Oriental Thread

Not invited: Occidentals and Australs

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Funny that you cut entire russian cities in half.

Found it on the web.
Imho everything west of the Urals and the Indus river valley is Western

>Middle East
>Eastern World

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Look here

why do you make this thread ?

Hello, I live in Asia

Bolivia and Perú are weird, I don't know if they are westers



>Imho everything west of the Urals and the Indus river valley is Western

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Hello my oriental fellow

This thread is so oriental, I enjoy QUITE A LOT

Don't make me bring out the Enormous Woman Nuke Senor Chang.

How do you keep from killing yourself in the frozen wasteland?

No fap

I'd just want to kill myself more in that case.

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I'd like to order some asian girls.

You don't get it, you must be under 20, or even 15

how are we western
>not individualistic
>not anglo or germanic
>not succesfull

I'm 21.

Guess I'm just higher test than you. Or do more drugs.

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Restraining from fapping has nothing to do with high test, it's more about self–control.

Costa del Sol is pretty much Swedish these days. Iberia used to be Visigoth clay too so you are by extension a Swedish territory.

I'm not familiar with the concept.

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>every culture outside of south east asia is the same hehe :)
the absolute narcissism

that explains why we're so damn liberal

Of course not

Are we diluted gook?

Piotr, it’s based on the distribution of Abrahamic religions vs other religions. In other words, you are occidental if you’re cucked by desert cults especially like Poland and you are oriental if you aren’t.

No because you were historically Catholic and you still are culturally.

More like accidentals. Mixing with homo erectus was a mistake.