The bcash shills are back

>the bcash shills are back

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fuck em

>bcash shills
>theymos literally pays core shills on reddit and bitcointalk and censors any criticism of small blocks

imagine not buying this

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jeez dude give it a rest already. why would you imply that im a "core" shill?

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Remember when the dev kings shutdown criticism by saying to fork if you didn't like what they're doing because the thing about bitcoin is that there can be several chains? Then someone did and suddenly its all, "THAT'S NOT BITCOIN".

This. Be careful what you wish for

BCashie spotted. BCash BEECASH


roger ver supposedly pumped the shit out of bcash and effectively bought all of them so he can manipulate the market with ease...

that means...


saying you can have several chains and saying that the chains that forked aren't bitcoin are not contradicting statements, user.

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That was not the narrative they were using three years ago when they started their shit.

Bitcoin Cash*

Why is Theymus such a power freak and afraid of on-chain scaling?

Pic related

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> Bcash has 10% hashrate and 10% value of Bitcoin
> Everyone is a paid shill except Bcash because Bitcoin has minority support and smallest chain ...


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I don't hold any core or cash, it just pisses me off the blatant kikery that blockstream are getting up to.

scams pump the hardest...if you want to take that risk

thought so as well. BCH under-performed all expectations even in satoshi value, yet they keep crawling out of their holes in commando shill attacks. rest of the time literally nobody is talking about this shit.

on normal days not even the bagholders are deluded enough to fucking try to convince idiots about its "supremacy". this can only lead to the conclusion that it is coordinated shilling whenever they try to concentrate their effort in some pump. maybe I buy some only to dump it on their asses with a +10% to +20% sell order.

You do realize they're not that powerful to rule the fucking world currency?
>blatant kikery
Blatant chinkery is what bitmain did and is still doing

>falling for segwit
>falling for lightning network

If you insist on using "off chain" transactions, why not just use Paypal?

>hurr durr - the post

Btc due to it's design just can't, basically can't be a currency for everyday uses. Even if it scaled onchain to gorillion tps IT DOES NOT INFLATE. IT HAS AN AUTHORITY OF GOLD. Who would use it to pay for a coffee knowing this? No, I don't deny that high fees are bad but it is already solved (it is) and can be solved by increasing block size later. No, not increasing to 1 terrabyte.

>who would spend deflationary money
Keynesian detected

I don't give a fuck about keynesianism.
8 decimals in no way are enough for everyday uses. The problem with deflationary money is in the fact it can be accumulated and manipulated by 1 or few persons which will happen, and this is also a reason why btc believers accumulate for future.
Why don't cashies add decimals?
>muh true vision argument
Will become nonsense then. Satoshi could make 64 decimals or whatever from day one.

pretty sure the divisibility can be changed with a soft fork whenever

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Yeah, that's a nonissue, if BTC ever hits something really crazy like $1 billion decimal places can be changed. No need to do so now.

It can and probably will but deflationary everyday-money is still weird, while deflationary reserve currency makes sense.
Not that it is impossible to use it, it's just not a best use case and I can say that I myself wouldn't spend btc here and there no matter how many decimals it has.

>I wouldn't spend it
Because you only care about the price which is why you faggots don't care about scaling or full blocks. Andresen fucked up horribly when he gave a bunch of control to Maxwell and he regrets it to this day.

>because you
Oh, let's just try to change human nature, IT WILL WORK, RIGHT? If not me, then elses will store it.

I've been using BTC since 2013 though I stopped last year when transaction fees became ridiculous. Now I use BCH for purchases.

I don't care thanks.

(You could use doge or ltc for years already. But fees are just fake argument, bcash is all about bitmain and retards)

Goddamn, you haven't even tried to spend any crypto have you?

Ok, liquidity argument? Ltc has and had more liquidity than bcash.
Dash had too.

You're utterly incapable of thinking of crypto as anything other than a speculative asset aren't you? I was clearly talking about merchant adoption you troglodyte.

Ltc had merchant at least some merchant adoption before bcash even existed. And is still used in darkmarkets.

LTC merchant adoption is already dwarfed by BCH's. Stop embarrassing yourself.

Wrong. they forked it and then said this is the new bitcoin. We had to force Bcash to take Cash. The reason shills are back is because the coin is dying

big blockers said both were bitcoin, corecucks said that BCH wasn't bitcoin at all, then big blockers responded by saying that BCH was closer to original bitcoin than BTC. Its amazing how thoroughly you idiots have been fooled by people like Luke Jr's and Maxwell's takeover, I mean they forced Andresen and Garvix out and got a bunch of halfwits to unknowingly defend their actions all while having no knowledge of what actually occurred.


bitcoin is dead

long live bitcoin

you gay

the only problem deflationary money poses is you can't create nominations small enough to spend fast enough. that isn't a problem with bitcoin

unless you're a keynesian who things people should be perpetually robbed of their wealth so the economy can be bigger

how do bcore cucks cope?

Our fat wallets. Doesn't Bcash lose value over time?

Blockstream hivemind. Their legion of trolls don't understand the economic value of Bitcoin being commerce friendly, all they care about if their little ponzi scheme goes up or down in fiat value.
Soon nchain will expose these frauds.

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let us have our store of value coin, keep your shitcoin

biz is pro Satoshis Vision OP. you are the outsider

Craig did nothing wrong.

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holy FUCK you cashies annoy me. you're all so fucking annoying shilling your stupid little fucking coin and spreading nonsensical bullshit about bitcoin - you can all go fuck yourselves honestly jesus fucking christ. bitcoin is and will always be bitcoin and your stupid fucking mining cartel coin can go fuck itself.