Basural Thread

Post Your Maduros!

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Shouldn't it be "basura"?
He looks like he's supposed to be a character on some Mexican sitcom.

He did nothing wrong

Why is he wearing a gas station suit

Attached: 134537.jpg (827x515, 56K)

Nicolaz Maduro:
Les daré una lección a los peleles del imperialismo, (presidente de Argentina, Mauricio) Macri, (presidente de Brasil, Michel) Temer y (presidente de Colombia, Juan Manuel) Santos, saldrán derrotados y pasarán al basural de la historia.

Attached: Presidente-Maduro-770x533.jpg (770x533, 41K)

he looks so god damn goofy
why isn't he starring in a sitcom

Multiplicar los panes y los penes...

Attached: Venezuela.jpg (620x465, 33K)

Basural: Trash place, accumulation of trash.
The PSUV has a pretty catchy anthem IMHO.

Attached: 1512095056371.jpg (1280x720, 311K)

He made his own sitcom
"La Hora de La Salsa"

Attached: nicolás-maduro-bailando-salsa-900x506.jpg (451x505, 62K)

He is a jew who keep the oil price intact as the US fed wants.

my dad likes maduro. He is also an illegal immigrant, a truck driver (but no license) and looks like him though

Post pics Please

Attached: Maduro-comiendo-cambur.jpg (800x533, 63K)

Is your dad perhaps Nicolas Maduro in disguise?

chicanos de mierda

Attached: giv bak coast.jpg (700x466, 65K)

he looks like maduro but shorter

not much to see

Henri Falcon, Neoliberal Hero

Attached: henri_falcon.jpg (800x480, 61K)

You can tell him what to be for Halloween!

>Steal the look this Mayday!

Attached: 1524041415079.jpg (1404x1200, 666K)

How do I profit off the collapse of the Venezuelan economy?

Based Maduro
Didn't he say he saw Jesus Christ in the metro tunnels?

Que onda putitos como andan?

This is your brain on seseo

>Invest in Maduro Memes

Attached: Maduro-venezuela_2754611b.jpg (1280x720, 296K)

Buy some of their hyper devaluated money.
Then wait for their retard leader to be overthrown and for their money to regain its value.

What about buying their coast?

Attached: Libro-Mar_LRZIMA20170525_0040_11.jpg (474x553, 41K)