Western women obsessed with Japanese and Korean men

The popularity of kpop, jpop and media from these countries affect young western women and shape their taste in men.
I've been told by many white women that they only date men from these countries.
Why isn't int talking about this?
Many women dream of moving to Japan or South korea to find love with a man from there.
It is an epidemic.
It is like the obsession western men have had with asian women for decades but this time it's western women obsessed with asian men.

Attached: japanese men.jpg (1652x592, 315K)

What're you doing in Malmö? Takeshi?

I am not Takeshi, I am oppressed white man deprived of my women because they are obsessed with Takeshi.
Takeshi is ruining my life.

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>I've been told by many white women that they only date men from these countries.
Literally never heard anyone say anything like this.

>Why isn't int talking about this?
Because almost all of us are men, not women.

If you talk to women who like kpop or jpop they will tell you this everytime without fail.

>*blocks your path*
>The tables has turned, wh*tey.
What do

Attached: asian_hunk_by_maxmusclemorpher-d58w0av.jpg (348x425, 48K)

I want Chinese communist husband


beg him to leave some women for me
I have a little sister that posts on int in jp thread to find a boyfriend

Åk hem, Cheng.

I think that's Korean men that are becoming popular

Well, it would be a good thing for Asian diasporas and it has nothing to do with us

What the fuck are you talking about? It's not even a quarter true, I flirted with some random roasties on Californian coast and got BTFO so hard that considered suicide in the hotel

It is common, you simply must find the right kind of woman.
There are thousands of them on twitter for example

or the comment section of BTS youtube videos

I'm baffled at the amount of people that haven't noticed this asian guy craze.


Gangnam style was like 10 years ago, get over it.

I see nothing strange in this. White men obsessed with japanese and korean girls, of course white women do the same and want eastern men.
But if honestly i dont think it's very common thing. Eastern men are too little for white women.

Not meming. If you're Asian and you really want a white gf. Go move to a small town where there's a non-existent Asian population.

I used to live in a small town of ~25,000 and there were literally no Asians around and white girls would be a lot more open to dating me because I was worlds different to the copy/paste white country boys there.

In big cities it's still possible because of just the large number of potential gfs out there and you're bound to bump into one who's into Asian guys. But in the small town it was almost effortless.

yeah that's right wytebois, we're coming

First the Southern European Casanovas.
Next the refugees from Africa and Middle East.
Now, the Asian menace.

Is Sweden the cuck capital of the world?

>Japanese """""men"""""

Attached: 1519438817887.gif (232x297, 105K)

>pot calling the kettle black

Many women dream of moving to Japan or South korea to find love with a man with 9 cm benis from there.

We are the purest of the white races, now that Europe has fallen to the savages and refugees.

That's true. People that use interpals can notice that. French girls are all obsessed with koreans. Even saw one redhead already with Korean bf
