Attached: eos4.jpg (300x300, 12K)
Fucking Apologize Right Now
Lucas Gonzalez
Andrew Stewart
s-sorry based pedocoin
Elijah Hall
Fuk u. This is going to dump so hard. Mainnet not even launched yet has a market cap 50% higher than neo, which already has several high profile ICOs successfully launched on its proven platform.
Ayden Murphy
Apologize to me right now. I bought this shit last summer at 0.6$ and you faggots laughed at me. APOLOGIZE RREEEEEEEEEE
Jaxson Adams
i'm sorry cpchain
Benjamin Rodriguez
Stay poor you literal retards who missed out again, and again, and again, and now.
EOS fudders are worse than Buttcoiners. You’re actually part of this space, but still dumb enough to fud EOS. This is the mark of someone who doesn’t belong in this space.
You will all remain poor, and rightfully so.
Andrew Morris
Doesn't this shitcoin only have 21 block producing nodes?
Austin Reyes
With 100 on standby. They change.
Jaxson Powell
We taking over Litecoin EOW
Blake Diaz
Jordan Scott
Julian Cox
Eos sucks dick
Sebastian Watson
>erc20 token overtaking actual working projects
crypto is retarded
Christopher Myers
Literallly nigger iq tier fud
Adrian Gonzalez
the fuck are you on faggot?
its still an erc20 token and will be an erc20 token until mid june.
Isaac Stewart
salty neo bagholder. sorry your slow irrelevant chinkcoin is being btfo by literally every other dapp platform. actually no i'm not. you deserve to be poor
Brody Roberts
what's your point? you know the erc20 token is only used for fund raising and will be swapped at mainnet... so you're either retarded or purposely trying to mislead people
Daniel Robinson
Yes, it does. And it can do it in a decentralized and multithreaded way. So even sucking dick is better than ETH.
Bentley Miller
it's about what it WILL be you fucking mongoloid stay poor
for you:
Noah Ward
Colton Young
Been telling biz for the last month, everything fits here into a crypto hype cycle
THen they come with "hurr muuh caradano". who teh FUCK cares about tech when you can make money on hype ?