>there are countries where internet badwidth cap is still a thing
There are countries where internet badwidth cap is still a thing
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I have a data cap.
I'd rather have a slow connection. Could leave it overnight to download movies.
Just fucking end this misery tbqh.
Please save us
Does all of europe have good internet? It really amazes me how new worlders fucked up their internet so badly and uniformly. Australia, United States, Canada, shittiest internet of the western countries.
It's because we have telecomm monopolies but they're not state monopolies
It's not too bad where I live. $81/month for 120 mbps down
All those countries you listed are big non dense countries. Also American internet tho expensive is not bad. We are in the top 10
considering our
it's quite impressive we're in the top 10 while shitholes like Canada, Russia, China, Brazil etc. can't overcome their geographic obstacles
I pay half for the same value though, and we're not even that far apart (probably)
>Not having unlimited data 4G for 5€/month
Your internet is garbage. Speed is a meme if it gets turned off once you go past a couple hundred GBs.
>a couple hundred Gbs
Most isp's offer fully unlimited now.
It's $63 USD. Our currencies aren't worth the same.
Fucking this. What a load of horseshit.
No, they dont.
Oh, right, I'm still living in 2013 when we had 1:1
My fault
I don't have data caps though? I don't know where this meme comes from, unless you assume English speakers (Canadians) are Americans on non-flag boards
But let me be frank, I pity Canadians for their situation. It isn't scorn, it's disappointment, from the country that essentially invented the telephone
Most of America has data caps and maybe 3 choices for ISPs tops. I live in Phx AZ and I have 2 providers, CenturyLink and Cox, both of which have a 1/5 star rating and data caps. 100meg is about a $100 a month.
100gb for $100, with a download speed ranging from 300kb to 700kb.
I feel so bad for australians
>unlimited bandwidth deal
>still get throttled by my service provider
You live in Nunavut or something?
That's terrible, i pay $40/month for 500/500.
Internet in Nunavut? I'll have Nunuvthat
>b-b-b-but market regulations are bad
Your post forced me to look up the stats
So I would consider 3 ISPs the minimum for fair competition, because 2 can collude too easily, and 1 is a straight up monopoly. Pick related is the scale from 3-13. It's deceptive because most of the population lives in those green areas (although Pennsylvania and Maine are EXTREMELY strange because that's not even the densest part of the USA) but it's true that rural areas get fucked