are you an ABC? I thought ABCs were supposed to be bros to wh*toids, except the incel MGTOW ones that are paranoid whitey is stealing all the azn wymnz and is the sole cause of for their problems
Gavin Harris
Luis Cox
你是kiwi 还是华人?新西兰生活好不好?
Brandon Wood
> Just miss getting laid with Asian girls :(
Sebastian Campbell
Chewy needs to be pounded into oblivion
James Wilson
Matthew Brooks
how long would it take me to learn mandarin when I already am at a N2-N1 level of japanese?
Carter Kelly
so when will you guys stop destroying the earth and stop trying to colonise everyone? its so murimutt tier
Robert Martin
>destroying the earth It's a country of 1.4 billion so obviously carbon emissions will be high. And unlike the US, the Chinese officials actually believe in global warming and are trying to do something. And colonization is a harsh word to be using. Colonization involves usurpation of political control from native governments, usually by military force, and so far China has not launched coups in other countries and taken them over.
Anyone have that webm of Vivi with C-Milk's black friends?
Ayden Bailey
How old is Prozzie? He looks young enough to be in the pool on young adults who club and shit
Thomas Rivera
What does N2-N1 level of Japanese mean? Knowing Japanese, the only real benefit for studying Chinese is already knowing 汉字 and some vocabulary. Japanese' grammar, syntax, pronunciation, and everything else basically is completely different.
Jesus why is dentistry so expensive in china? I just paid 760rmb for a check up, clean, polish and root planing.
And you're suppose to get that done every 6 months. I'm guessing chinese people don't go to the dentist every 6 months like we do in the west at 760 a time.
William Moore
unless you're talking to the hill abos yes, they speak mandarin
that's the SEA/ developing cunt tree model of healthcare the gov provides free (very) basic dentistry everything else is considered a "premium service", this means you, foreigner
Chase Walker
Christ, in the UK a polish and root planing is considered basic medical treatment and is covered under the socialised healthcare system
Anthony Davis
Thats about as much as I pay for my (private) care in the UK. Though most would use the NHS and get it a lot cheaper as you say.
Camden Diaz
Do you get that done every 6 months? I used to get it done in the UK every 6 months and I think I paid £14 a time. But there's no way I'm getting it every 6 months in China
Dominic Morgan
No lad. I hate going to the dentist. That's why I go private when I do because the quality and care is much higher and more pleasant.
Logan Bennett
I'd say the private dentist I went to in China was about on par with an NHS dentist. But in China it's probably way upmarket. A normal dentist would probably have stuck needles in my face and performed a traditional chinese medical dance to drive the spirits away from my teeth.
Jace Gutierrez
The nice thing about private care in the UK, is that because they have to compete with the (relatively) cheap NHS service, they are really fucking good to compensate.
My dentist is actually from Singapore and she is amazing.
Hudson Harris
Same can be said about the developing cunts' health care, though one or two steps lower in quality >The nice thing about private care in China, is that because they have to compete with the (relatively) cheap government service, they are really fucking decent to compensate.
Christian Richardson
Yeah pretty much. The base standard in the UK from the NHS is usually pretty good. Though it should be said that not always. Dentistry in the UK is not state-provided but state subsidised. NHS Dentists are private operators who just charge fixed rates which are partly paid by the government. More business but usually for less pay.
I'm a long time Winston fan and even I think his latest video was too smug and clickbaity
Julian Jenkins
I think he's running out of material and coming up with any bullshit
Jacob Gomez
Shengnus are shengnus because no one wants them
John Hill
Going out on dates: "Hey wanna go out for dinner tonight" University girl: "Ooo I can't I have class/homework/project/some other bullshit" Shengnu: "Sure babe"
Dressing: University girl: Dresses like a 12 year old girl Shengnu: Dresses like a woman
Going over: University girl: "Sorry the baoan wont let anyone from off campus in the dorms" Shengnu: "Sure you can come to my massive apartment"
Transportation: University girl: "Let's take the bus" Shengnu: "I'll drive us there in my Mercedes"
"剩女“ literally means "left over women" and it is used in china to refer to women who above the age of like 25 do not have a husband/child. This is not a very nice thing to be called.
Then go speak English somewhere else. It says "中文" in the title of the thread. The entire thread loses all its purpose if even the Chinese speakers speak English in a Chinese-language thread.
Samuel Wright
Aiden Sanders
the 1st and 2nd lines just sound like excuses because they're not really into you
Tyler Nguyen
Kevin Edwards
This is a thread for the adventures of Peru and the worried squad, it has no other purpose.
Leo Myers
and don't forget about impregnating chinese women
Brody Phillips
lads when i have sex with this chinese prostitute she keeps saying something like "miihow" pronounce "mee-how" what does it mean
Why does anyone actually browse these threads? I come here to ask questions because I am moving to China soon. But otherwisae there is nothing of value here.
No wonder the thread never reaches the bump limit anymore/.
Connor Stewart
Several of the major posters have moved to China and/or Taiwan and we're too busy sexpatting to post regularly now.
Isaiah Cox
As I said, the thread lost its purpose. It's a pointless environment.
There's a bunch of messages popping on the cover. What is that? A rating system? A chat? I'm confused af.
Robert Moore
That’s cheap
Owen Edwards
I'm not a sexpat due to my Christian beliefs. I am wondering whether to go to a Chinese church and risk the scrutiny of the state or just stick to expat churches
They are ads lad
Aaron Ramirez
Is he losing it?
Dominic Diaz
No they are not. Someone wrote "我12岁了" and a bunch of random ramble, how is that an ad? It's like they are chatting.
Benjamin Baker
why do posters from those hapas and asianmasculnity reddits shit up the board
Easton Diaz
Alpha chads > Beta kangaroo
Real talk, Aussies always get caught murdering/abusing kangaroos. You don’t see nearly as much news about that.
But yeah, rural chinese are fucking retarded
Daniel Barnes
cause Jow Forums is one of the biggest wmaf promoting sites on the net so they think they need to fight it.
Aaron Cooper
Actually mostly this
We lost the French sexpat last year. He probably got fucked up by some chinese guy and now is braindead in some rural cave hospital.
Juan Stewart
The Chinese government gives basically zero fucks about sexpats
Jackson Green
Jow Forums maybe, but rest of the boards? yet they shit up entire Jow Forums, and i can bet it has the opposite effect
Why do you even try to diagnose the brain of a mentally ill person?
I am hafu and give zero fucks because I am the product of said relationship. The spammers on boths sides are literally the product of mental illness and sexual insecurity.