What, if anything, is my deck missing?

What, if anything, is my deck missing?

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those look like fakes, and if its that obvious through sleeves and low resolution they must be terrible up close


>power 9s outside their sealed container
How to spot fakes

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I like it OP


Where are the Egyptian god cards? Those female fighters look lame as fuck

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Who cares if printed cardboard is fake or "real", you dumb faggots?

get to my level stasislet

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Can't compete in official tournaments with fakes. Also fakes are for poors

LOL can pretty much end this thread with that

if it's fake its worth nothing, if it's real its worth money.

Nice dog man

The only format that matters is modern, retard.

your dog is so disappointed in your hobbies

wanna buy some fake gold you absolute brainlet

First it's totally wrong and second what is the link with the answer he gave you?

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it's not my dog because it's not my cards to begin with... i'm way too poor to afford even a single card from this 200k deck. feelsbadman to have to larp as a rih magic player

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why would anyone play such a boring deck


I like the cards that combine to make a voltron thing, that seems pretty cool

two ancestral recalls?
get your mana drains
REB and STP maindeck?
if thats actually a deck, not enough blue cards to pay for misdirection and force of wills imo

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you'd be surprised, a buddy of mine has been collecting for 20+ years, and has so much, literally keeps his power in a tin box of unsorted cards. He's also immediately recognized at most tournaments by vendors, artists and players so not at all "all talk".

it's missing a cohesive theme/strategy. Is it a control deck or a beat down deck? And most of your control is ineffective against a non-creature deck.