Every time I go outside and some class full of 8 year olds walks by it's 85%+ brown and black kids. On top of that...

Every time I go outside and some class full of 8 year olds walks by it's 85%+ brown and black kids. On top of that, around 50% of women I see age 30-40 are walking tents with children circling them as well.

Belgian tax dollars are going them, I am working to sustain their child support/welfare/. (WE ARE LITERALLY RANK 1 IN TERMS OF TAXES AT 40.7%!).

Which European country has low taxes and immigrants? Preferably not a cold country. Switzerland? Austria? Czech Republic?

I was already planning on moving out of this country, but everytime I see this shit I want to leave even faster!

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where do you live m8? I was in Ghent a couple of months ago and to my greatest surprise, most of the school aged kids were blonde and blue eyed

I've been to Brussels last year and goddamn: the memes are real

Don't laugh, this is serious business

Yeah, Ghent, Leuven is fine. Anywhere but Antwerp/Brussels and some other places in Wallonia are largely white. But Antwerp/Brussels are by far the most populated areas in Belgium. Also it's not 40 or 50 year old immigrants I see, it's kids and women with loads of kids. I live in Antwerp.

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This is what you wanted wasn't it?

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i think it's funny how obvious how fucked we are yet everyone ignores it and think it will all be alright cause some countries are banning burqa and shit. we're getting replaced

The Netherlands banned the burqa, but I've never seen anyone wearing one before the ban went into effect.

Only in Vienna i've seen people wearing them.

Wanna do some Molenbeek safari? Ik ben vrij als ge wil ;)

there are a couple here, even in my 30k town. our politicians are discussing a ban as we speak

Technically it's only banned in public buildings, public transport, hospitals, schools and so on. And you will lose your welfare (because you can't get a job dressed as a pinguin).

No economic immigrants should be allowed into the country imo, I can accept (real) temporary refugees who are in real danger and meanwhile you can still aid other countries without fucking up the country

ik neem de ak47 mee

Waarom? Molenbeek is toch mooie hé

>I can accept (real) temporary refugees who are in real danger

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>eurofags unironically get emotional and enraged at the sight of a brown person

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skin tone is not the same, grug don't like

Cumm to Bugaria
10% texes
mani hwite children

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We need work camps

It is 55% brown/black here

close up every country
no inmigration
allow trade only relationship
tightly regulated tourism

world peace the next day

Get out of my country, subhuman.

You have to kick out the brownies that already got in though.

grug can see future, grug sees future whites will be majority, grug also see many brown people embrace barbaric culture

both bulgaria and hungary seem like nice countries

i see more than 1 brown person, i assure you of that

i don't think we need to be soulless japanese insects though, they'd just let people die at their border without a care

zeker, en al die kebabshops! de multicul is zo mooi

I mean minority of course

>western """"""""Europe""""""""

>unironically using racism to justify feeding parasitic shitskins

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Your entire continent is getting BLACKED wh*Te boi

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If your country goes to shit you wouldn't want another country accepting you? There's a difference between economic migrants and actual refugees by the way. 80% of immigrants coming into Europe right now are coming because it went around like a wildfire around those parts that we were accepting them.

I know it's a meme, but this isn't the point of my post. Matter of fact is simply that immigrants get twice as many kids as natives do, that's the problem.

>I was already planning on moving out of this country, but everytime I see this shit I want to leave even faster!

4 euros voor frietjes+ sandwich+ cola, lekker en goedkoop

No not really, and if I did I would go go Sweden, Estonia or somewthing of the like not fucking UAE or the Philippines
Just face it, your faggotry enables this wildfire

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the whole world will get blacked friend. the african population will explode in the next decades.

all the first world will get millions of imigrant. the only way to stop it is to help those very poor countries.

>the only way to stop it is to help those very poor countries.

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To cut all help you mean. International aid created the population boom.

Islam and Africans will dominate the earth

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Go Slovakia/Czech republic. You will love it here.