So who did non-Americans see as the better candidate?
So who did non-Americans see as the better candidate?
Everyone I know thought Trump was super lulzy and that Hillary was a cunt.
Gary Johnson
I unironically like Trump
None is better. USA should nuke yourself.
What's A Leppo?
>Gary Johnson
Based saffir cunt
Trump is detached from reality and hillary is the same as every other US president but """""hip"""""
Trump as the lesser evil. Killary might have been more competent politically but fuck that cunt honestly.
Also the enormous butthurt he caused was glorious
mommy, I said KILLARY!
I liked Kasich. I dislike Hillary, but would choose over Trump because Trump is fucking retarded and compromised by Russians.
she was actually seen as really unhip and out of touch
Literally none
Please nuke yourselves if the 2020 elections is the same
We gonna elect the ''tropical Trump'' this year
hillary has no charm or soul whatsoever, she's so devoid of character it's creepy
Hillary was better but not a good candidate. I never got why Trump during elections so adamantly supported the Russians in everything for nothing in return. Trump's supporters were pretty disgusto too.
Clinton didn't have much vision and that "muh womyns" shit make me cringe.
Kasich was one of the best candidates in decades. Shame he lost.
I was unironically hoping for trump to win then get impeached or assassinated
>Hillary was better but not a good candidate. I never got why Trump during elections so adamantly supported the Russians in everything for nothing in return. Trump's supporters were pretty disgusto too.
>Clinton didn't have much vision and that "muh womyns" shit make me cringe.
this is an accurate analysis of the election I think
Hillary wasn't a good candidate by any means but Trump is one of the worst candidates ever run by the republican party
>I never got why Trump during elections so adamantly supported the Russians in everything for nothing in return
Because they have dirt on him. He bitched out on the sanctions again too in the last week or two. He'll go down as the worst president in history.
Jow Forums is Cruz territory (both Ted and Tom)
Nah Buchanan, Pierce, and Johnson have him beat for the Civil War era shenanigans
Harding and Hoover for corruption
Bush jr for meaningless wars
That's what the quotation marks were for
Ben Carson
Better? None.
Trump as the less insane and utterly stupid one, but people at least liked him better for not wanting to declare war on Russia immediately.
Bernie Sanders
I think Trump has Harding beat when it comes to corruption. Harding went down as one of the worst presidents because of just a couple of major scandals that came to light after his death. Trump has so many scandals that are occurring during his presidency, it's difficult to keep track of them all.
I mean, take a look at the factors this poll among Presidential Historians took into account:
Then imagine how Donald Trump would rate on all those factors.
Should've got that dog that was a mayor to run
Thanks for remembering the !
Thanks, saving this post as proof that Brazilians are underaged faggots from Jow Forumsthedonaldinho
lumpf is the perfect man for the presidency
Would probably have voted some third party candidate or hadn't voted at all
you got sumthin bugen you nazi?
Bernie "kill the capitalists" sanders
honestly, if it was Hillary vs. town drunk, I'd still vote for town drunk.