Walton chain offices


Top kek

Keep trusting Chinese scams

Attached: 49BF7EC0-4899-4259-A00E-426ACC7E733C.jpg (424x408, 21K)

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Check out The China Hustle and rethink your faith in up-n-coming "totes big in china" """projects"""

I saw that three nights ago. Pretty fucking crazy lol

>The China Hustle

Freyerchain is a subchain of Walton.

so who gets to put their logo on the wall each day, do they play rock paper scissors or do they have assigned days of the week

Different entrance,

fucking kek

I heard whispers that they play musical chairs for who uses the computers too

You’re dumb as fuck. Freyrchain moved into Walton’s old office and Walton moved into a new one

sauce? a legit sauce and not some youtube faggot?

also Walton literally just abandoned their office right? didn’t take anything, just swapped logos on the door and that’s the transfer of offices sorted

This fud is so weak it’s like reqs random coin burn fud. DYOR I know google isn’t retard friendly but make an effort for once pajeet



how’s it weak? if it’s so weak why did they delete the video as soon as people spotted the logo swapping office door

Exactly, the same chink circles are running these scam projects and dumping on retards

Netflix doc

literally EVERY gook project is a scam.

Read the first paragraph of this article:

Compare wording to this Walton tweet:

Draw your own conclusions

I conclude that it will be a partnership with Morpheus.network

I’ll await the details


HAHAHAHAH, wow. Do you think they'll ever release their mainnet? Coding something original seems beyond most of these Chinese coins, much easier to cash in on the ICO hype from stupid westerners. "B-b-but it's just a language barrier". They're literally all fucking scams, it's becoming more and more clear.

Yep, sounds like a legitimate project.

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