American education is bad

>american education is bad.
Asian Americans including even the dumb ones like flips and bengalis performed better than Koreans the best at pisa.
''''white''' american mutts performed better than most European countries

Attached: pisa1.jpg (780x499, 50K)

>better than most european countries
Wow, being better than Albania and Moldova is surely a great achievement

Are you blind. Only few white countries are ahead of american whites. Italy is lower for example

Attached: 58471001ba6eb6d3008b7bf9-750-1038.png (750x1038, 474K)

>if I exclude all those groups we are almost as good as those countries where I didn't exclude groups that drag them down

In fact your "white" mutts are even below or just the same as our lowest scoring Bundesland

blue is native German only, you can't compete

Attached: germany-2006-pisa-results-migrants-vs-natives.jpg (330x578, 153K)

You didn't get my point. I am not saying we are better. I am just saying that if american schools were really terrible asian Americans would be worse than asians and white Americans would be worse than all Europeans and latino americans would be worse than mexicans. But they aren't thanks to american education


At this point in time our fellow Americans and other Jow Forumstards will come in and say "HURRR NIGGERS AND SPICS DRAG DOWN OUR STATS!".

And while that is partially true. Everyone should also remember that someone has to clean the toilets, deliver the mail, or do the job intelligent Asians/Whites/Latinos/Blacks don't want to do. As such, don't hate on them too much. America and capitalism is designed for the smart to rule over the dumb. If everyone is smart and high IQ you'll just end up like Japan where everyone is two-faced, academic competition is insane, and in the end people end up as NEETS and you'll have to import migrants or use robots to fill the jobs no one wants to do.

Attached: chairman prison school thinking question.jpg (525x503, 57K)

here is mroe recent data

Attached: Education in Germany.png (1788x1278, 316K)

Attached: 1464461988408.gif (350x233, 348K)

I am not a Jow Forumstard. I just think that American education doesn't deserve its bad rep. It's not that bad and it's not hard and it's not stressful torture
Not that far from us. Im sure our good states are close to your good states.

Don't Asian-Americans practice sitting standardised tests when other races are playing competitive sport?

Trumps wife's mother and father were chain migration allowed into USA. And Trump foam's at the mouth about Mexicans and chain migration.

t. asian american

>zu geringe Anzahl

Don't listen to Asian Americans are more likely to practice SAT and subsequent AP examinations as to appear better on college applications.

However they aren't only studying 24/7 like kids in Japan or else where in East Asia would since exams are only a small fraction of admissions in the states. Many Asians actually do sports or band/orchestra after school because being well rounded is more important to American college admissions than just grades & test scores.

A kid that was captain or vice-captain of a sports team (tennis or cross-country) and being part of school clubs having 3.8GPA will probably beat out a guy with no extracurricular activities and 4.0GPA

academics is for drones and the weak-minded who needs to follow orders. that's why they want potential students to complete bullshit 'extracurriculars' and take useless elective courses. post secondary degrees are all a sham to try and round up those type of drone-like people who can be controlled easily by point systems like gpa and grades. if you haven't caught onto it midway and dropped out then you're a brainlet

The vast majority of 1st gen Mexicans immigrated to the US illegally, Trump’s family came here completely within compliance of the country’s laws. Illegals getting amnestied inviting more illegals who then get amnestied again who then invite family members in to the US using family connections that were gifted to them despite breaking laws to get here is an exploitation of the grace of amnesty.

>And while that is partially true. Everyone should also remember that someone has to clean the toilets, deliver the mail, or do the job intelligent Asians/Whites/Latinos/Blacks don't want to do. As such, don't hate on them too much. America and capitalism is designed for the smart to rule over the dumb
I can walk to the projects here in NYC and prove why that's wrong. Those morons aren't cleaning shit and are a net drain. Each project has to have it's own police substation and their kids usually repeat all of this. Illegals and H.S. are the ones cleaning.

>The vast majority of 1st gen Mexicans immigrated to the US illegally

>Asian Americans are more likely to practice SAT and subsequent AP examinations as to appear better on college applications.
>However they aren't only studying 24/7 like kids
They still study a fuck ton more than whites. I didn't study for the SAT and received a 660 English and 700 Math which is much higher than Asians I know who reviewed like mad.