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What about you, CHI?

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I'm pretty sure that if things don't change for the better inside a few years I might as well try to make myself as comfy as possible and ride the neet train for good.

did you read those books yet?

I fear things will only get worse
i'm a master now

I found a HUGE archive of my Russian camwhore's old videos
I've spent the last week jerking it to her like several times a day non stop
But I see her now and I just don't find her as attractive anymore ; she was WAY qter when she first started compared to now. Also she's gotten some tattoos recently which I find ugly on girls.
I think I'm officially over her, but I feel so empty without a waifu to obsess over
I am without a reason to better myself

nice, at least you aren't spending your money on her anymore

How do i get a CHI gf?

$50 at any mexican truck stop

Yeah money wise I'm doing better.
I made $3k back of the money I lost from stock market crashes but I'm still another $3k short of my all time high.

take a trip to mexico

how are those goals of yours coming along?


Spring has finally picked up for good here. Consistently over 10C and at times almost 15c. Barely any snow left.

End yourself you piece of shit

nice, looking forward to any spring activities
stop being rude

Not really but I might start taking walks at some point, it's atleast nicer to be outside when it's a little warm and there is light outside.

it's been forever since i've been outside

I gave up on them completely


You could take a short-ish walk to some place near you even if it's just a shop, a park or something someday.

I'm getting less viewers. Must be the nice weather outside.

Also hi /chi/.

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Hello. What have you been playing/streaming lately?

AC4: Black Flag

I've only played 2 but everyone says that it's the best one so I haven't bothered with the rest. The ship fighting in black flag seems interesting though.

i haven't been on a long walk since i was in school
maybe the game you're playing doesn't attract people

Maybe a walk to some place near you once a blue moon would be good

It's fun. The pirateships parts is kinda like Sid Meier's Pirates! if you know that game. The story is kinda the same as the rest and the outside animus parts are boring. Overal it's great fun to play.
Probably doesn't help I'm talking Dutch during an older game.

leaving my house is a challenge now a days
maybe thats it

need more data please

Don't know any newer games that I like and haven't streamed already. I already completed GTA 5, so doing that again would be weird.

If you haven't left the house for a long time it's understandable. Having a reason (even if it's something as simple as going into the shop) helps a lot to go out. Don't push yourself but if you do decide to go out for a little while try to go someplace near and just go back home fairly quickly and see how you feel about it.

play online
i get a lot of anxiety just thinking about going out

I might do that. Just need some friends now to play with.

Probably end up with some randos. Thanks for the tips. I'm going to bed.

If you think it'd do more harm than good then you of course shouldn't do something like that. Finland really would be the country for you with the neetbucks and plenty of people who are in the same boat. America seems to be a terrible country to be a neet, I hope things get better or at the very least won't become worse for you. Anyways i'm off to bed, good night.

goodnight user

the culture shock would probably be really strong any ways goodnight