Federalized Europe

>federalized Europe

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>in order to remain globally relevant we must unite and become one big country
>t. romanian, polish, greek etc.

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>I believe in nations as a real thing

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Europe should be subdivided in regional administrations.
>Iberian Administration
>Scandinavian administration
>Baltic administration

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>we must unite and become one big country

nah, just a federation of countries. not one big country.

>implying there is a difference

federation would be like Germany
one country would be like France

Federation is like US with it's different states where as one country mean a highly centralized country like France.

Neither is something "Europe" should become

United we stand
Divided we fall

This. In a globalized world we either stand on our own or become bitches to US, Russia and China. :O

>federalized europe

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Nice try Adolph

New Zealand is EVROPEAN. We should join the EVROPEAN UVNVN

This. Every_fucking_time

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>united we stand
Yeah, that's the thing. We are neither united nor uniteable. EU is just a scam of big EU countries *cough Germany *cough to exert control over small countries and their economic policies.

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a federation is a country. you're thinking of an union, like the european union.

You must be pretty delusional if you think that a land-locked country like Czech Republic would be better off without the EU

The only good part of the EU is the free movement and trade. The rest is centralist cancer that's 100% unnecessary and only serves the EU elite and the individual countries that push it.

care to elaborate what exactly you mean by "the rest"?

Federalize now!

Homogenizing, subsidies, common currency.

How would you have a single market without homogenization?


Necessary for the single markets to actually work

>in order to remain relevant we should become irrelevant provinces of a bureaucratic behemoth dominated by Germany

Germany also will be a province in the power structure of a federalized EU

Why are people talking about relevancy? It's about survival in a globalized world.

Why? It's the companies' business what they are selling and the customer's what he's buying. If the product doesn't meet the safety criteria, ban import. But otherwise it's not any government's business.

federalisation is just a matter of time.
youre blind if you cant see it coming.

for example, Germany could bully Czech republic by made up regulations that hinder Czech products from entering the German market

Sure but the same would happen to German products and German-owned companies on Czech soil.

>the country with the largest economy and population will be on the same footing as Malta and Bulgaria
Just like it is now in the EU

And that would prevent free trade.
That is why homogenization is necessary in a single market

Look at USA. Sure, California or texas might be more important than Alabama, but all of them are states with the same legal rights

>that would prevent free trade
Then why was the free trade agreement signed in the first place when one party didn't have the intention of actually making it work?

I'm looking at the EU now, and I see regulations that are never upheld against the larger states and others that are created to protect their interests

intentions change, people in power change
That is why a structure like EU is needed to keep the single market alive

The problem is that EU doesn't really have an institution that could challenge France or Germany.
Unlike USA, where the federal government can challenge Texas and California

>intentions change, people in power change
Trade deals stay the same if they are beneficial for both parties. Besides, EU can be a tool for bullying countries just as well, see milk, sugar and whatnot quotas.

Why would a federal government act against the interest of the big businesses (which are mostly German) and of the largest single electoral group (which would be Germans)? Or you think that magically people would stop giving a fuck about their selfish interests out of humanitarian spirit?

>Trade deals stay the same if they are beneficial for both parties.
So you want an enviroment where trade deals can be cancelled whenever one of the parties wants that?

Yes. It means putting a lot of trust into national politicians but I trust those a teensy bit more than supranational politicians.