How Turko-Mongol-Tatar'd is Russia?

How much influence did being Tatar yoke left behind linguistically, culturally, customs, food etc.

Attached: russian flag.jpg (800x534, 75K)

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None. They just came here, picked up the money, fucked off.

genetic 10~15%
mentality 146%

Just enough to stand out of other Slavic languages
I think we were quite affected before 17-18 century, then we chose European route
Can't think of any
Cuisine-wise we share a lot with Central Asia

Source me up, pecheneg.

Attached: IMG_9612.jpg (2033x464, 245K)

The Mongols didn't really try to integrate with the locals like they did in China. They just swooped in and demanded tax every now and then, sometimes soldiers for the latest raid, and that's pretty much it. Particularly after Nogai died, they were very hands-off and just drained wealth. As a result they left little impact.

Tatars, being a tiny population, got SLAV'D if anything, and they still exist there in significant numbers.

Maybe you share something, tatar scum.

This reminds me of that one Russian who wrote a gigantic blog post about how the whole Mongol invasion was an elaborate conspiracy designed by the West.

Why mongolians themselves don't remember anything about their empire?

>he says while eating pelmeni and paying his bills with dengi(tenge)
Whatever, Sminem, you can deny it all day long, but you don't have to dig too deep to see this stuff

they do, Genghis Khan is their greatest hero.

>but what about Ukraine
Kek. I never say we have not tatar blood. We was part of Golden Horde as Russia. But Asian despotism is a characteristic feature only of the Russian state

Less than turkish influence on bulgars and quite less than arabian on spain. The reason is that Russia 100% hostile to tataro-islamic culture, the whole russian historical mythology built on fight against Golden Horde, russians learned to hate all tied to horde and turko-tatarian culture since childhood from historical books, movies, cartoons, it is not something obvious but it is in deep culture code.

Oh boy, you haven't seen the real despotism. Next time present sources to back up your shitty claims, you won't look like a subhuman.

White Russian GF now
*gives you brown eyes*

Attached: Golden_Horde_Uzbek.png (998x679, 115K)

>Oh boy, you haven't seen the real despotism

Good argument (actually not)

>Ukrainians talking about Russia

there are some loanwords from turkic languages, tho i think that hungarian for instance and volga finnougric languages have a larger percentage of turkic vocabulary.
not sure about influence in culture and customs, its hard to distinguish nowadays, i can only say that garments and stuff like having carpets on walls, tea drinking, some dough based dishes are inluenced by turkic people. not only turkics tho, finno ugrics have a very similar culture to russians, except some of them being pagans. caucasus people also influenced russians a lot, in music, culture, behaviour, clothing, but thats mostly southern russians and cossaks.

MMm, nice liar.

Minor influence. They were just take taxes. Later they told Russian princes to collect taxes for them. Most tatar influence was after *liberating* Kazan.

>coming from khokhol
You are even proud of looking like a Turkic. And whole your culture/mentality is chimping out and general state of lawlessness, anarchy and corruption.

Attached: C1yoXz6WIAE86Ls.jpg (663x359, 48K)

And what is the characteristic feature of Ukraine? Turkic nomadic lawlessness?