Who was in the wrong?

Who was in the wrong?

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The S*uth

The negors

the jews

The Americans.

states actually don't have the right to secede


Is it that time again??

Just your friendly reminder America was founded as a Confederacy with a limited central government. America became a Frankenstein to the vision of our founding fathers. Federalism was a mistake. Fuck the feds, the fed reserve, and the CIA

Please censor that racist flag, thanks.

>Hey guys, let's secede from the empire to better pursue our own self interests
>Hey wait you guys can't secede from us to better pursue your self interests
The eternal Yankee is to blame.

Probably the side fighting for slavery? Confederacy was one of the evilest regimes in the history of mankind, on par with nazis desu.

I hate federal niggers as much as the next guy, but the articles of confederation were an outright failure

think it's perfectly acceptable for former independent entities (California, Texas, Thirteen original, maybe a few others like Maine or WV) to secede but almost all of the flyover states were organized and the property sold from Washington. They should have to pay massive amounts to secede, basically buy the political rights to all properties in the whole of the state

The Founding Fathers are literally the people who said that the confederacy was retarded and wrote the Constitution though?????

but all the anglo-scot aristocracy, their horses and their balls (dances)

I mean they're not wrong, in theory.

But even if any of those worked, nothing is stopping the federal niggers from just excersizing such a massive amount of economic force against the new country that they either starve, or rejoin the Union.

It's retarded to assume that the feds would let a state leave, much less stay gone.

literal propaganda

Actually northerns didnt abolish slavery initially, they did that already during war to make blacks fight for them. And even Washington was big slave owner.

The north obviously.

t. finn who doesn't know what he's talking about.

Southron genocide when?

Attached: obesity by state.jpg (600x411, 74K)

>tfw my state might start another civil war

The state is a value in it self.
What crimes against have to be committed to preserve it can be justified.
People change their minds about this and that, but the state lives on.

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which state?

>even Washington was big slave owner.

And he was a cunt

So where am I wrong? South didn't fight for slavery lmao? I find that hard to believe when they explicitly said that secession was because they wanted to keep slavery.

But the Finns are Nazis.

The entire war was the south throwing a fit because they lost an election.

>And he was a cunt
Off yourself please

>defending slavers and wanting anyone who criticizes slavery dead

evil, evil people

>man who was one of the people who wrote a document that was the hottest shit since Hammurabis codes is evil because morals were different 300 years ago

Slavery was a necessary evil to keep the south's economy from collapsing.

>evil is like a point of view maaaaaan

nah slavers are evil.

Attached: muttindenial.jpg (1024x762, 32K)

When did Lincoln address seriously the issue of slavery and said he planned to abolish it? I've heard it was after the war began

>Evil is a definite thing and not at all an opinion
Go suck some cocks or something finn

>like maybe holocaust wasn't evil, that's just like your opinion maaaaan

Attached: frommypointofviewyouareevil.jpg (1280x720, 30K)

>implying that has anything to do with what I said
I probably don't have the authority to say this as a mutt but you're fucking retarded.

> bringing shitload of africans in your home because you are lazy piece of shit
> enslave people (inb4 le niggers is not a humans lel)


but it wasn't evil?

I thought Finnish autism made them pleasant people not total spergs

>Industrialised North actively trying to destroy the only thing keeping the Southern states economies going under the guise of "freedom"
I hate slavery but the North was unironically in the wrong. If they had simply helped to industrialise the South before trying to abolish slavery, no blood would've been shed.

>Industrialised North
Wrong buddy
Not only were both the North and the South agrarian and most Americans lived on farms, but the South was significantly richer
The Industrial Revolution only took off in the US after the Civil War

Forgot my picture
Also, the North had more canals and railroads but that's because Southerners lived near rivers and didn't need them to transport goods, while Northerners paid higher taxes to build more infrastructure.

Attached: wealth-by-state-1860.jpg (1100x850, 368K)

>1813 is before the Civil War
Embarrassing yank education at work again.

This image even proves that the South's success was due to slavery. You're actively disproving yourself.

Industrialization was minuscule until after the Civil War you moron
Most of the industrialization up until then was going towards cotton manufacturing and agriculture in general, which is why the South was significantly richer than the North since it benefited more.

Fucking dictator Lincoln who killed his own people. Where was freedom and democracy back then?

1863 once the war was already at full speed. He only did it to fuck with the south. To him it was a way of destabilizing the southern region. This is how fucked up he was, the emancipation proclamation only afftected slaves in the south. If you were a black slave in the union all the white people there said fuck you boy you're still a slave. The union officially kept slavery going until the 13th amendment was passed. Yet the south was in the wrong? History has been rewritten.

>This image even proves that the South's success was due to slavery
I never said it wasn't. I said that your "le industrial norf! xd" meme is false. Both sides were agrarian, except the South was much richer. Both their success and collapse were due to slavery.

>yes it was, in 1813
fucking hell lad, quit while you're behind.

>If you were a black slave in the union all the white people there said fuck you boy you're still a slave
No. Northern whites opposed slavery in general, which is why the North had implemented Gradual Emancipation after the Revolution. The only Union states with slavery were Unionist Southern states, who then also freed their slaves after the war.

South was keeping slaves, which was evil.
But North was wrong from preventing the South leaving the Union peacefully

The North literally wasn't industrialized though. It was more urban, but it wasn't industrialized. Both sides were agrarian with minuscule industrialization. I appreciate you trying to tell me about my country, though.

>A yank thinks his appeal to authority fallacy means fucking anything when at the end of the day, he's still a yank
I would feel confident telling you about your own mother, mate. You are inferior to me in every way. You're also still wrong.

>import so many slaves that whites become a ruling minority in their own regions
>why are there so many uppity niggers?

My favorite things that southerners bitch about

Anyone that would weaken America, sunder it, and see it forever tilted against a unified force for all its people.

>No no no you don't know about your country's history! The memes tell me the North was industrial!
You're pathetic and have no argument.

I honestly wish lincoln wouldnt have died so he could've exported all the niggers.

I have facts on my side. Remember when you said the industrial revolution didn't affect America until after the Civil War? Remember when that was wrong? I do.

You are wrong. You will always be wrong. You are a yank.

That idea was all but dead by the civil war.
It also would've been voluntary, not forced.

>Why people no like what people hundreds of years ago do??!
Dumb canadian

>I have facts on my side.
Hmmm yes which is why you keep arguing that the North was industrialized when the majority of Northerners lived on single family farms during the Civil War.
>Remember when you said the industrial revolution didn't affect America until after the Civil War?
Hmm yes the literacy of Brits
I said that it only really took off after the Civil War, AKA it was minuscule before it.

You have no argument and are basing your "facts" on memes. You're pathetic, Nigel.

There's a difference between "i don't understand historical consequences" and "i don't understand ethical differences through history"

Dumb mick

South started shit

>really took off
You didn't say that. You said "took off". Meaning "started". Do pipe down before you embarrass yourself like that AGAIN.

“took off” does not mean just started you retarded brit

>T-the North was Industrial!
>Y-you're embarrassing yourself!
No, keep telling me about my country and showing me your affinity for trying to sound like an expert on something you have no knowledge about.
I'd really love for you to show me some proof that the North was an Industrial and Urban society instead of Agrarian like the South. If you find it, be sure to write a paper on it because it'd prove literally every single historian wrong.

Attached: Ag_workforce.png (1393x824, 72K)

Pipe down, fatso.

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>there are no differences between British and American English

>posts a stat that includes the Southern states to the prove something about the North
Embarrassing stuff.

>Actually literally and genuinely trying to argue semantics now
I am so thoroughly embarrassed for you.

>. While the majority of Americans in every part of the country lived and worked on farms, their economic lives differed fundamentally from each other. In the South, life revolved around unfree labor and staple crops.

Come on Nigel, show me some proof that the North was an industrial and urban society.
Face facts, retard. The South lost because it was a Banana Republic.

>arguing semantics is wrong when arguing about the meaning of a word

>The North contained a greater diversity of industry, finance, and commerce resting on the “free labor” of wage earners and small proprietors.
Literally the very next line lmao

I provided proof. I have yet to see yours.

Are you illiterate? It's saying that the North was focused on diverse industry (farming is an industry) unlike the South, which focused on cotton.

>the North focused on DIVERSE INDUSTRY
>But it was also almost entirely farming
You just cannot stop embarrassing yourself.

>Y*nkoids win
>pregnant Anne Frank doesn't exist

Pretty self-explanatory

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If you want to argue about that article, read the rest of it. Literally states that the north became industrial during the Civil War.
You really don't know what you're talking about.

>No no no, let me tell you about your country despite not having a single source to back my claims up and basing my entire argument on what southerners on Jow Forums said
You're pathetic, Nigel.

>On the eve of war, the American South enjoyed more per capita wealth than any other slave economy in the New Word. To their masters, slaves constituted their most valuable assets, worth roughly three billon dollars. Yet this wealth obscured the gains in infrastructure, industrial production, and financial markets occurring north of the Mason-Dixon line, a fact that the war would unmask for all to see.
It literally says the opposite, you mongoloid. It says that the North had far more infrastructure, industry and financial markets before the War even started and that the sheer gulf between North and South only became apparent ("unmasked") during the War.

Stop embarrassing yourself.

See above. Stop embarrasing yourself. Trying to slip in the last word by not quoting me and hoping you go unnoticed only tells me how triggered you are, by the way.

>the North being more industrial than the South means it was an Industrial society

Ah yes which is why Moldova is a rich country because its GDP per capita is higher than Kenya's

Love that backpedalling though. Do some more.

I've literally been saying that white the north was more urban and industrial compared to the south, it was still rural and industrial. You have the memory of a goldfish.

>rural and agrarian
Nigel you really don't know what you're talking about
Read a book about the economy of the US during the civil war
Telling people about their countries just makes you look like a moron, especially considering you have no sources to back anything up

The entire argument is that while the north was more industrial than the south it was still largely an agrarian society

The British

He's either the bottom of the barrel in Britain or a Southerners with a VPN LARPing as a Brit. Nobody except Southerners could be this stupid.

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I’m literally a Southerner you yank. kys

Both, the south because of slavery, the north because of entering the war because of secession, instead of letting the south secede and then invading it to free the slaves. Slavery is wrong, secession is a-okay.

>the north because of entering the war because of secession
Pretty sure it was because they attacked a Union fort

The only acceptable answer.

They attacked Fort Sumter which was in South Carolina.

A Union fort in the harbor of the most important port for the South.

The fort still belonged to the Union and was garrisoned by Southern men who weren't traitorous snakes :)

The conflict was long abrewing, which side fired the first shot didn't make much of a difference to the motives and convictions.

>Britain has forts in the bumfuck Northwest territory
>Yanks throw a fit
>Union occupies a fort in the most important southern port
>reeeeee muh Southern chimpout

Shouldn't have chimped out over slavery then
You should thank us for ending it, otherwise the South would be majority black

Slavery would have eventually waned on its own

Attached: The Civil War.png (1864x4327, 1.11M)

When would it have ended though? Because the black population was booming until slavery ended. It quadrupled in 60 years from 1800 to 1860.