yall editipon
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i'm a poo nigger realist
Made another $6000 this week. Feels good to get plenty of work
watching bland poodabreast hotel
>it's also worth noting that typically the kekistan/MAGApede/r/the_donald crowd would be in the lower half of the white IQ bell curve
>oh me? I'm not a racist I just think that, you know, STATISTICALLY you're inferior and well, social policy should be enacted to reflect this and you should be deported
No war is different from cowardly terrorism.
>let see what new matches we got today. Perhaps the future love of my life is among them
Ah yes
Human biodiversity is not pseudoscience you utter cretin.
In fact, blacks typically score HIGHER on IQ tests that are 'culturally loaded' than on tests that are absolutely neutral with no cultural references whatsoever. And IQ tests are known to OVERpredict on those rather than underpredict
don't think anyone in /brit/ should be qualified to procreate
does anyone else find doing things with family massively cringey? I don't even see them that much, I just feel very uncomfortable being seen with any family member, even at birthdays and that
it's a full on cringe factory over here lads
bet she has at least 8 inches and 100lbs on you alan
Why did you move to Thailand?
Brown brown hands typed this post
he put it in my butt :(
*turns you over onto your shell*
need this lass to holocaust my bollocks
I don't think "all black are inferior". Nor do I think all should be deported.
But wouldn't it be nice if the immigrants we took in were from higher IQ groups?
hey alan
ask anything of me
>Human biodiversity is not pseudoscience you utter cretin.
In fact, blacks typically score HIGHER on IQ tests that are 'culturally loaded' than on tests that are absolutely neutral with no cultural references whatsoever. And IQ tests are known to OVERpredict on those rather than underpredict
>it's another "alan thinks he's white" episode
Yes I remember being 16
going to get a haircut lads. cannot wait for the little scalp massage after she washes my hair desu
Sometimes I feel I've got to
I've got to
From the pain that you drive into the heart of me
think I caught aids just by lurking in this thread
what kind of idiot does benzos every day
Absolutely not. She's mostly made of far. Must be around 25%-30%. Even with that I am bigger, although I am made of PURE DRY muscle.
do you feel clever?
someone post the bugchaser forum image
literally 28 years old pal
do the Windrush people not have passports
london paki is sperging out again lads.
I really really like the Spanish/Latino influence that is currently seeping into popular music
Very rhythmic and catchy
dont know who the windrush people are
dont care
Ah, another high IQ Economist reader, hello.
like what
no. they only have the steel drums on their backs
Weird how there are tons of observable genetic differences between blacks and whites yet people think evolution magically stopped at the brain because the alternative thinking makes them uncomfortable
must be absolutely wacky living in a world where you're forced to deny reality because you aren't mature enough to handle it
section 127 is:
127 Improper use of public electronic communications network
(1)A person is guilty of an offence if he—
(a)sends by means of a public electronic communications network a message or other matter that is grossly offensive or of an indecent, obscene or menacing character; or
(b)causes any such message or matter to be so sent.
(2)A person is guilty of an offence if, for the purpose of causing annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety to another, he—
(a)sends by means of a public electronic communications network, a message that he knows to be false,
(b)causes such a message to be sent; or
(c)persistently makes use of a public electronic communications network
how fucked are you, lads?
have yet to see a truly beautiful indian woman
seen beautiful blacks, whites, semites, hispanics, etc.
ah yes
if you DON'T believe all population groups are intrinsically equal in terms of intelligence, predisposition to crime and violence, creativity, risk-aversion, etc, you must be some Jow Forumsthe_donald MAGApede cringelord.
virgin freak
always find indian gyals are more attractive when they're "cute" if you know what I mean
>Weird how there are tons of observable genetic differences between blacks and whites yet people think evolution magically stopped at the brain because the alternative thinking makes them uncomfortable
>must be absolutely wacky living in a world where you're forced to deny reality because you aren't mature enough to handle it
who cares about your "population groups"?
do gingers commit more crimes than blondes? i dont fuckin care mate
dirty old slags fannies
realised how that sounded as soon as I depressed the Submit button
will rethink my posting style in future
how about them stories in The Economist this week, you know about countries and numbers and stuff
filthy dingy mangy minge
the only crime gingers commit is not dating me
hat me idc
fuck me poor avicii lad died way too young suppose those swedes wouldn't have the strong pancreas for drink like the irish do still rip
if the ratio was 3:1 I think you'd notice
also I like how you chose two populations who differ by an irrelevant amount, who are assumed to have the same culture
she still hasn't replied wtf
maybe my message was too boring??
if gingers did commit more crimes than blondes, then yeah it would be sensible immigration policy to limit immigration from countries like Ireland and Scotland
oman sounds like a great place to die tbf oman I died in oman what a man
tfw so ugly and loser that friend's friend said to me last night that I should try leaving the uk and trying to get a girl somewhere else LOL
should have smashed the petite indian girl i worked with but alas she got away
The Economist is utter shit
and do they measure that? can i see the crime statistics by hair colour?
virgin freak
belter of a post
Gingers are the aboriginal brits.
Your face is utter shit
was meant for
don't care
yeah I know there's a jewish person in the office, I only read BASED, unbiased news sources such as breitbart and infowars, only they tell the truth!
Praise KEK fellow magapede!
don't consider myself superior, just don't like seeing so many negroes and araps in the streets
it's not right
What's a good Irish DJ la? Surely someone found a way to blend traditional irish folk music with electro? In fact Avicii's version of wake me up sounds very folk irish
alright elon. got any stories about the model 3 for us
this but its just negroes
not saying we should bring back slavery but i mean something needs to be done
>ex gf is getting knocked about by her new bloke
do manlets commit more crimes than lanklets?
I want to smell Emma Watson’s anus.
Serves you well. Shouldn't have colonized first sweaty.x
camila cabello is nice to wank to
Alan, what shirt are you wearing today?
good post
It's shit because it serves a very obvious neoliberal (and leftist, two things that don't often combine--at least they're not marxists i guess) agenda. None of their writers have even heard of the Sonnenschein-Mantel-Debreu conditions if I had to guess.
the crime of existence
just ask alan
How the hell do you die from alcoholism related organ failure at 28?
The ex's sister who used to be my gf wants to get back together but the ex has told her if she does shes banished from the family
haha quite the scenario
Have to wear only large flowery shirts because of the surgery so I am wearing that
nothing to do with immigration
they didn't break the doors open, they were invited
you'd think you people would be grateful for everything
*blasts one from 30 yards*
I honestly don't understand how KEK and calling yourself a pede became somewhat common place.
You don't see me walking around with a K-ON tshirt and calling myself Spirit of the Forest
Step 1: Drink
Step 2: Repeat step 1 whenever you're not blacked out
stardew valley is so comfy lads