/fa/ edition
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That's Messi btw
first for a unified /balk/ into one cunt
wow shes beautiful..who is this
>tfw still no jewish gf
Why are Albanians so short, is it "le turkish genes"?
I'd post my og meme for your Jewish lust but I am not home. Sad!
i can't look this pic for more than 5 seconds
the thought of it is enough friendo
>tfw no greek goddess gf
20 000 x 1.38 = 27 600
step aside Greeklet
hahahahahahahhaahha ti retard li si be
kak she slojish 20 hilki na takyv smeshen koeficent
My gf is unironically jewish, I could post her tits with the star of david necklace but you'd worship me
Here it is, thanks to the archives
chakai ti verno li si zalojil 20 hilqdi
sigoren zalog kloshar kvo da gi sloja na nekva obrushtalka ili korneri li hahahahaha
lmfao imgaine being so retarded you fall for the jewish gf maymays
you are one dedicated lad frienderino
>tfw no pyramid head gf
nqkoi tuka kaza vinagi da biem qko na ludogorets i ne oburka
Booked a hotel in Sunny Beach for 15 days in July. Plan to throw up and take ecstasy for half a month straight
pet leva na vqtura
>ot 0:2 - 2:2
i want to move to sicily and live in a grico town
The golden sun of the Med is waiting for you
>toi sloji na liverpool da spechelqt
>ma shefe te pechelqt 0:2 i ostavat 30 min
>kato kaja napravi go znachi napravi go
Never met an Albanian in my whole life who's taller than me, I'm sure I read somewhere that Albanians are 173cm on average, definitely not taller than Greeks
Step aside you sorry ass America-bootlicking Arvanite
why are greeks so based?
>best bros to hang out with
>best looking women in the entire planet
>best food
>best music
>best geographic location
>anecdotes vs statistics
sad little Greeklet
>muh statistics
t. autistic white person
i am a son of the Sultan
not a filthy whiteoid
greeks on the other hand? literally the sweden of the balkans
choke on goat cum you little criminal blockhead
if we are swedes then why did we have a danish king? swedes would never let that happen
im from kosovo, soylet
179.52cm vs 177cm
>muh anecdotes
t. superstitious greek that believes anything he's told that is spooky and in evil eye and shit
>superstitious greek that believes anything he's told that is spooky and in evil eye and shit
DAS RITE aint nobody here believe in whypipo science
Kosovars are 6cm taller than the average albanian height because they are serb rape babies.
proof that albos are wh*teoids
stay mad, poor, short, cirminal and irrelevant you ugly blockhead
>thinks 179 is tall
kosovars are pure albo, their e1b1b1a is off the charts
only monteniggers can compare
don't know why people here still talking about subhuman ethnic groups.
too much talk about greeks as of late
lets change the subject
What on earth is this....
Jesus Christ save my eyes from what I have witnessed
its spelled tsenius not nkenius
It's a lie, that's the pristina average
The kosovar aveage is 174 (pathetic) so it's about 3cm less than the Greek average (177)
Enverbey is playing you for fools, which you are
>What on earth is this
ancient meme
don't worry, just a filthy jealous Albozerg throwing an autist-tantrum
nice try bjurm you know i always come prepared my niBBa
>jealous of greeks
why tho
greeks are just budget Turks
>Haplogroup E-V68, also known as E1b1b1a, is a major human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup found in North Africa, the Horn of Africa, Western Asia and Europe.
That's middle eastern/north african and caucasus DNA you retard. Which just proves the theory that the turks brought people from those regions 150-200 years ago to aid the Albanians in the fight against the slavs and greeks.
communists arent greek thats a low blow
This reads embarrassingly close to the infamous servian one
>>Haplogroup E-V68
>Haplogroup E-V68, also known as E1b1b1a
>also known as E1b1b1a
What are branches idiot
Albanian haplo Ev-13 is non existent in Caucasus
>According to authors E-V13 appears to have originated in Greece or the southern Balkans and its presence in the rest of the Mediterranean is likely a consequence of Greek colonization.[21][22][23] Within Europe, E-V13 is especially common in the Balkans and some parts of Italy. In different studies, particularly high frequencies have been observed in Kosovo Albanians (45.6%[24]), Macedonian Albanians (34.4%[25]), and in some parts of Greece (ca. 35%[26]).[27]
my tummy is killing me
I had one slice of cheese pizza in the cafeteria yesterday and I've had the runs since last night
last research concluded that it didn't migrate from africa but it migrated TO north africa, replacing indigenous haplogroups thousands of years ago
Nowadays E-V13 is the only Mediterranean haplogroup consistently found throughout Europe, even in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Baltic countries, which are conspicuous by the absence of other Neolithic haplogroups like G2a (bar the Indo-European G2a-Z1815), J1 and T (except in Estonia). However, since G2a is the only lineage that was consistently found in all Neolithic sites tested to date in Europe, the absence of Neolithic G2a lineages from Scandinavia and the Baltic implies that no Neolithic lineage survives there, and consequently E-V13 does not date from the Neolithic in the region.
In fact, it has been calculated that E-V13 emerged from E-M78 some 7,800 years ago, when Neolithic farmers were advancing into the Balkans and the Danubian basin. Furthermore, all the modern members of E-V13 descend from a common ancestor who lived approximately 5,500 years ago, and all of them also descend from a later common ancestor who carried the CTS5856 mutation. That ancestor would have lived about 4,100 years ago, during the Bronze Age. Almost immediately afterwards, CTS5856 split into six subclades, then branched off into even more subclades in the space of a few generations. In just a few centuries, that very minor E-V13 lineage had started an expansion process that would turn it into one of Europe's most widespread paternal lineages and reach far beyond the borders of Europe itself, also spreading to the eastern edge of the Mediterranean, the Caucasus, Kurdistan, Iran, and even Siberia.
This was proven long ago. Just observe both groups, their behavior is practically identical.
>low iq
>never had civilization until it was introduced by foreign empires
>no significant accomplishments in any sphere of human activity
>even similar appearance
This data suggests that the fate of E-V13 was linked to the elite dominance of Bronze Age society. The geographic distribution of the six main branches show that E-V13 quickly spread to all parts of Europe, but was especially common in Central Europe. The only Bronze Age migration that could account for such a fast and far-reaching dispersal is that of the Proto-Indo-Europeans. At present the most consistent explanation is that E-V13 developed from E-M78 in Central or Eastern Europe during the Neolithic period, and was assimilated by the R1a and R1b Proto-Indo-Europeans around the time that they were leaving the Pontic Steppe to invade the rest of Europe.
What is surprising with E-V13 is that it is as common in R1a-dominant as in R1b-dominant countries. R1a Indo-European tribes are associated with the Corded Ware culture, which spanned across Northeast Europe, Scandinavia and the northern half of Central Europe. R1b tribes invaded the Balkans, the southern half of Central Europe, and joined up with Corded Ware people in what is now Germany, the Czech Republic and western Poland. If E-V13 was found among both groups, it would have needed to be either assimilated in the Pontic Steppe or very near from it (say, in the Cucuteni-Trypillian culture, around western Ukraine, Moldova and Romania), or at the junction between the two groups in central Europe (e.g. around the Czech Republic).
The eastern advance of the Corded Ware culture eventually gave rise to the Sintashta culture in the Ural region, which is the ancestral culture of the Indo-Iranian branch of Indo-Europeans. E-V13's presence in this culture would explain why modern Iranians and Kurds possess E-V13, in addition to R1a-Z93 and R1b-Z2103. E-V13 has been found as far away as central Siberia, near the Altai, a region also known to have been settled by Bronze Age Indo-Europeans.
Due to the scarcity of full genomic sequences available from the Balkans, it is not yet clear when E-V13 expanded in that region. The Indo-European migrations would certainly have brought some E-V13 early on, from circa 2500 BCE. But the history of the region is so complex that there might be many separate branches of E-V13 that each came with a different invasion (e.g. Iranic tribes, La Tène Celts, Romans, Goths, Slavs). The first Indo-European migration to Greece was that of the Mycenaeans from c. 1650 BCE. The Dorians from Central Europe followed from c. 1200 BCE. Both could have brought different subclades of E-V13, and a founder effect or the phenomenon of elite dominance among the ruling invaders might have caused a fast growth of E-V13 lineage in Late Bronze Age and Iron Age Greece.
good description of slavs
Thank god we are not slavs then
There are at least three distinct sources of E-V13 in Italy. The first would be the Bronze Age Italic tribes from Central Europe, who in all logic would have possessed at least some E-V13 lineages before they invaded the Italian peninsula. Proto-Italics would have been a predominantly R1b-U152 tribe, but also carried a minority of E-V13, G2a-L140 (L13, L1264 and Z1816 subclades) and J2a1-L70 (PF5456 and Z2177 subclades). The second would be the ancient Greeks, who heavily colonized southern Italy from the 9th century BCE until the Roman conquest in the 3rd century BCE. The third are the Goths. As a Germanic tribe they might have carried a small percentage of E-V13. But that percentage very certainly increased after spending several centuries in Central and Southeast Europe and assimilating Proto-Slavs and Balkanic people before invading Italy. The Goths settled over all the Italian peninsula. They would have brought typically Germanic lineages like I1 and R1b-U106, but also the Proto-Slavic R1a-CTS1211, which is now found uniformly in 1 to 2% of the population. Since R1a-CTS1211 is not originally Germanic, it is likely that the Goths also brought a small but noticeable percentage of assimilated lineages from the Balkans, including E-V13 and J2b1 (I2a1b-CTS10228 would have come later from the East Slavic migrations from Ukraine during the Early Middle Ages, hence its absence from Italy, apart from a few coastal areas facing the Adriatic Sea).
great post ironic bait
A reminder that the tranlo hasn't posted here in months and probably killed himself.
An Indo-European dispersal of V13 subclades would not only explain why E-V13 is present in places like Finland, northwest Russia or Siberia, where Neolithic farmers had a negligible impact, but also why E-V13 is so conspicuously lacking from the Basque country and (central) Sardinia, the two regions of Europe with the highest Neolithic ancestry. Sardinia is also the only part of Europe where Bronze Age Steppe ancestry is virtually absent. The low percentage of E-V13 is coastal Sardinia would be better explained by more recent settlements on the island by the Romans, or even the Goths, who also settled in Sardinia.
The small presence of E-V13 in the Near East could be better explained by the extremely long Greek presence in the eastern Mediterranean from the time of Alexander the Great until the end of the Byzantine domination over the region during the Middle Ages. It would be unthinkable that over 1,500 years of Hellenisation and Byzantine rule in Anatolia and the Levant didn't leave any genetic trace. In Anatolia, E-V13 is found mostly in the western third of the country, the region that used to belong to ancient Greece. The absence of E-V13 from Central Anatolia does not concord with a diffusion linked to Neolithic agriculture. There is clearly a radiation from the Greece (where E-V13 makes up approximately 30% of the paternal lineages) to the East Mediterranean (where the frequency drops to under 5%).
prolly has without the trip
nice try to bait out the trip you desperate faggot
we get it brah
A certain group of Slavs is in possession of the biggest stockpile of nuclear weapons on the planet and operates spacecraft.
analbanians have barely progressed from operating a goat to a car. In some cases not even that.
hello tranlo good to see you're not dead, now post with your trip
Actually, I am the tranlo.
>piggy backing off Rushka which you are in no way related to
Fyrom didn't produce a single historical figure of note in a century of existence HAHAHAHHA the most famous Fyromian is mother Theresa an Albanian
nice projections, tranlo
yeah indians have nukes too yet loos are still an unknown concept to them
Refer to his post where he said "slavs" insectoid.
No I am the tranlo.
add analbanian on the right with "steals your organs"
By god, now the criminal low iq blockheads and skopljenians are arguing
FUCK the 13 colonies
i am Texan
uh huh uh huh thats interesting at all but why do Skopjans look so inbred
t. Boban Iliç
Macedonia is not slavic but macedonian
Fucking greeks wanna steal our history
>my ass is on fire