Fucking sweltering edition
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Reading Wheel of Time lads. Think I might finish just in time to die.
Remember to give your pets lots of water lads
I forgot to water my goldfish and my dad said he moved back to the ocean :/
It feels about 5 degrees warmer than it actually is. This weather is very strange.
Is it me or has the limit on girls' height before they're thought of as intimidatingly large gone up since the 2000s?
5'9 is the new 5'7, 6'1 is the new 5'10, 6'3 is the new 6'0
Not complaining desu.
I can't say that I pay attention to those sort of things.
Why not?
Why would I notice something like that in the first place?
I polled brit lads.
>ask retards what they think of something
>they pick the retarded option
no surprise there
Might go get some beer in a while. I usually get myself some Corona, I've had Guinness and Budweiser before and got used to both of them. Anything different, any more interesting kinds of beer to try out apart from expensive craft beer?
Are you 12?
Are you a faggot? I'm 18. Excuse me if I never got into underage drinking because I wasn't popular in school.
Yes I am a faggot, I'm sorry you weren't popular in school
I usually buy "McGargles Dan's Double IPA" since it's 8% and 3 for €9 in some places but that's an expensive craft beer
What sort of thing were you hoping to get? There's nothing wrong with Corona if you like it
Apology accepted, I guess
I'm just trying to broaden my horizons by trying out new kinds of beer I suppose. I was thinking lager but I might like to try something different.
Umm well the West Indies Guinness is very nice if you want to try that though I guess it's a craft beer
You can get it in Lidl or Tescoes or Dunnes relatively cheaply
You'd be ahead of the author
Das rite wh*te boi.
Tesco do a pick and mix of craft beers, 4 for a tenner. Go grab some random ones and see what you like. I'd recommend trying some brands of Weissbier if you haven't already.
Should I keep the seat cover lads? What do you think
Seat cover for what? I guess they're handy so if you think you might need later then I'd keep it
Ended up just getting Budweiser anyway Maybe I'll try out the craft beer next time. It's nice having a refreshing cold beer on a hot day such as this, to be sure.
lads the weather the it is it feels like spain or france or italy
How much did you get?
8 cans
Looks terrible. You can tell it's just a photo of a wolf put through a filter.
How many are you going to drink today?
Haven't really decided yet, maybe all 8.
Well enjoy them!
Might put on panties and a skirt
might beat the dog
>28 degrees
>nobody around until tuesday
How do we make Finland as powerful as Luxembourg?
Thinking I might like to go out and talk to the neighbours, who I've never met despite living in the same house for the last 14 years, would that be odd?
Feel like getting beer so early in the day was a mistake. I'm on my third can now, if I drink them all now I'll get drunk really quickly and will have to get sober while awake, but if I wait I'll be craving them and will still become more sober than I currently am during that time.
Might go and kiss and hug my dog, if he'll let me :rollseyes:
what will you talk about?
The weather, I suppose.
It's always a bad idea to get drunk in the middle of the way. You should probably stop at 3 so the come down won't be too bad.
what will you say?
it's fierce mild is a favourite of mine, but its fucking balti right now
Probably something like "Crazy hot today, isn't it?"
Though at the moment it seems to just be kids out at the moment, I think I'll be called a pedophile and the kids will tell me to feck off if I do go out and try to talk to them.
Any of you lads up to anything? I'm listening to David Bowie- Diamond Dogs and shall soon be watching Star Trek TNG
Hey lads, is pay weekly or monthly in Ireland? Also, and rent/bills wise, is a 25k€/year job enough to live in some small commuter town 20mn away from Cork? I don't party or smoke and spend very little or unnecessary stuff.
>pay weekly or monthly in Ireland?
Think it depends on the job, it can be either. Not sure about the other bit.
Because you would look at females?
I like females.
Would you know about Dublin? Also, considering I won't use electricity for anything other than shower, fridge and computer, what should I expect in terms of - is it yearly? - bills? I'm really trying hard to set up a budget but it's quite difficult when it's the first time moving abroad.
I guess it's over 10 degrees celsius?
Try "wheat beer" aka "weissbier".
>and shall soon be watching Star Trek TNG
It's not good
Actually enjoying the warm weather for a change, which is strange for me.
Pity about the wasps and such, though I haven't encountered any yet. Afraid one might fly in the window to me.
>Should I keep the seat cover lads?
Don't think so desu, but it's up to you.
Where are you from? What's your story?
>is pay weekly or monthly in Ireland
Depends on the company. Does it really matter?
>is a 25k€/year job enough to live in some small commuter town 20mn away from Cork
Electricity is cheap
TNG has the most bad episodes
Picard is a mary sue
Riker is boring
Data is a budget spock
The rest of the main cast are boring
Most episodes get solved by Picard doing something arbitrary and everyone lives happily ever after
>jealous of no North Atlantic Drift to keep them warm in the winter
DeLUXe boats.
Data and Worf are good, but other than the episodes that focus on them the only kino I remember is the time travelling episode, which they went and ruined in terms of continuity afterwards anyway.
>Where are you from?
>What's your story?
I'm about to graduate from college and I got a few job offers in Ireland, and since I love the country - weather is comfy af - I thought it'd be an interesting idea to try moving here for a little while. I'm posting with an Irish flag because I'm visiting the gf.
>Does it really matter?
Not really, I was just being curious. Are you from around Cork by the way? I've only been to County Gaillimh, Maigh Eo and ofc Dublin so I don't really know what to expect.
Nice. What about car insurance and related taxes? I know gas is cheaper than in France, and I also know you have to pay for a road tax + NCT for 5+ years cars. But considering I'm a foreigner + young driver, will insurances demand insane amounts of money?
>The Democratic Party in the US has filed a lawsuit against Russia, President Donald Trump's campaign and WikiLeaks, charging that they conspired to disrupt the 2016 US presidential election.
>The party alleges in the federal lawsuit in Manhattan that top Trump campaign officials conspired with the Russian government and its military spy agency to hurt Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and influence the election for Mr Trump by hacking Democratic Party computers.
>muh ebil russian hackermen hacked le election
>muh conspiracy
Star Trek Deep Space Nine is good
Data is far more interesting than Spock
TNG had some pure kino episodes, such as Cause and Effect, A Fistful of Datas and Ship in a Bottle
>Yank politics
Don't care but the Trump crowd obviously have something to hide in relation to Russia. Even the number of people he has had to fire in relation to it kind of gives it away.
Funny to watch him sperg out on Twitter every time someone goes on a crusader against him or some sort of new evidence or controversy emerges, like with Comey this week.
Car insurance is really expensive here, especially for young makes, maybe try and have your car insurance from France switched to here
Loading up Stellaris now after all this Star Trek talk.
Voyager was my favourite, even though every two-part episode there was utter shite.
The problem is that if I stay abroad for more than 6 months, I will be considered an expat according to French law, therefore I have to insure my car and get a registration plate in Ireland. I'm already getting ripped off here though, I pay 1300€/year for some 75hp 1.4L cheap car from 2012... Would I have to pay more than that here?
Yes extremely. Knowing your neighbours is distinctly un-Irish.
"Modern" Irish, aka west brit.
>west brit
That's not how that works.
Sorry kiddo. Truth is, the game was rigged from the start.
I think you probably would, insurance here is very expensive
It depends on what age you are?
Have you tried any online quotes here?
I'd say it's more the other way round, the West Brits are usually the ones grounded in tradition and customs from centuries past so would probably place a lot of stock in knowing their neighbours.
To some extent, but in my mind "west brit" as a slur only applies to people who think they're Irish/behaving Irishly, when all they are is dessicated mentally colonised consumerist bugmen.
Everyone knows the rich prots, the freestaters, the "middlemen" all stick together, and have done since the 19th century at least.
Uhh no, knowing your neighbours is very Irish
My neighbour brings me down bread and the other one is the parish priest who is on good terms with my father
>It depends on what age you are?
20, they're going to extort me.
>Have you tried any online quotes here?
I got a quote from chill.ie, is that site legit? It told me I'd have to pay 2.5k€, ouch.
Yeah that site is legit, maybe try a few others
You could always... maybe not bother with insurance...
Rotten cunt.
>You could always... maybe not bother with insurance...
Wait, is that even legal to do that in Ireland?
It's very little Englander as well where in rural communities everyone is expected to show face in the village pub, the church and community hall.
It was an actual argument used in Brexit among older Tory voters who complained foreigners were moving in and not participating in those typical British staples which made them feel uneasy towards having neighbours they knew little about.
No and checkpoints are common for those things, particularly if you're in a commuter area.
No but it's a fucking rip off and I'd rather you weren't ripped off
Oh no, Brits breathe air, that means breathing air must be completely un-Irish!
>I'd rather you weren't ripped off
>I'd rather you lose your license
The Simpsons in Ireland is on Sky One
Every "Simpsons go somewhere" episode after New York was totally worthless.
I agree, that was my point in response to the suggestion how neighbourly you are reflects on Irishness or Britishness
Alright then I won't risk it, all the more that I've never driven on the left - wrong :^) - side of the road before.
Thanks for caring, mate, but heh, I don't have much of a choice, and hopefully I won't get involved in any crashes and they'll give me discounts as years go by. I know absolutely no one in the Cork area, do you have any tips or info that could come in handy regarding life there in general?
>I know absolutely no one in the Cork area, do you have any tips or info that could come in handy regarding life there in general?
Get used to the accent.
Avicii found dead, wonder what happened
Being a celebrity one would guess drugs.
Has he even released any songs in the last couple of years?
>found dead in Oman
Boom boom boys at it again?
Literally who?
Drugs or suicide.
>Has he even released any songs in the last couple of years?
None I was aware of at least. He was huge for a while a few years ago with Levels and Wake me up but seemed to have faded after that.
>She's too tall.
Just lay her flat.
Then she'd be too long.
>Wake me up
>tfw the as Gaeilge version was superior