the great train robbery edition
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alri lads
none of those cars are nissan gtrs
let's all rob a train
imagine how easy it would be to rob trains and stuff back in the olden days
>You can think that you absolute vandal. Decision is philosophically sound. It's like you were never graced by stoicism and the absolute distinction between what you can control and what you can't. Hairless is now something the middle-class man can control.
40 minutes until I finish toil, hit the legal overtime limit on tuesday night this week, have been on my knees BEGGING toilberg to let me work overtime but he said I've worked enough this week.
He's letting me have a weekend... and that's a bad thing.
The man, the legend, the Irish agricultural vehicle, the inspiration.
still looks thin mate, bet rooney's cost like 10 times more than yours as well lmao
Alan you're gonna be walking around looking like you wear a rug lmfao, some thai doctor is laughing straight to the bank