>talk on phone
>voice gets shaky and my eyes start tearing up
how do i be confident on the phone
>talk on phone
>voice gets shaky and my eyes start tearing up
how do i be confident on the phone
stop giving a fuck
cocaine, adderall, xanax
Beer will fix it
fck dont make this another sad druggie topic again
>how do i be confident on the phone
The same way one is confident in real life: stop being a beta loser
being a pussy isn't a problem that drugs fix.
Done be pathetic cuck
teary eyes? That's extreme bro. Do you have difficulty talking to strangers in person? Best advice would be to keep doing it so you eventually get used to it
Cyrano de Bergerac it fampai
Start with realizing, others feel exactly like you.
You have the power to produce the atmosphere and make your opponent feel good.
Start by asking the right questions and just listen to them, it's the first step to making a call a good talk
>t.former sales representative for cable companies
>around 3000+ job related calls including cold phone sales
If this is job related, and You will never meet the person irl, just imagine that they are NPC in Your game. You will never meet them, and even if the sale won't go, even if they laugh at you, insult etc - they are not real. There's literally zero fear to have,when you will never meet the person.
Personal life ? Just stop giving a fuck and get confident. How ? You need practice. I recommend SimplePickup youtube channel, just go with old videos, not pickup ones. Say whatever there's on your mind, and act like you are 10/10 even if you are 3/10 at most really.
I am ugly and confident as fuck. Women like me 9 of 10 situations. I'm not a virgin. Also women speak emotions, men speak facts. Get that shit in your mind. They are still human, but fkin way different in talking to, there's always deeper meaning in what they are saying, if it's not in the sentence itself, it's in the body language.
Hope this helps user
The phone is a great equalizer. You’re height weight age don’t matter, it’s just how you sound.
- stand when you are talking
-Breath slowly and mindfully
- keep your tone low- add base as this will intimidate the other person
-utilize pauses. You can control the conversation by pausing and letting the the other person wait for you
Such nice responce user
helping Jow Forums bros always
>keep your tone low- add base as this will intimidate the other person
>utilize pauses. You can control the conversation by pausing and letting the the other person wait for you
Absolutely wrong. Tone, speed and pauses should be adjusted to the person your talking to and intentions.
You can't talk slowly and with low voice when you are delivering happy news, or if this is a business call.
If the person you are talking to talks fast, talk fast with them, that's their pace. Conversation is a dance, you got to get into other persons tempo, otherwise you will fail.
Pausing only works in tv series dude, or in person. I can't think of any other situation that you are intending to call someone and have in mind that you have to pause, just to deliver critical information or some sad news, or suprise the person.
You can lead the pace of the conversation though. This was the biggest game changer for me-- I always used to feel the need to speak quickly out of fear that the other person would be bored if I talked too slowly. But then I realized that interviewers probably don't give a fuck about what I have to say anyway so I just started practicing talking at my own pace, which is a slower, calmer rate. If you always feel like you have to talk at 100mph, it's going to be difficult to keep a conversation going.
My problem is I can hear everything on the phone crystal clear. But for some reason my mind just doesn't grasp it. I can hear "let's meet at xxx date and time", I say sure, repeats the time and the moment I close the connection everything said is just gone and blank.
I had a similar problem with phone calls and solved it by automatically recording all my calls
something i still have to internalize, great advice.
Respectfully disagree. You CAN delivery happy news in a low and slow tone.
The cliche about matching tone is good for customer service, to make someone feel comfortable and in control. This being Jow Forums biz I’m sure people want to know how sell/close.
The best way to do this is call control from the beginning to the end. People respond to authority. Doctors police teachers. So you want to sound authoritative on the call. You can be kind, funny, empathetic.. but you have to be firm.
A low tone and the right pauses will do this.
(I’ve sold over the phone in multiple capacities for over 15 years including cold calling and have always been in the top ten wherever I went)
Not digging your style, but you are insightful.
I don't want happy news to be delivered with low tone, but that's just a stylistic difference I guess.
And thinking about.. everyone has what works for them on the phone. I’ve worked with some real bitches.. just nasty straightforward blunt women who made six figures selling cable over the phone. I’ve also worked with consultative types who did just as well.
So it’s probably what you can pull off that fits your personality. and I’m sure we can agree the most important factor is confidence. If you sound scared or unsure you won’t get anywhere.
just start talking on the phone more. stand up & project your self down that phone! I repeat, stand up & project your self down that phone! no one knows you are an autist. try to remember the name of the person you are speakin to, i just repeat generally. My co workers and friends/family have a little smile and giggle when they see my phone personality. make it fun
YouTube primal scream therapy.
sounds like you have some unresolved trauma user
work at a call center or somewhere that you are forced to be on the phones. after taking 40 calls a day for literally 2 years it forced me to not be autistic and sound like a nervous wreck
so bored of the junkie normalfags on Jow Forums
talking fast is the absolute worst way to have any conversation, unless you're a 20-something pandering to teenagers on youtube
no cocaine and adderall will make you short of breath and too excited. xanax will make you retarded.
OP what you need is a simple beta blocker called propanolol. dampens all the symptoms of nervousness.