are mostly anime.

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Because otherwise I'd never get to talk to anyone.

It's because I feel alone and marginalized.

I think Armenians and Azerbaijani are even fewer than you guys.
BTW a couple weeks ago in a thread about Georgia this song was posted
Could you please recommend me more music in this style?

I do both.
Always have our general up in one tab and other threads in other tabs.

t. mad generalet

Ban all of them except /brit/

In fact, rename Jow Forums /brit/ or make /brit/ a board

/brit/ is the only reason I come here, it is the only thing worth seeing

A*menians and Az*erturks are not Caucasian, I mostly meant Chechens, Circassians, Ossetians. I know there are some here.
the music sounds like something dances are accompanied with, so just search for dances and listen to background music.

I have so little human interaction in reality that Jow Forums generals is a nice chance to use my own language once in a while.

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>bunch of religious fucked in head swarthy people who hate in each other in one thread
good plan Dzhugashvili

Gotta replay 1 again.

Differences in location of dwelling are explained by economic conditions. You aren't going to see too many African Americans living in Manhattan. Similarly, some cultures are just too insular due to taboo. The clustering of cultures that is present in first generation immigrations disappears by the second generation.

I agree with OP what's the point? what exactly are we going to shitpost about?
>Chechens, Circassians, Ossetians
lmao wait they have access to internet? I usually see them shitposting with different flags.

another one here but I rarely visit Jow Forums.

/brit/ has been here longer than a lot of you have been posting on this board maybe even site

/brit/ pumps out fresh board culture and memes; most of the shit you nerds say comes from /brit/

>fresh board culture and memes

what's up in Georgia?
Forgot you guys exist desu

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Because then you create /b/

hey, are you a real German? As in 'hans' the German? How come so many Germanposters have different nationalities?

>are you a real German?
My blood is pure since generations.
>How come so many Germanposters have different nationalities?
no idea, I'd say most people on /deutsch/ are Hans germans

But asean has 10 members

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you should take up with the conductor

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cool cool
wish I had learned Deutsch as my third language would've helped, since in my field we literally copy/pasted your civil code and fit it to match our everyday reality.

Well, there are threads with a few members. v4, latino for example. People like to make own groups out of countrymen it's our nature. Also, Scandinavien fear if they speak with you then you'll migrate in their contries. Brits are too arrogance. Germans make plans reaching of world superior in their thread, so of course they dont want to speak foreigners. Etc.

I think I played WoW with someone from Georgia
He was doing some Engineering stuff and was in Germany all the time cause he is cheaper than the locals

Why not bully them into leaving? Worked in Sverigetråden. Too bad they were replaced by trannies and stormfaggots.

I partialy disagree
If you want to learn some language it's very important to be able to test your skills in p2p communication
And language generals are great for that
But generals like /cum/, /brit/, /ausnz/, /balt/, /v4/ (well, I personaly like it but still), /cocks/ or /med/ are useless and onky used as anime and off-top containers

funny, I remember playing with a german dude way back in cata though I quit not long after firelands.
>Engineering stuff
guess it depends what he was doing exactly but naturally compared to here he'd still make more even if they gave him barebones.
btw is it true there are a lot of Georgian criminals there and you even have posters at some of the stores written in Georgian: 'please do not steal?'

>Scandinavien fear if they speak with you then you'll migrate in their contries
They're not wrong :^)

>posters at some of the stores written in Georgian: 'please do not steal?'
never saw something like that, if it exists then in eastern Germany which I avoid.

I'm paler than you Arslan.

they are cucked by Russian flags or live as immigrant in other countries. chechens are not that rare here.

I see good to know, was kind of a rumour here due to the recent deportation fiasco.

>they are cucked by Russian flags or live as immigrant in other countries
yea guessed as much.
I think there was that one 'Swedish' Chechen right?

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>The clustering of cultures that is present in first generation immigrations disappears by the second generation.
haha good joke

dagestanis, alanians and abkhaz too

It is true in Greece aswell

why do georgians marry at the age of 16?

Dagestanis are turks and mutts, also not many of them here, they are too stupid for internet.
Abkhaz = a Georgian sub-ethnicity(maybe with some Circassian admixture)

>abkhaz too

Hey Georgians
Is any of your names

is it bad that I feel pride, we only need to outcompete Al*eroids now but younger Georgians are too much of a cucks.

we don't. that's mostly azeri pedo minorities.

mine is not

Barely anybody marries at the age of 16 these days where are you getting this from?

it's muslim minorities doing it and articles either don't mention or people are too lazy to read them.

honestly? doubt there are even articles about that.

just google "Georgia child marriage"
here's one

>A 17-year-old Georgian-Azeri bride
stopped reading there.

This is a bantz board anyway.
People just want to joke about other nations here

Where's Singapore?

Fuck off paki /brit/ is the only good general

rolling around in cash, laughing about these idiots

Really made me think user