
/middle east south france/
"Why was the last thread deleted?" edishaan

btw nerds keep posting your coin/paper money collectables it's very nice to see a shared hobby

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Why was it deleted? :(

Second for Daily reminder to fear Allah.


i'm almost certain someone reported the tunisian user for the masturbate post

I dont want anyone to be like me poonisian

Which fucking thread is it now?

Sousse in Tunisia

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Definitely it was because of my last post.

fuckin snowflake people and janitors just close your eyes and leave if it offends you.

its ruining the confyness

I don’t get it what did you post «offensive»?
And why would your post make the whole thread deleted?

Here's the beautiful Saint Louis Cathedral in Carthage. Saint Louis (King Louis IX of France) attempted to conquer Tunis on the Eighth Crusade, in 1270 AD, with his army camped on the ruins of Carthage, but got sick and died there.

oops sorry

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>fearing God
I will never understand this. Why fear god when he's the one responsible for everything good that happens to you?

The inside is ugly as hell desu

Janitor is an obsessed faggot

>South France
>niqab picture
Are you islamists diaspora even aware of being Jow Forumstards

اتقي اللّه = Fear Allah
Because you can't really say "piety Allah" and don't sound like a retard while doing it.

I can't read moonrunes

I want to visit Our Lady of Africa so badly tbhwy
are you the french diaspora?

Its a lost in translation thing user, i didn't mean fear as in terror or something, it has something to do with how piety is translated from Arabic to English.

Also sad that a tuni bro can't read Arabic.

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I can read it sometimes but only with accents

That's ok really, at least you can read it.

I heard some morro can girl tell me I should fear him too. It's not just a matter of translation

She got angry when I said god is my friend and I shouldn't fear such a great friend.


Are you really a frenchie or what ?
and i thought i said it ironically

Call me Baba

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It's a nice sentiment you have there user, keep it.
Nonetheless its wise to fear the wrath of Allah and his power. To forget that; Allah can get angry with you is an invitation for sin to creep into your life.
Any way i'm sure i'm not the most knowledgeable man to speak of such aspects of Allah.
I'll cease my babbling now.

religion can be very good at scaring people desu

The only one I fear is God and his Judgement

That's exactly what i said user.

Preach my brother, we need to purify this general

Ramadan soon

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so you are the poster called cyril

Hello frends

Really? Wow. Do people use french in Tunisia more than Arabic?

I disagree with that vocabulary, God could be disappointed in you, but who even are you to think you can make him angry?

As for sins, I am a sinner but god is merciful and know what kind of person I am. I know he disapprove of this but I know he's aware of my goodness and faith.

True, we need to get rid of all that Islam task and get back to this general's roots. Gay anime posting

What have you heard about me Habibi?
Only good things I hope

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good luck! :)


Nice digits ,nazifaggot

you should bow to your Muslim overlords

I didnt hear anything except that izem mentioned your name when you posted weeks ago

are you a grill btw ?


What do you think about Egyptian Christians user? Asl awel mara ashof masri we motashaded fe deen lol.

Its during exams, I will do my best to have a maximum of days but I think i will miss a lot of days


he's a french immigrant

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I didn't grew up in Tunisia and never took the time to learn Arabic.
You'll find written French close to everywhere (except anything legal) and a good amount of cafés and restaurants use French instead of Arabic on their menus.

Hello sweetie

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>are you a grill
Attention whoring by telling your gender is bad,so I won't answer that question.


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PAJEET what was the "walking liberty" coin again because that same design is used for silver bullion coins

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so you are tunisian but never lived much here so you didnt learn to speak tunisian or arabic ?

so kawaii '-'


Been here for three years, I do speak Tunisian but I can't read it at all.
French born, raised and proud

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Ohnonononono user

>englishtafsir.com/Quran/13/index.html Ayat no. 6 user,
Yes Allah IS merciful, however never EVER indulge in sins, Remember the hadith of Al rassul :


Sin user is in the nature of man, however to not seek forgiveness, to just go on like nothing happened and believing that Allah will NEVER punish you because you are a believer or you absolutely believe in his mercy......it's just bad thinking user.

Lemme just thew this out for thought; if Allah is truly your friend, if you truly love him why would you disappoint him?

Finally, i merely ask for you to reflect on what i listed here.

Don't care really, they are humans so am i so why should i treat them differently?
>implying i'm a motshaded
top kek

arent you gender fluid?

>Attention whoring by telling your gender is bad,so I won't answer that question.
no one will care if you're guy. everyone however will be thirsty for you if you are. so you are female. therefore open bobs

Tunisa was a colony of Italy right so why do you speak Fr*nch was it a French colony beforehand?

I knew this Italian American girl she had a picture of her grandparents in a house in Tunis

>French born, raised and proud
may i ask why? i wish my grandparents had never left maghreb to settle here tbqh...

please leave Marseille

What made you ramp up your homoness cryril?

So you are ehtnically french right ? just want to make sure

>Tunisia was a colony of italy
>cant even make a 5sec google search

>absolute state of americans and their education

a7es enak motashaded asl betetkalem keteer 3an el islam we keda.

هو أنت من الجماعة المؤمنين نيك و بيروحوا على موقع معظمه أباحي و أنمي؟

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no offence intended but this is a very stupid question

Nah, I do think gender character is a social construct but I'm not gender fluid or anything.
Just bi

Tunisia never was an Italian colony, it was a French protectorate. There was a huge Italian community living here though since we're neighbors but most left during wwii and the following years.

I don't say it's good to indulge in sins, just that I'm a sinner. Also I don't give any value to hadiths

Because I'm totally integrated, like France and feel French?
Identity is a cultural construction and I feel both French and Tunisian , don't see why I wouldn't be proud of what I am.

>ethnically French
This means nothing since ethnies from the métropole are already very different. But to answer your question, both of my parents are Tunisian

What makes you say so?

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You're not french retard, you're a sandnignog

بتكلم عن الدين عشان في ناس بتناقشني في الدين يا غبي
دة على اساس الفيس بوك مفيش فية بورن و لا يوتيوب ولا تويتر ، دة هنا على الاقل احسن عشان في موديراشين

>don't give any value to hadiths

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>both of my parents are Tunisian
Oh great, i thought you'd be a frenchie for real

but what do you present yourself as tunisian or french ?

>Because I'm totally integrated, like France and feel French?
I think integration can't work when the frenchies are never going to see children of immigrants as legitimately french, desu

Mona? Is that you?

أنا راجل يا جدع

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Various reasons

1: the Quran is the perfect and complete word of god, so the hadiths are unneeded at best, blasphemous at worst
2: the hadiths authenticity can be questioned
3: even if they're considered sahih, they are modified by the ones who wrote them
4: even if they weren't modified, the prophet is just a man, he's able of doing mistakes and also lived in a specific era

I feel 100% both.
But I present myself as French since I'm more French than Tunisian (culture wise).

Here in Tunisia though, I don' to say to people I'm French unless they ask about my accent or my lack of knowledge towards some Tunisian things. Not because I hide it, but because I don't see the need to bring it up.

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>يا غبي
tab leh keda
>بتكلم عن الدين عشان في ناس بتناقشني في الدين
enta badi el thread bet2ool "Reminder to fear Allah"

Bas seebak men kool dah. Howa enta 3ayesh fen fe masr? Fi el delta?

And how is egypt? I haven't been there for quite sometime but I hate it here in KSA since there's barely anything to do + discrimination.

Well I never ever suffered of racism desu, and the only people who said they don't see me as a French were losers online and tunisians. So I think you can't generalize what you just said

Then even if it was like you say, my identity is my problem, idgaf what others can think.

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Alright, and how about the french ?
at first sight do they consider you french ?
and the french who know you, do they consider you french ?

Didnt your parents think about teaching you even a bit about tunisian culture ?...

well good for you but my experience so far is very different tbqh

I never felt foreign in France and people never questioned me being French.

My parents did teach me about Tunisian culture, hence why I do feel 100% Tunisian. They just never taught me Arabic as a kid because I was too lazy for that. By Tunisian things I don't know I'm thinking about cultural references like chof li al etc

I feel for you bro, but I never had those problems, maybe because my family is upper middle class or maybe it's just because you're unlucky.

عدم المؤاخذة يا صاحبي بـBantz بس معاك
وعلى فكرة انا بادء الثريد بتذكير بربنا فقط مش بتناقش

انا من القاهرة ، من المطرية ، السعودية فقيعة يا انون بس احسن مادياً من مصر ، العيشة دلوقتي في مصر وحشة الا اذا كان ابوك مليونير .

user you *cannot* disregard hadith just like that, let me remind you that the 5 daily prayers were taught by Allah to the prophet, most of the Ahkam of the religion was taught by the prophet to us through the hadith, most of the daily routine of muslims were taught to the muslims by the prophet by the ahadith.

Again i urge you to take my words into consideration.

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Disprove any of my points then.

Especially the 1st one.

Hadith are more traidtion than religion

user, the Koran was delivered by the prophet, the messenger of Allah, as great and perfect as it is it doesn't contain the minute details necessary when making proper judgement of day to day issues, those things were left to be clarified by the prophet through the sunna and ahadith.

To disregard the ahadith is to literally cut away half of the religion. For example The zakat, Allah demanded that we pay zakat, however the prophet told us which items to pay zakat for and how much we needed to pay.

Hijra /soon/


I can't wait to go visit Algeria again desu

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>I cant' wait to do literally nothing in the most boring place in earth

I think there's more interacation available with the environment in a low budget korean mmo than in algeria

i'm visiting my grandparents and cousins, retard

syrian sakso for 20 liras. anyone?

Are you really Turk

why don't you have a halal girlfriend yet user?

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i hope they die

i hope you die too

don't know why you are so full of hate user desu

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>doesn't contain the minute details necessary
It is complete, it's written black on white. Saying the sunna is half the religion is pure blasphemy.

>zakat example
This is how the prophet (if his words weren't altered) saw it. If god thought it needed to be exactly this way it would have been written in the Quran.
Also as the prophet is just a man, he can't predict how the world would become and his own words weren't intended to last for centuries.

You should read again and think more instead of living on what you've been taught.

i fucking lost it at 2:20 kek

lost it again at 4:05 haha

Wtf was he smoking and thinking when he made this

What is this crap? Why the hell all those nafris have the same haircut?

nafris are mostly, excuse my language, ugly as fuck

Those are called Algerians my dude

i'm glad i don't look like the typical algerian tbqh

You are from DZ?

I was born in France, but my parents and grandparents came from Algeria and Morocco

Because Normalfags are carbon based copies of each other

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He is either a self hating person, the larper larping or the supposed frenchie trying to bait us

don't be too hard on me, shitposting and baiting make me feel better

You have a french flag, go bully /fr/
First time i see someone baiting his own people...

Last time i tried the frenchies ended up coming here to take revenge anyways

Yeah most of them are trigger happy and easily baited whiners.

i posted this last time i did, got two of them for a while

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ugly wh*Toids

PMF walla La Marsa?

The Brotherhood of the Freret