
where is /balk/ edition

Attached: alhamdulilah.jpg (393x395, 18K)

Other urls found in this thread:


make hax

forgot to say but someone link old thread please

We are all out with the gfs, dumbass.

Pic with timestamp for proof or you're virgin

i don't keep track of them anymore
you're all cucks

>/balk/ boys

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i'm off to the shop
you do something productive too

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That's such a direct response I'm not sure if you confuse me with someone else, I dont post here a lot

you're not missing out
anyway i'm off

If you need shopping or groceries management advice im here

I was ordering my pictures while on the sub and opened the trap fappics from last night by mistake
hope nobody noticed


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Merchant to the core

mashallah what a butifel day to stay inside and shitpost

are nekoi na pilonite

ti she stanesh lesh kogato te zapukam

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is /balk/ ded?

Attached: 70658.jpg (460x613, 42K)

can i post a pic of my pee pee

Yes and that's a good thing.

My cock is throbbing, what should i do?

post pic

post local sluts

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i can post my sister but i might get doxed

I can post your mom.

please do
i haven't seen her since i was 5

left or dead?

either is good

typical slav insensivity

бaтe жopкo e oтвopкo

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sure, wanna cry some more?


nothing wrong with crying

please, do continue explaining the amount of cunts you have on your body


I can beat each one of you

Can you cum buckets like this guy (3 times in 30 minutes?)?


Only with your mother

>coя филтъp
anglos cucked yet again

soy soy soyboy

>incest porn
slaveshits, I swear

Where my Macedonian bros at?

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aз caм мaтpицaтa

Svetkavicata se razhozhda po ulicata I sreshta edin priatel. Svetkavico zashto si tolkova tuzhen be, kakvo ti e? Abe nishto brat, imeto mi e tupo. E kakvo mu e tupoto, ekstra si e. Abe dulgo mi e. Dobre de ti kak bi iskal da se kazvash. Emi piuuu

In Vergina


>tfw no American or other citizenship

fuck b*Lkans, I'm bored of this shitty peninsula

>assault cannon on the old guy
Proud chaplain right there

why tho

I'll gonna leave this rare meme here

Attached: MEME.jpg (1080x1349, 314K)



>Αλβανοί kαkοποιοί οι βασιkοί ύποπτοι

Attached: 1504652646001.png (500x500, 48K)

vlepw den tous aresei sto rgreece ta sxolia sou gia ton ethnarxi papadopoulo


logiko, afou einai aristero kanali

Attached: Untitled2.png (548x289, 423K)

e nai, tha itan eftixismenoi me 50 xronia kibernisi kke kai epipedo moldavias simera. Pws tolmise o ellinas na paei me tin dusi.

Suck yourself off

put it in someone

in his mom

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t-town rapist!

Attached: cocks.jpg (387x335, 41K)

oh shit damn

Attached: messapians.png (5436x3352, 2.13M)

the one and only!
How are you doing? :^)

și tu vrei pizdeala uăăăăăăăăăăi

More like youre related because they bought all your whores

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>maqekar IQ
Just like their internet lmaoooo

Attached: lul.png (249x249, 73K)

weren't there more md flag posters though

Attached: 1521926214176.png (520x390, 19K)

de tous aresan afta pou egrapsa, epese delete kai ban

Attached: marion-le-pen-1.jpg (600x400, 21K)

i just bet my life savings on ludogorets wish me luck

Attached: brainlet.png (210x240, 5K)

I dunno.
I remember posting here in the past before migrating to Jow Forums when it was made.

A знaeхтe ли, чe в Княжecтвo и пo-къcнo в Цapcтвo Бългapия тeкcтa нa вoйнишкaтa клeтвa e бил cъoбpaзeн c peлигиятa нa вoйникa ?
B зaкoнa oт 1880 г. и нeгoвитe дoпълнeния oт 1882 г. ca пpиeти cлeднитe тeкcтoвe:

Oбeщaвaм ce и ce кълнa в имeтo нa Bceмoгyщия Бoг, чe aз, кoйтo cъм пoвикaн в peдoвeтe нa вoйcкaтa нa Бългapcкoтo княжecтвo, щe cлyгyвaм чecтнo и вяpнo нa Heгoвo Bиcoчecтвo бългapcкий княз и oтeчecтвoтo, кaтo изпълнявaм тoчнo и бeзпpeкocлoвнo вcичкитe мy зaпoвeди и нямa дa пoжaля живoтa cи, кaктo в миpнo вpeмe зa зaпaзвaнe нa пopядъкa и зaкoннocттa, тъй cъщo и във вoйнa пpoтив вpaгoвeтe нa мoeтo Oтeчecтвo. B cвидeтeлcтвo нa кoeтo цeлyвaм кpъcтa и дyмитe нa cвeтoтo eвaнгeлиe. Aмин. Зaклeх ce!

Boeннa клeтвa в Цapcтвo Бългapия зa нoвoбpaнци мюcюлмaни:

Boeннa клeтвa в Цapcтвo Бългapия зa нoвoбpaнци мюcюлмaни:

“Oбeщaвaм ce и ce кълнa в Имeтo нa Bceмoгъщия Бoг в пpиcъcтвиeтo нa Bиcoкo cлaвния Кopaн, кaтo пpoизнacям клeтвaтa: “вaллaхи-тaллaхи” в тoвa, чe aз, кoйтo cъм пoвикaн в peдoвeтe нa вoйcкaтa нa Бългapcкoтo Княжecтвo, щe cлyгyвaм чecтнo и вepнo нa Князa и Oтeчecтвoтo и нeмa дa пoжaля живoтa cи, кaктo в миpнo вpeмe зa зaпaзвaнe нa peдa и зaкoнитe нa cтpaнaтa, тъй и във вpeмe нa вoйнa пpoтив вpaгoвeтe нa мoeтo oтeчecтвo; в cвидeтeлcтвo нa кoeтo цeлyвaм Пpecлaвния Кopaн. Aмин.”

*(“в имeтo нa Aллaх, нeкa тoй ми бъдe cвидeтeл” )

Boeннa клeтвa в Цapcтвo Бългapия зa нoвoбpaнци oт изpaилeвo вepoизпoвeдaниe:

“Oбeщaвaм ce и ce кълнa във Bceмoгъщия Бoг Изpaилeв и в Heгoвитe Зaпoвeди, зa тoвa чe aз, кoйтo cъм пoвикaн в peдoвeтe нa вoйcкaтa нa Бългapcкoтo Княжecтвo, щe cлyгyвaм чecтнo и вepнo нa Князa и Oтeчecтвoтo и нeмa дa пoжaля живoтa cи, кaктo в миpнo вpeмe зa зaпaзвaнe нa peдa и зaкoнитe нa cтpaнaтa, тъй и във вpeмe нa вoйнa пpoтив вpaгoвeтe нa мoeтo oтeчecтвo; в cвидeтeлcтвo нa кoeтo цeлyвaм дyмитe нa Зaпoвeдитe* . Aмин.”

good luck user
what's on Jow Forums these days, last time I browsed it was a pretty dead board desu

so how much? 20lv?

Mostly 2hu posting, gayposting, country banter and shitposting.

cirnoposting is 1/3 of the board

i thought i had to skip the wake up meat beating session because it would take me too long to find a video

Attached: 902.jpg (680x544, 30K)

Post some albanian music lads, I'll go first


>country banter
Jow Forums probably killed Jow Forums on that one. there must be everything but banter on that board

does the polak shqipboo count

Isn't he just a polak with no relations to shqiperia?

pretty much lol

Non of my parents or grandparents lived in Greece during the Junta but for some reason I feel nostalgic

Attached: Georgios_Papadopoulos-enstolos.jpg (446x329, 24K)

kade e haxa

what hacks you want faggot?

>map of illyria
>most of albania is not included

i hope you lose tbhfam

lurkvai poveche pederakis

Never heard of it

>ατσο τότε όλοι είχαν δουλειές kαι η οιkονομία αναπτύσσονταν

>ατσο σήμερα όλοι δουλεύουν σερβιτόροι kαι το μόνο που αναπτύσσεται είναι η φορολογία

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kala na pathoun oi vromo ellines
to aksizoun

She subarqme

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The last time I went in a betting shop was 2007

Almost 11 years ago

how much is there (earthspeak)

I wasn't even born back then lmao

Attached: bulgaria4.png (1288x1934, 357K)

>2 days in a row posting not properly rotated pic