Give me at least one reason why you are not taking care of your body health and diet
This is an investment into your future self
Give me at least one reason why you are not taking care of your body health and diet
This is an investment into your future self
That’s the one thing I’m taking care of though. I just needa job
I eat Chipotle everyday does that count
i'm lazy piece of shit
Fuck that shit. What are you lazy about
any more pics of this goddess?
fuck you
>pretty lady
>my health
because i'm addicted to cigarettes
Speak for yourself fatty.
I lift 4x a week, bike more than drive, and eat a diet exclusively of unprocessed whole grains, veggies, fruits, nuts, beans/legumes, chicken breasts and fish, and small amounts of cheese and healthy oils to get enough calories.
Shes not a goddess. Just a vain teenage cunt that will get fat in 10 years.
>Not Moe's
Why are you so mad??
I’m lazy
gettin' over here faggot
you're so gay, we're not talking about having kids and marrying her lmao. How can someone be this bitter?
Very nice. How much?
I exercise and eat healthy but drink too much, I just love booze.
U get the guacamole tho?
lip injections - disgusting
Insta whores cost $250k per week.
disgusting white whore, why not post a pure asian qt?
Not as good looking in her other pics desu. Scroll down for while and ops pic will pop up.
>Dando looked at the tongues of his fat and normal-weight mice. Under the fatty diet, he found the taste buds were withering. "The obese ones have about 25 percent fewer taste buds," he says. Taste buds are structures on the tongue made up of about 100 cells and, when the mice got fat, Dando says the older cells were dying off more quickly and being replaced with new, young cells more slowly.
Fatties can't taste shit. That's why they have to smother everything in fat/salt/sugar
Lol no
Maybe 50
Tag the sponsor dot com
i'd let her ride my tongue like a pogo stick
Almost perfect.
>staring at pics of yourself
stupid sexy slut
living is gay af
my future self is guaranteed to die so it doesn't seem worthwhile
Because i'm not motivated
I do meth
And I always go back to drugs even after quitting
goes to gym 4 times a week > trains each muscles once a week only
what a waste of time user. you never gonna make it, unless youre on the juice
>smother everything in fat/salt/sugar
>implying fat and salt are bad
Corn lobby plz.
she's hot as fuck, what are you, gay?
I have only understood this in the past 6 months user. I have not reached my end goal yet, but I'm getting close. My body fat is way down, I have a bit of muscle (not jacked, but getting lean), and I feel great.
I wish all other anons good luck in their pursuit of a healthy life.
your body is a depreciating asset
>tfw food and masturbation are the only two twings in life that make you feel alive
If I won't be able to eat cheetos and pizza I might as well kill myself. Exercise is too much effort, too. Only if my waifu became real would I become a health nut, just for her.
oh silly user, when will you learn? Waifus are real, you just have to find them at your local cons.
>not taking care of yourself just incase your waifu becomes real
I want to die and eating badly and not exercising is the tastiest path there.
I mean a "real" waifu. Not your normalfag bastardised nu-waifu meaning.
>How can someone be this bitter?
Hello newfag
She's a 12/10 you fag.
because im 20 and nothing i do or eat makes me feel bad or gain weight
You realize that some of those hot asf girls are more autistic than even you.
You forgot to reply to me "newfag" I know people are bitter on here but for a second I thought I misclicked and was on Jow Forums
Na I just get 2 bowls everyday one chicken one steak with pretty much everything but guac
she looks expensive
They only want Chad. LOL @ gymcels who give up so much of their life and money trying to get Jow Forums only for Stacy to give a blowjob to Chad in the backseat of his car after he slayed beer and nachos with guac
because i hate myself dumbass
this chad meme needs to end
Do you even cyborg body
bro splits a shit
How much links for the succ
Let's bring back that Rando bullshit that was a thing on Jow Forums for 48 hours after XLM mooned a little.
i've a major sleep disorder and arthritis. i really miss the days when i used to be able to lift and hit the gym almost every day. pretty suicidal atm
I don't get the reference. Does Jow Forums like (or not like?) tattoos? Huh?
Tats on women are gay