ITT: Directly translate a joke from your language into English

ITT: Directly translate a joke from your language into English.

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Other urls found in this thread: months

Kolobok hanged himself

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A bear was walking through a forest. He saw a burning car. He got inside it and burned to death.

say "black fire gay" in finnish :------------DDD

What cut does a Belgian footballer ask to his barber?
The world cup.



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Why do Belgian dogs have a flat head?
Because they run behind stopped cars.

A hedgehog learned how to breathe through his butt. He sat down and suffocated to death.

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Why is there a heap of shit in front of every Belgian shop?
Because "PUSH HARD" is written on their door.

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whats the difference between a belgian and a battery?
A battery also has a positive side

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Why will we have war with the belgians in a 100 years? Because thats the time it takes for them to get these jokes

Ya'll euroniggas really hate the Belgians don't ya?

Manager of soy sauce factory is Mr. Kang, and manager of bean paste factory is Mr. Kong.

i pick your butthole

american: YES WE CAN

The man has bought a hat and it fits him

I think it's just their neighbours. We actually have a saying "calm as a Belgian".

A Swiss, a Frenchman and a Belgian are prisoners in a German camp.
One day, they try to escape, but they have to climb a brick wall.
The Swiss makes the first attempt, jumps and makes a brick fall.
The guard screams "who's there?!", and the Swiss answers "woof, woof!".
The Frenchman makes the second attempt, and he makes three bricks fall. The guard screams "who's there?!", and the Frenchman answers "meow, meow!".
Finally, the Belgian makes the third attempt and makes five bricks fall. The guard screams. "who's there?!", and the Belgian answers "it's the cat again!!"(and gets shot!)

I love Russian humor!!

What do you do when a Belgian throws a grenade?
You unpin it and send it back.

whats the similarity between the KKK and steroids?

Negroids will run

Muhammed comes to a doctor and asks
"why do my eyes hurt when i have sex with a dutch woman"
Doctor says: i think youre allergic to pepperspray

That comes after twenty?

The police.

You're supposed to be translating the jokes directly from your native language into English.

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That's what I'm doing?

The joke is out of el chavo del 8

thats what i am doing too

I don't get it ;~;

one time bellman was riding his bike and a police came and said
-money is leacking out of your baag
bellman: ok, i will bike back and get it
police: what do you have in the other bag
bellman: i tend to stand at a football field by halftime and take 2 SEK when the guys are going to piss otherwise I cut their dick off
police: that wasnt an answer to the question
bellman: but everyone doesnt pay...

Should read: musta(minusta) tuli homo -> I became gay

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Shortest joke in lithuanian, langualets need not apply.


A belgian is being chased by the police in the desert. to out-manouvre the police he turns the right signal on and goes left

it's probably about drinking

A Swede, a Finn and a Laplander have to cross a river. The only problem is the boat only has room for one person. The Swede solves this by putting the Finn on his nose and the Laplander on his pants.

what is the difference between black and green grapes? black is a dog

A Norwegian, a German and Bellman make a bet who can swim to the Americas.
The Norwegian swims for 30 minutes then says "I won't make it", and turns back.
The German swims for 1 day then says "I won't make it", and turns back.
Bellman swims half-way then says "I won't make it", and turns back.

Dane on vacation: in Danish the words for twenty and thieves is the same (tyve).

a vampire walks into a restaurant and orders half a liter of coke

A bear meets rabbit, who looks tired and distressed.
"What's going on?" - asks the bear
"The humans are coming here to castrate every camel they find!"
"But why are you so worried? You aren't a camel"
"They'll cut your balls off first and then you try to prove that you're not a camel"

All bipedals will do ladders included.

Spell attic

a man brings a lie detector to a bar. in the bar are a frenchman, belgian and dutchman.

The man with the lie detector says "im going to ask you how many pints you have drunk".

French man says 20. Its correct
dutch man says "i think it was around 40". its correct
Belgian man says "I think..." *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP*


a titty I see? months
Not Russian, not a joke in original language, fuk u

I feel like you could substitute Russians for humans and it'd be more appropriate.

forgot to say that you have to listen to what it sounds in Estonian


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that joke is as old as time, I heard it as a brunette, a red head, and a blonde instead.

Chavo is fuckin based tho

What separates humans from apes ?

The mediterranean sea.

What happened to the jew that ran in to a wall with a boner ?

He broke his nose.

not him, but i guess it's a variation of an old soviet joke about proving to the government that you are not a camel, so, yes.

What would happen if you dropped bombs in Turkey?
Nothing. All the turks live in flen.

WW2, commander is giving out orders before battle, he walks up to a soldier, gives him a brick and says
"Private Ivanov, your task is to shoot down an enemy plane!"
"But comrade commander, how do I do that with just a brick?"
"Aren't you a communist, Ivanov?"
Soldier breaks the brick in half against his knee
"I will shoot down two enemy planes!"

Money gets and horse gives.

Estonia sank in september, but do you know which year? Bow visor

How do you say driver in Japanese?



Where can you find cheap cattle?

How is that you call a dog without paws?
-You don't call. You go get.

How do you eat cat with potatoes?
You put the potatoes on the cat's nails.


good shit