
You arrive in Neocastle edition

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Niggers out.

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Two words, say them and I'm yours.

Kevin. Boyle.

Lads, how do I stop being sexually attracted to Yank shitposts?

paedophiles out


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stop and think for a second. there are people on here that spend all night filling in captchas to post inane shit like did a poo lads and having a ank to be honest

who here #teamlightskin

need a mummy gf

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You lads celebrating 4/20?

Jah bless hailie sallisie rasta bad man wetty yute jah bless the mandem

>you arrive in milton keynes spaceport

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As someone who was molested by an older woman when I was a child, no you don't.

time well spent desu

Listening to Kyuss
Fuck you neighbours

>got stood up by moni

emailed him off 2 emails and never got a reply.. anyone in rochdale tomorrow afternoon and fancy doing something? got all day free and fuck all to do

four twenny blaze it xDD

shut the fuck up already before you get sold into slavery in the west indies

how'd you know her?

Reckon in at least 20 years living in Britain will be like living in the third world

been on /brit/ all day again

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I'm jelly

Britain could invade Ireland again and nobody would stop us

what makes you think that?

Alicante in 4 days lads

gonna unJUST myself

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having a gf is nothing like being molested lmao

You’re gonna sell me into slavery? Fucking try it white boi, I’ll beat yo lil ass white faggot

Why do you think you're entitled to a FREE deckchair? Someone purchased that, transported it to the park, stores them, gets them all out and puts them all away every day, repairs and maintains them, why should you be able to take advantage of their labour? The chairs did not appears by magic, someone had to put in effort, and if they want to charge for that service they can, you don't have to sit in their chair, there are literally thousands of other chairs available for you to purchase. But you're too fucking lazy aren't you? You want that chair and you want it NOW

>Metropolitan Police says 28-year-old Billy Jeeves who was wanted in connection with a failed burglary at the home of Richard Osborn-Brooks in Hither Green in London has been arrested in Kent
They've got the other dirty pikey who robbed the poor old bloke.

do you work for a travel agent?

my dad has a crush on jordan peterson LMFAO

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Because my name's Dave and all my opinions are right

>he hasnt got an EU passport


shit sucks, huh?

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Straight nonces out, gay nonces in

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do i need to lose weight lads?

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A friend of the family

which one have you got? can you give me a quick rundown on the process for signing up for the foreign born irish registry if possible?

Clean your room

>Germs had to evacuate Berlin because they found an undetonated 500kg bomb
lmao 70+ years later and still winning

Things you are out of:

1. the closet
2. your mind
3. money


Absolutely not.

You have a thigh gap, if anything you need to gain more weight.

wots he thinkin bout?

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so glad that cunt died

listening to the chameleons

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*grabs onto your ankles as you walk through the terminal*


god she's so cute
NEED a whatever-ethnicity-she-is gf

*squats on your throbbing erect cock and starts circular grinding with my hips*

Do you like that you little faggot?

tranny freak

Anything on in Dundee tonight?

Bored out my skull.

You need to put on some muscle ya scrote

good gimmick

did you expose her? also what age

looks turkish

script of the bridge is great

Wish I was molested by a fit, older woman

the fuck is a nonce?

you bongs confuse me sometimes

fatty fatty mcbumface

Just did an absolutely rancid, but very satisfying poo.


Go shoot up a club full of normies.

perhaps you should fuck off then mate

really dont like these types of posts

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far cry 5 is fucking brilliant 10/10

No, I'm a coder, toilberg has granted me the liberty to work remotely, so I'm fucking off this grim rock for a better life on the mainland

*shakes you off*
*looks down on you and shakes head in pity*

Yeah, she just got put on the sex offenders list and isn't allowed near young boys. She was in her 20s at the time.

am i filtered? test test

So you can HEEM lippy wogs and attract women whom you will later beat and dump


Post-uni lads in here?

>Tfw you will never have a summer break again

playing with the ol' willer

for when the race war begins xd

tfw acne

Will jump in the motor lad, should be 6-7 hours, get the bevvies in

Lol. I'm fat as fuck. Cannot believe I don't have diabetes or had a heart attack yet.

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she wants a man from sheffield

that's not what a thigh gap is you utter spastic

nice trips

what is a nonce tho?

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post-uni age but still in uni

just bought tickets to avicii this coming june.


whats the name of toilberg's company?

did someone say race war?

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means paedo


Vaping like a rude boy fiend man

good thing you reported her so she can't harm others
how much therapy did you have? do you still go


I'm not paying you 2 quid to talk

At uni doing training but already have a degree.

>drives a korean car

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highly doxxable info, it's not a unique case tho, lots of IT companies allow remote work

no therapy, never been

anyone slip a bit of casual racism into conversations to see how people react?


Wonder what it was, drug OD?

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So tell me isn't happiness
Worth more than a gold and diamond ring?
I'm willing to do anything
To calm the storm in my heart