Oi m8 wheres your fokin straw license?

>Oi m8 wheres your fokin straw license?

Attached: god save.png (1296x576, 200K)

I wonder if there's a point where you just have to pull your head out of your ass.

Even Poland is a better country to live in than britshitistan

i'm assuming it's for the environment?

They should introduce mandatory 5 times per day pray though

>britbongs use 200 cotton buds per year per person
How? Why?

Yeah its to do with plastic pollution. We're also trying to get rid of coffee cups that you can't recycle by 2020

There is literally nothing wrong with this. Straws are pointless. If you absolutely need a sippy cup, buy a reusable straw.

Who fucking needs a straw? Only faggots use it

It's because of the plastic, not the items themselves. Same way the carrier bag charge worked in reducing waste and driving toward alternatives.