10k or 100k link to make it?

I keep seeing everyone say you need 100k stinkies to make it. I thought the established "make it" cut-off was 10k? am I gonna make it frens?

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The actual non-delusional "make it" cut-off is probably at about 1MM LINK.

define "make it"

100m might buy you a pack of ciggies in a few years.

i too was hoping to retire next to a costco with close too that amount... is it not possible bros

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financial independence in 3-ish years

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doubtful then, unless you live in a third world shithole with very low cost of living.

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: (((((((

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10k links for $1 mil

Link $1385 eoy 2020
You do the math fools

how did you arrive to this number? I don't doubt it given the nature of the product, but I am very curious as to how everyone is calculating these valuations.

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10k is really pushing it for making it, hence it quoted as the cutoff. Comfy making it would be 50k+. I have 15k link and dont feel comfy at all yet.

Just be grateful you have the opportunity at all to buy link.

I got $1386
You should re-check your math bro

Depends. If the crypto marketcap does hit 20 trillion some day, Link could very well be in the top 3 if all goes right. You could see multi thousand dollars per link. Don't know what the odds are of that, but it's certainly possible

How many linkies for a modest return of 100k US dollars eoy? It would really help me out 2bh

About 50k link

I would guess link will be around 30 eoy, so probably around 35-50k. I would stake all the Link from the returns at least until Link is 300+ or so. I don't plan on ever selling my main stack. Just gonna keep staking until it hits 1000, sell probably half the returns after that.

Uhhh, I ran the calculations, and with link being worth $30, I'd only need 3333 link to end up with $100k

Thought you meant from staking, but yeah. I wouldn't sell Link eoy though, wayyyyyy to early

Buy more if you can, but you'll be alright either way if you hold.

LINKing blockchains and connecting them to external data is FAR more revolutionary than bitcoin was..

Guys like this:

are fudding because everyone wants to just make the cutoff and slam the door behind them. It's human psychology and even I catch myself doing it.

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ok, thanks user. I think I'm gonna sell my gold ETFs for it, I've got like $3k of that. should be able to double my stack after that.

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10k is cutoff because $100 LINK would get you 1m USD and thats the cut off for /makingit/.

100 dollars /link is a reasonable expectation, no matter what happens to this market.

$1000+ LINK is definitely possible by 2025. The problem is thats cause of inflation and a devaluing of the dollar.