Political correctness is destroying the world

political correctness is destroying the world.

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You can still call people ugly according to that. So it could be worse.

Implying theres a difference

Anglo problems.

My color is white but I am BLACK
There is a difference


Not really, 99% of people don't care about this stuff, Jow Forums just likes to cherrypick. Maybe in the sjw capital of the world California 20% of people care about this.

>finns are the same race as me
uh yeah no thanks

My skin is white but I'm african therefore black.

where do you work? must be a bigger company I guess

>white male bitches is destroying the world.

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You dirty, fucking progressive. I am a non-white. Check your fucking privilege


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Yeah whatever, you little conformist bitch, you're fuckin grounded. Me and your mum are revoking your Internet privileges until you stop fuckin bawling with your NEET Internet friends about how the world's unfair to incels like you, get a fucking life Jeffrey.

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*goes into work and calls everyone a nigger*

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This my fellow magapede

Why, what happen to you guys. Just 60y.ago your parents were demonstrating for human rights, justice and equality movement. All this european values.

And what i read here. Political incorrectness, racism.

Our cunt is getting more right wing and more right wing.
While America is getting more progressive and more progressive.

It's called being a decent person. Try it.

>"or any other basis protected by law"

so, they don't give a fuck about it, they just do not want to be sued.

>no height


what's wrong with it, you go to work for work, not chimp[ing each other, just w.....
>see flag