I saw the pump coming, I am bullish on EOS and knew that today we would fly.
However, half asleep, I sold it (and my NEO) into the very top of of ONT.
As me anything.
I saw the pump coming, I am bullish on EOS and knew that today we would fly.
However, half asleep, I sold it (and my NEO) into the very top of of ONT.
As me anything.
What is your favorite pizza topping?
What are your thoughts on getting pegged by a woman?
What inspire you make such masterful maneuver
Sleepy BS!
are you planning any trips for that summer? If yes, where?
>tfw every alts goes 20-50% up and you still manage to make 0 gains
drivenow or car2go ??
does it hurt being that stupid?
Why would you ever sell EOS with how much money keeps coming into and dAPPs getting announced.
At least you aren't shorting the fucking shitcoins EOS.
like me
>Why would you ever sell EOS with how much money keeps coming into and dAPPs getting announced.
Who knows, it makes no sense at all! I like EOS and I was even going to buy more, but for some reason I put half my stack into ONT and WAN just as they peaked. I can not account for this behaviour at all, I'm ashamed of myself and furious.
Forget the tech and all the other flowery bullshit. EOS is supported and propped by Bitfinex and Brock Pierce. They will not go down easily. EOS is always easy money. You bet against Bitfinex, Tether, EOS and Brock Pierce at your own peril.
If you think EOS is a top 10 coin by merit alone you're deluded.
I bought EOS after the john oliver FUD. No reason to sell that coin whatsoever.
same, John Oliver FUD just seemed like clear buy signal
Never heard of him.
wtf bitfinex is legit manipulating EOS right now
I am trying to sell and the order gets cancelled immediately. This never happened before wtf!
I need to change the exchange.
All the other rumors about bfx might be also true.
i sold my eos for nano a month ago, down 50 percent on that piece of shite.
same, who is this guy
I sold now to buy the dip.. most volume is on korean exchange and its nighttime there now
Eos is one of the only coins thats actually delivering a useful product that can be used by the mainstream. Its tech is top 2 material. All the stars are aligning for it with both tech and connections. Anyone who doesn't hold any eos right now is a complete brainlet
I did the opposite. Sold all my nano for eos in February. Feels good man
Sold EOS at the top of the pump, put it in XLM
Crypto is following a predictable sequence
Sold my EOS into the pump and bought LTC.
Good luck bleeding sats for the next 3 months
>Sold EOS at the top of the pump, put it in XLM
XLM, interesting choice. Why - it's not really a coin that pumps very much, is it?
Are you a Pepsi kinda gal or a Coca Cola kinda feller?
just move on and go back into EOS plus a few other ones you like. The whole market will pickup again slowly over the next few years and eos is going to 500%+ in three months so whatever.
we've all done it
people will realize this soon. I feel like more tech background types see it already but the non developer types don't yet. it's the first coin I've seen that has tech supporting it where I can see both big corps making crazy money off it while people still get the benefits of decentralized development
I sold all my EOS and it's climbed another 10% since then. When will it come back down? Should I kill myself?
Honestly dude, you did good, but you are better holding it until main net release at the very least. It's too hard to make a consistent profit day trading, you will probably lose money. It's better to hold in this case because sentiment is bullish on EOS, it's very similar to ETH back in 2017, but with improved tech and more competent team.
Just got 2x and to cover my initial. I know it's not multiple x but dat relief.
he is a sausage type of guy, obviously.
This comment actually helped a lot, thank you user. We're all going to make it. I'll buy back after the price settles main net should be nice. I'm planning on selling the pump before release and buying after the near inevitable news dunp.