How do Japs even reproduce?

How do Japs even reproduce?

Attached: 1490920113620.webm (720x372, 2.87M)

benis in bagina

What the fuck is going on in this webm

watch their porn.

it's an opener to a porn scene
it is a full length movie in which the av actress will have sex acts with multiple strangers (only real male porn star gets penetration ofc) mostly hand jerks or bjs

t. knower

name of said porno?

Tiny house is symbol of Japanese phsycial traits
Everything Tiny in Japan

no idea

Why do you think there are so many Japanese tourists going to places like Brazil?

I've been waiting for island monkey lady to start puking all over that small room but it didn't happen
shit video

That makes an awful lot of sense, now that I think about it.


New race unblocked Asiatic mutt

How do Finns even reproduce?

Attached: finnish bus stop.jpg (555x333, 52K)

By not being sexually inept

Attached: promiscuity.jpg (400x589, 58K)

>Japanese tourists
male or female?

Why does it matter? It’s Brazil. They’re both going for the men either way.

brazil is just a meme, it's pushed as a country full of something it isn't just like many others

Sixteen replies and no one has gone for the easy "They don't" reply yet?


I just want to know


No stats

They don't on a large scale, that's why their economy is suffering and have a growing number of ghost towns these days.

There is a handful of Japanese males and females that are Alpha Rapists.
The Alpha male will sire many children with cute high school girls or lonely milfs, eventually he will become an ugly old man and will take a high schooler for his wife but still fuck others in the side.
The Alpha female will find a weak male and take him for her wife, she will laze about at home while he becomes a salaryman.
He will come home and cook for her while she drinks, when she is drunk and full she has her way with him eventually producing a son for her to have sex with too.

These individuals are produce when an Alpha male successfully rapes an Alpha Female.
The Japanese species is a curious one.

Alpha females don't exist. Women always date up on a social ladder.

I refuse to believe that Japan is any different in that regard


I demand this porn title
And name of porn actress right now

I have a PHD in the study if the Japanese species and a masters in the JAV subspecies.
I think I know what I am talking about, the Japanese Alpha female exists but are hard to spot, they look identical to the non Alpha variant but the difference is they have a beta male earning a wage for them or cooking at home for them.

She has been BLACKED

No more for you to know

Please i need to know because i have to


Japan should just import me.

I have 28 years of pent up virginity, I can sire many children on their women and reverse their population decline.

it's kinda incredible that french and italians can be so sexual with their media and yet be more reserved than americans.