HBG - Housing Bubble General

Sales of detached homes in and around Canada’s biggest city fell 46 per cent in March from the same month a year ago, while the average price fell 17 per cent to $1.01 million, according to data released Wednesday by the Toronto Real Estate Board. That dragged down the average selling prices for all housing types by 14 per cent from a year earlier to $784,558, the biggest drop since 1991.

When will it all come crashing down Jow Forums?

How is the market in your area?

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from January 2000 to July 2006, during Bush NWO leader's Housing Bubble, home prices surged 900%

Avg price of house around 1998 before globalisation and free-trade went full swing
>$180k in NYC (boros)
>$170k in SF
>$150k in LA
>$120k in DC
>$140k in Sydney
>$120k in Melbourne
>$140k in Toronto
>$130k in Vancouver
>£50k in London

Avg price of house after 2004 massive free-trade/open-borders
>$800k in NYC (boros)
>$1m in SF
>$600k in LA
>$500k in DC
>$900k in Sydney
>$700k in Melbourne
>$600k in Toronto
>$1m in Vancouver
>£1m in London
before free trade:
>domestic production of goods
>goods were affordable and of high quality
>lowest cost of living
>affordable housing (house costs only 2 times the annual salary)
>90% white

after free trade:
>homeless/opiod/suicide epidemic/white genocide
>highest cost of living
>unaffordable housing (10-20 times the annual salary)
>plummeting life expectance
>shit quality products that kill you
>millions of illegal shitskin locusts invading and killing whites

wow a cuckshed in a pajeet filled shitty suburb only costs 800k?

whatever will those poor boomers do

Living in the great state of California here. Average rents in my Northern LA area are north of 1200 (shithole studio) to 1800 (2bd townhome normie area) and are rising every year lately. Average starter home is going for anywhere from 350k (Shitty condo) to 500k (starter home from the 60s). The prices only go up from there and the whole cities infrastructure is being built up more every month. We will be just as bad as the major metros (Seattle, SF, NY) very soon and young buyers are largely priced or already.

Fingers crossed for that news article to say “Los Angeles” instead of “Toronto” in the future.

who gives a fuck about race, and I'm white male btw. Stick to the economics if you want to better understand what's happening

Late 1990s:
>White Canadians were a 90%+ majority until the 2000s and Canada was conservative, no LGBTQ+ bullshit
>All of a sudden, start seeing Africans, Muslims, Pakis, Chinks, etc everywhere
>Multiculturalism expands to hyper levels, every school/university/work place/govt agency starts ramming diversity down our throats
>House prices start accelerating
>Wages start decreasing
Fast Forward 2017
>Toronto 30% white
>Vancouver Syrian Refugees 24/7 on TV/news
>White people can't find work, it's all non-whites getting jobs
>Average house price is $1M+ while salaries are 50K-60K max
>Refugees driving BMW and Mercedes
>Most Universities have non-white majorities
>Whites down to 65-68%
>Whites will be Nobody really knows why this is happening so fast, govt always touts (((250-300k))) "reasonable" immigration a year
>But nobody has ever heard of a white person immigrating in the last 20 years
>Turns out Canada is letting in 750K on permanent residency a year via various immigration schemes not publicized
>Canada lets in 1.2M a year on "temporary immigration" that's 10 year work/live visas that lead to citizenship that aren't even counted in public statistics
>Turns out secret GBA+ (Gender Based Analysis Plus) program is forced down every govt decision maker including immigration officers to discriminate against straight whites
>Turns out 97% of immigrants are poor non-whites
>Turns out there is a secret organization called the Metropolis Project that holds an annual conference of 1,000+ govt bureaucrats with the sole objective of letting in as many poor non-white migrants a year
>Turns out this organization started in 1996, around the time of the change
>Turns out George Soros started and funded the Metropolis Project through his Open Societies Foundation
>govt passed M-103 anti-Islamophobia motion, setting road to criminalize any criticism of migration policy
You are here.


What's happening is third world non white nations overpopulated themselves into poverty and now they're unabashedly doing it in white nations.

Ausfag here. Jelly that you Yanks can buy a nice house for under 200k in a nice place

My m8s bought a Sydney house in 2000 for $175,000, they just sold it for $1,930,000 at auction, chinese buyer who had a translator bidding for him.

>The boomer is trying to sell his home.
>Dump it.
>He's getting a Mexican landscaper to prop up the value.
>Deport him, build the wall.
>The boomer is trying to get a new job. He's walking in.
>Tell him online applications only.
>He's attempting the firm handshake.
>Sweaty palms, wet fish.
>He's looking online for jobs which will take a high school diploma.
>Pump all requirements to a PhD minimum.
>He's thinking about voting for the other guy the next time.
>Make both parties the same.
>He's watching handegg to calm his nerves.
>Make everyone kneel.
>He's trying to hang himself.
>Activate NAFTA protocol. Load Hecho En Mexico.
>The rope snapped.

forgot to mention.
the house next door to me just sold for over $2million at auction and the guy who bought it was a chinese business man who had a translator bidding for him
my neighbors who sold up said the agents told them the guy never inspected the house, just came iin last second and outbidded everyone
was like 100 people at the auction as well.
chinese guy just kept outbidding every single other buyer instantly

what in the fuck

It's called money laundering.

Its a problem in all 'International Cities'. London, New York, Bay Area, Vancouver, Sydney, Melbourne, Singapore, Hong Kong etc. We're in the middle of a phase where the people who hold all the capital are reclaiming back the gains the middle class made in the last century. Workers rights are being wound back, police forces and state surveillance are being beefed up, and wealth/ownership is being concentrated back into the hands of the 1%.

In Australia, rich Chinese people who are sponsored by their government come here to buy property. Both houses in the cities, and land in the outback. They're a massive reason as to why the average house in Sydney is now more expensive than London.

This graduate engineer at my work is Chinese. His parents bought him a house and another house for a rental property which will be used one day for the parents to retire when they migrate from China.

This guy is in his early 20s and had 2 houses and a good career. Most Aussies will spend a life time buying a house if they are "lucky".

Our government sold us out

It's better than having the money in yuan.

surely this means a crash is imminent?

no need to inspect the house if it's a tear down. also, he's a resident of Australia if he could buy a property that wasn't new.

Or the prices were inflated way beyond their actual worth. Sound familiar?

Top Kek

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thats what they have been saying since 2000s.

the gook bubble hasnt popped for 2 decades.
we are propping up their bubble. as long as we have trade, we will continue to create millions of gook millionaires each year who will keep increasing the bubble.


Chinks buy up entire streets at a time and never inspect. They are blatantly draining us economically.


>Chinese are buying home overseas to send their kids.
>They bought up Sydney and Vancouver
>Moving to cheaper cities: Houston, Orlando, Seattle, even Pattaya
>Wheat farmer bought $half million apartment in Sydney, plans to buy 5 more
>Single male bought a $2.4 million house for his future child.

What do Jow Forums?
No foreign ownership ban because "That's racist"
No immigration control because "That's racist".
Won't belong before houses anywhere are over $1 million.

We are fucked, it's a useless country and I'm starting to see how little our own leaders look at us.

keep preaching. Race card is a strong political tool

>>Foreign non-residents are no longer able to own any share of existing real estate properties (unless, in some cases, the existing home will be their primary residence, where rental is prohibited) and they must seek approval from the FIRB to buy new dwellings or vacant land for development. Foreign investors who break the rules can face up to three years in jail or a fine of $127,500. Individual real estate agents who help a foreign buyer circumvent the system can be fined up to $42,500, while companies could be hit with a $212,500 fine.

non-resident foreigners are restricted to new builds. unless they have a residence permit.

not inspecting means it's a tear down, no need to inspect if it's going to get demolished right? but non-resident foreigners are not allowed to buy any residential property unless it's already build new.

No, these ants aren't what they tell you.

they aren't middle class workers escaping. they are corporate drones who were tasked with the mission of invading

they come here and are given a big fucking budget for 1 of these tasks
1. buy a house
2. settle in and buy out locals
3. produce, market and deliver heroin

1. will come here and dress like a millionaire. in reality he is about as wealthy as a paramedic in his country. His job is to buy out entire streets, boulevards and blocks no matter the cost. This will be done in teams to avoid suspicion

1 "sells" these houses to every other ant,
2 is a professional. his job is buying and selling property across the city. technically a business owner. is allowed to keep some profits but returns a portion back to the main country with routine trips across the year usually monthly. any child he or she has goes with them to make sure they understand their loyalties.

3. I don't need to explain the fucking correlation between the consumption and production of heroin in Vancouver and the amount of chinks. they are not just smothering us economically. they are poisoning us.

I remember heroin exploding in Seattle in 2014 and 2015 and an article in a Vancouver newspaper about the appearance of fentanyl on cargo ships bound from China


>t. someone that has only lived in a sheltered society
Enjoy one day living behind an electrified, barbed-wire fence with 0 trust and constant tension about whether today is the day you're going to watch your dog be gutted and your family tortured with your balls taped-shut in your mouth.

The new age of war is using mass immigration disguised as humanitarian aid or lawful seizure and to utilize oppression as just one political tool in the arsenal to advance conquest.

You should post sources you fucking double nigger I don't trust anything you post.

When our entire industries went off to China (((they))) told us we'd be a 'smart goy' economy. We're just a bitch whore economy.

locusts swarming our real estate is how we get back some of the money we gave them to buy the things they make that we once made. It is called trade.

China will not conquer by war. They will abuse American politics by mass shipping immigrants and calling whites racist if they dare say anything (see Canada), eventually the immigrants will overpower the native population and thats when the war has been lost.

Chinese money is already subverting the US. They don't have to fight in an actual legitimate armed conflict and in fact, it's stupid to do so. Sun Tsu say: wise man let stupid goy fight each other, then you finish them off while they down. The chinese wage war the same way the jew does--through subversion, deceit and treachery. The USA will be too busy in civil collapse to be bothered by China.

Chinese are secretly buying up everything they can under the radar and nobody calls them out and if it does break news its forgotten.

Economical warfare at its finest.

because ww3 started a while ago.. its economic.. who controls the money destroys their opponent. actual wars are crisis actors testing out billion dollar industries and technologies at tax payer expenses.

There is virtually no reason for China to ever war with the West when they could just important millions of thousands of Chinese a year and gradually colonize it ethnically.
Why on Earth would you economically impair a nation that will be yours in 100 or 200 years? That's not a good investment.


If you don't think this is happening now, and if you don't think this will intensify over the following decades, you are stuck in an historical mindset at odds with how contemporary politics play out.

kek Im right here in Toronto. Average conversation when out with the team focuses on "muh house" and "what du Im gunno do". These are 80k+ software engineers btw. Fuckers got greedy and now they're crying, fuck them



What am I gonna do

Oh no no no

Toronto housing connnnnnnnnekt

This is a good thing. Nearly all toronto property was bought by chinks. Looks like their scam didn't call for ww3 and they're exiting.

It's even worse in Canada now. All those pennies we saved buying Chinese shit came to bite us in the ass big time. They played the long game brilliantly.

bubble will never burst as long as you have asiatic locusts (poojeeets inclusive).
asiatic locusts got a pool of billions to smuggle into white cunts and rent out bathrooms and closets to their locust clones.
a million dollar investment in a house is easily recovered by packing 200 locusts in and extracting $400/month from each
its an entire asiatic locust pyramid on the back of white resources

someone in an auspol thread posted a horrifying red pill about how overleveraged australian banks are, they've taken most of their mortgage portfolio as being "risk free" so their capital ratio (average across the big 4) is roughly 1%. basel III capital requirements is between 8-10% from memory

You tried.

Wiaitng on the same thing to happen to Aus aswell. All the faggot boomers and mollenials who think it's a safe bet kek

My sides lad well played

Why would I want to Google every claim you make? If you want people to read your ramblings post sources for your stats fags

as much as i despite boomers i dont want to see the millienials that put in a shit tonne of effort to buy property in this overheated market get JUSTed. they dont deserve to get screwed over t b h

OK I'll bite. Whats your proof that the Metropolis Project is behind this. That seems interesting but its no smoking gun from what I'm seeing on the wiki tbqh

Ah fuck I should have sold my dad's house at the peak.

Prices are already going down. Bubble is bursting there too

Fucking underrated post

>Canada lets in 1.2M a year on "temporary immigration" that's 10 year work/live visas that lead to citizenship that aren't even counted in public statistics
I have a gf in the US I want to bring into Canada and I tried researching how to do it.
She doesn't want to go to school (her tuition would be expensive too), so she can't get in that way.
Her work doesn't qualify her for a NAFTA work permit.
She can come for 4 months max with a tourist visa but can't work and that doesn't lead to permanent residence.
We could get married but I think it takes a year after filing the paperwork before you can immigrate with it. I don't want to be married and assraped by Family Courts down the road either.

How can she become a "temporary immigrate", where she can work/live here for 10 years and get citizenship? Does she have to get work lined up that no other Canadian can do?

There is definitely a problem with china trying to take over our shit here in white countries. Every single auction you go to chinks can easily make up 80% of the people bidding (with the rest being poos), completely fucking up our market for young white families trying to buy a home in their own cunts

There's shops and restaurants that have everything written in ching chong. Not even alongside English text, they have shops just for their people. And that's not even the worst part; they're literally buying locals out of the housing market. How can any expect to buy a house in the city when it costs over $1m to buy a shit heap shack.

walk around in any neighborhood (former white) and the property boards are written in Mandarin

It's 90-95% asian without exaggeration and these are just the suburbs I know.

>tfw listening to asians haggling

She gotta give Trudeau the succ, them's Canadian laws.

He can't keep getting away with this that son of a bitch

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Are there even any real Australians left in this country any more?
I am currently selling stuff on ebay and I swear every buyer has some sort of chink or curry name.
I am trying to buy a car too, and every ad on gumtree has a foreign name as the contact person.
The cities in my country is now a colony of China. The gooks have literally taken over.
I don't want to buy a car that stinks of curry and worse, sold by some foreigner whose honesty I can't trust.

I really feel bad, the last time I went for a jog, I only met poos and chinese, spot the aussie game is real.
All the kindergartens are full of poo and chinese and other asians, I never see a white child.

it's over. we lost. have you been to a well off inner city school lately? In Melbourne the children are 95% Asian at the school my wife's son goes to. Not even exaggerating.

Where are the fucking Australians in this country?
What are the real immigration numbers? Because I swear they are much higher than what gets reported.

Western countries need to wake up. We are being invaded and out-bred by foreign shitskins and our future and that of our children is imperilled.

Wow I envy them. I'm a white male software engineer in the bay area making 150K+ per year and I can not afford a house here. Down payment for a 600 sqft shack here is 200K+, and you compete against Chinese all cash buyers. I rent a house in the wealth part of the city with a bunch of roommates. Its owned by a wealthy Taiwanese man who lives out of country. Most of the houses on my street are owned by asians who live out of country.

Foreign investment is also prevalent here. A lot of people were angry about "muh tech gentrification" a couple years back but then people realized it wasn't techies inflating the home prices, it was foreign, all-cash buyers.

This thread has made me think about Australia and our housing bubble. When house prices are so insanely high and the average person will spend all of their life paying for housing of one or two bedrooms, family formation becomes impossible and a population decline is inevitable.

All these people living in cages, they will never have families of their own. Surely australia's population must be collapsing in the younger generations

>gooks pimping out white real estate assets back to whites and enslaving them in the process
enjoy your 1000 yr enslavement to the yellow peril

Well, on the bright side we are breeding all their women. WMAF relationships are very very common here, much to the chagrin of the local white she-boons.

Seppos also earn $4/hr in those "nice places" so it kinda cancels out

Kinda a loop hole here. Real estate firms buy and own the property.

Guess who doesn't own a house in NYC, SF, LA, Sydney, Vancouver, London, etc...

also I'm white and my gf is white, pls help

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Holy shit. You've gone full retard.

Very kike response.

>falling for the Maoist hapa breeding program to eradicate whites

In a long conversation that stretched way past midnight at Mao’s residence on February 17, 1973, the cigar-chomping Chinese leader referred to the dismal trade between the two countries, saying China is mongoloid and a “very poor country” and “what we have in excess is millions of mongoloid women.”

> He first suggested sending “thousands” of mongoloid women but as an afterthought proposed “10 million,” drawing laughter from White Maoists at the meeting, also attended by Chinese premier Zhou Enlai.

> Kissinger, who was President Richard Nixon’s national security advisor at that time, told Mao that the United States had no “quotas” or “tariffs” for mongoloid women


Thats how china have been conquering their enemies for millenia. Dont fight, breed them out. There are like what 10 million men in australia. Well promote chinese women immigration, send a million over 10-20 years, give those stralians a waifu instead of starting a war, within 100 years majority of population will be mixed chinese/asians

All of our politicians are in the back pockets of China.

the hapa mutts will be the good goy slaves to the pure breed yellow peril masters

>preggo her eggo
>she spawns in canada
> baby a cannuck

or you can start a shell business and employ her as a seasonal. sanctuary cities are a thing

or she can legally change her name to chong chang poojeeeta

nothing he said is wrong though

>also I'm white and my gf is white
unfortunately this disqualifies you

For all the hubblub, Canada actually has stricter immigration laws than the US. It's called the points system.

If somebody is coming here from a first world nation, they have show they are valuable either through net worth or job skills. The other option is to have existing family already in Canada.

But, look at temporary resident status. Maybe live with your partner to see if it's a forever thing.

>implying China would be colonizing the planet without the help of US and Nixon/R'feller since the 70s
Rockefeller/Nixon literally created superpower China and the US continued to transfer the wealth and future of the west to China
would china be what it is today solely based on china's abilities and without western transfer of wealth and technology?

US is China's greatest ally. if it was not for the US, China would still be a country based on subsistence farming.
US literally created superpower China...
Nixon/Rockefeller birthed superpower China and the US continued to transfer the wealth and future of the west to China
china would not be what it is today solely based on china's abilities and without western transfer of wealth and technology

China's rise was due to a transfer of wealth from the west.

>murica transfer of wealth/technology/industry to poor rural china
>murica create power strong china
>murica claim a strong china a problem
>murica plans on fighting strong china with totalitarian TTP eroding more citizen rights
>not creating a scapegoat to implement totalitarianism

the power brokers transferred:
-literally all the financial funds of US workers to China,
-transferred technology and jobs to China
-hyperinflated the housing so that only the Chinese (recipients of western funds) could afford the housing

the transfer of funds was done involuntarily without the consent of the owners of the funds
the power brokers took western funds sitting in banks and invested all of that in China.

all that wealth transfer was from your pockets. the private funds in bank accounts, the housing assets, the jobs, all transferred by corporate USA without your agreement...

By about the year 2000 Communist China will be a “superpower” built by American technology and skill
-Sutton 1980

"America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones"

Nope, just live in downtown Toronto, doing well, have a great job that I love, and don't have an insane paranoia of da gays or da colours. If you really think house prices went up because of them, or you can't get a job because you are white, you'll never make it. Literally the exact same thing as when black people say they can't get job because they are black. Maybe it's just you.

Housing prices are up because of foreign buyers who pay in cash. The foreign buyer's tax is going to send them all to Quebec. They are folks who never even come to Toronto.

>If somebody is coming here from a first world nation, they have show they are valuable either through net worth or job skills

which really makes no sense considering they let in third-worlders in droves who lack any real skill or wealth and then they take up all the lower and entry-level middle class jobs.

I'd rather they just open the borders to all the first world nations completely instead of seeing all these fucking filipinos and hindus working at every gas station, pizza place, and manufacturing company

This guy is obsessed with brown people, but some of what he says is true.

Governments need poor disadvantaged people to justify themselves. If they can appear like the champions of minorities and poor people they can justify taxing you more to give them benefits while keeping their cut.

The thing is in a society where people are doing well the government is less needed and shrinks. But if you bring loads of poor immigrants the government suddenly has a reason to get bigger.

Politicians will never let go an opportunity to make the government bigger.

Why aren't people smart enough? Buy land while it's cheap. They are literally selling land in Detroit for 200 bucks a pop.
This is your chance to be a business magnate Jow Forums

>The thing is in a society where people are doing well the government is less needed and shrinks. But if you bring loads of poor immigrants the government suddenly has a reason to get bigger.

bingo! plus the vast majority of immigrants vote liberal (since liberal government is what enables their handouts) so they're essentially importing votes.

I don't think we'll see a Conservative government in Canada again for 20-30 more years

Why would you want to live in that nigger shithole? You're just asking to get robbed or even shot in Niggertown Detroit

chink here, you can blame us for that. my family alone owns 50 properties/apartment complex's/business parks spread across california, canada and australia. my aunt has something like 250k/year worth of empty properties she just sits on. I'm already working for a large firm called flextronic in the bay area but am already being left with 5 properties to rent out/manage. feels good. so sorry wh*toids but know that I have had many beaners and niggers evicted and sued and lives destroyed because they are such lazy flakes.

How is Canada gonna vote Conservative again in 20-30 if the browns are breeding like rats and the whites are not having babies? lmao

you suck! jealous poor snownigger dalit.


>be stupid snownigger store owner of 3 Subways.
>be franchisee of the year for region.
>be Indian Masterrace
>become Subway Development Agents changed and with in 14 months
> force dumb snownigger to sell all 3 locations because white dalit was all of a sudden considered a bad operator (All the while, snownniger stores out performed the market)
>In a period of 14 months Indian master race flip over 40 stores in our Southern California Market .
>All were forced to sell due to "compliance" issues. Most of the stores were above market average.
>The new Subway Development Agent, the Marwaha Group, in its role of Development Agent has the responsibility to do the Compliance Inspections.
>immediate Indian Masterrace Family members were the only approved "buyers" in the 40 locations that flipped.
>Subway Development Agent, the Marwaha Group
>Marwaha Group


Being this dumb. That is New York in the 80s. You're betting on the chance it doesnt stay that way forever.

It's what North America has always done though. Like, look at Italy, Scotland, and Ireland. People who immigrated from there are the modern definition of white, first world people, but a few centuries ago, they were not. Even in the EU, people from Portugal are looked down upon a bit for stealing jobs. It's hard to police what qualifies.

I actually like fairly strict immigration. I think bringing down to race is usually just a way for racist dumbfucks to have a scapegoat for their problems.

>enjoy your 1000 yr enslavement to the yellow peril
b-but muh trade wars against China are bad! We need to continue outsourcing manufacturing and resource production and give them all of the leverage and cash flow until we lose everything to newly rich Chink millionaires. That's how capitalism wins

Most of Scandinavia has very strict immigration and are very white, yet their governments spend more per capita and tax more than anything in the west.

How did New York manage to do it then? Because if I go buy land for "$200 a pop" in Detroit, chances are good I'm gonna get robbed, shot or have a BBC lodged deep into my asshole long dick style.

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Don't really blame you, the blame goes to cuck politicians and quislings.

You're missing the point he's trying to make (not saying it will happen or not), this is like buying low and selling high but in housing standards. Owning the land doesn't mean you have to live on it or be near it, you simply wait for it to appreciate in value over time as Detroit hopefully deals with the nigger problem.

Oh yeah forgot about babby, that would work. Didn't think I wanted kids but now I have a reason to.
Shell business is a interesting idea, I'd have to look into it more, there must be some sort of loophole with that.
lold at changing the last name


Yea the immigration laws are a lot stricter than I expected when I actually looked at them.
Isn't the temp resident status the same thing you get when you travel to Canada as a tourist? That's something we've done a bit, was hoping for a long term solution though.

Yeah exactly, this is something I've been thinking about for awhile. Open borders between first world nations, like the Schengen Agreement, makes a lot of sense. Right now it's like we treat ally country's citizens and even our own citizens like enemies at the border, it's ridiculous.

Fuck this is too real

Land never depreciates. Land also never stays worthless because it's always in demand.
This is LITERALLY a real life game of monopoly. Don't you want to earn large plots of land. Or are you just too much of a Jow Forums brainlet?

fuck off snownigger. WE OWN ALL OF YOU.
all franchisee are now INDIAN

Indian masterrace Franchise Development Agents give favors to ouw own community and relatives, We own all the francises in US/Canada.
My clan has over 40 franchises in Southern Ontario alone
Brampton, Ontario is great for our businesses.


Funny you write this on a housing crash thread. Hmmm.


>Every indian masterrace have a large family farm or factory back home.
>All profits get put into cash and shipped over with various relatives to avoid taxes
>Never any paperwork
>Cash goes into the Hawala banking systems and is laundered to buy property
>Property is then "gifted" to family members to avoid more taxes
>Property then traded around family as dowrys avoiding even more tax.
>Always build a cuck shed at the bottom of the garden so they can bring more family members over to start again.
>dalit slaves bought over and never allowed to leave the house.
>women work their vagina out to spit out tons of kids for more "Security" and benefits.


If you've already done it for a bit, the temp status thing, and your gf showed they worked, made connections, basically built a life here, you've got a good start. Definitely look into an
immigration lawyer, they are worth every penny.

Prices of what?
Money, work or houses?

Indian Massterrace here. We OWN WHITE CUNTS. We have huge collective societies in which they loan each other money, as a group, to buy these stations. Usually it is someone fresh off the boat who applies to be a part of this collective for a percentage of the profits which go to this collective. In my area there are suburbs where all of the streets are named after Hindu masterrace. this is how we RULE white snowniggers. Our modus operandi is to force the original snownigger owners out, with money, and keep maybe one or two of the original "native" staff to make it seem like its still your local, neighborhood shop. You can recognize these shops by thier glass cases selling knives, drug paraphernalia, fidget spinners, incense. BOW DOWN SNOWNIGGERS. WE OWN YOU!

Alternatively just have her claim refugee status, if they question her race just say "we are all one race da hooman race, it's nothing but skin color" and the retards should give in because they're brainwashed plebians.

What kind of game of Monopoly has situations like "get robbed by niggers, pay $XXX"?

I don't know if Detroit will ever be able to deal with the nigger problem. I watched a documentary series on Netflix about the Flint Police Department. Flint is near Detroit. The Flint PD barely have any resources to fight crime. It is unbelievable. And the Flint city council doesn't want to give the Flint Police officers more resources to fight crime because Flint, Michigan is broke The funding for the city council budget comes from the taxpayers of Flint. How many taxpayers can you rub together in a city full of niggers? So Flint, Michigan has to have their hand out to the United States government. Michigan overall is fucking broke too so Michigan can't bail Flint or Detroit out. Too many niggers. The whites in Michigan don't wanna pay the police department tab to deal with the niggers in Michigan.

Whaha you fucking salty Jow Forums faggots.

>Be 26 year old engineer with a semi decent salary
>buy house for 290k euro in 2013 in Rotterdam at the height of the crisis in the Netherlands
>Sell the house start of 2017 for 456k euro (im not even joking) because I had to divorce the cunt I was living with. I couldnt buy the share of my cunt of a partner because the house price was insane.

Tfw not even 30 yet and made bank on stupid cunts that want to live in the city centers now all over the place. People buy blind properties while bidding +50k extra in the city centers in the Netherlands.

Me I moved to a very cheap but good appartment worth 140k just outside the center and I pay now 100 euro / month interest for my Mortgage. So basically I live for free now, my life is really on easy mode from now on. I will save up and after 3-4 years when everything comes crashing down and blood is flowing in the streets I buy again a better property --> rinse and repeat.

In New York its different because you still had plenty of well-to-do whites and kikes in Jew York City to begin with. You had a large tax base to draw from to invest in the NYPD and clean up the shit hole parts of NYC. How many white tax payers live in Detroit and Flint? Either the taxpayers in Michigan gotta pay up to bolster enforcement. Or the United States as a whole has gotta pay up.

Yea she visited for a few weeks a couple times but my understand was that she wasn't allowed to work during those times. Looking into it more she wouldn't have needed a visa during those visits, so I think the temp status is different. Will look into this more and talk with an immigration lawyer.

if only it was that easy

have a (you), nice bait

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To top it off, I plan to never sell this property offcourse, because it is dirt cheap. I pay it off as soon as possible in a few years (my mortgage does not allow rental of the property) and then start milking rent from people that can not afford to buy houses anymore at that time. Shit gon be gud

is this another one of those posts where the poster has zero perspective? seems like it

Yeah people are willing to pay the high prices for condos in cities because they want to be "near the action". So as long as I live near-ish to the amenities I need, who the fuck cares about hipster bars, restaurants and cupcake shops? So as long as I can get my grocery shopping done and be able to buy booze somewhere, literally no point in living walking distance from bars and restaurants. If you live near a supermarket, you have almost everything you need.

how long till the downturn happens and the yellow flight out of australias housing market happens?

Seeing a lot of promotional material and seminars on ‘migrate to australia’ or ‘invest in property in vacouver’ where i live. (Third world country with high number of chinese residents).

This will not last, banks are offering loans for these sort of investments and the government is cracking down on capital outflow as unsold units are on the rise locally, hinting at a bubble.

Free trade a shit. They’Ll understand this eventually.

This guy gets it, it is 100% true. Living in the center of a city is nightmare espescially if your job is not in the center, it is completly fucked with traffic most of the time. House prices are insane. Now I live in Schiedam, with the metro im within 10 minutes in the center of Rotterdam... but house prices are literally 40% of Rotterdam. I have much better connection to the highway too. Obviously the socio economic status of people here is generally lower(I swear 30% is polish workers, no joke), but more wealthy people will come swarming in here now because no one can afford or is willing to afford the ridicolous prices in the center of Rotterdam anymore.

>I'd rather they just open the borders to all the first world nations completely instead of seeing all these fucking filipinos and hindus working at every gas station, pizza place, and manufacturing company

what got us in this mess was globalist adventurism (just like we created USSR). so obviously, globalism should be trashed. china/india and the 3rd world should be quarantined. the 1st world seals itself off from asiatics and sets up a super block of western technological development and trade.

>how long till the downturn happens