>tfw too scared to put a lot of money into alts or Bitcoin
I'm still 90% in tether, I put a bit into alts but I feel like market could change direction in an instant. Who else /pussy/ here?
Tfw too scared to put a lot of money into alts or Bitcoin
>putting all your actual money into exchange funny money that could crash to $0 in an INSTANT
You've got the biggest balls here. I really, REALLY hope idiots like you get JUSTed in the tethering
well if he gets justed we all will
I switched every alt into bitcoin a month ago and now i'm so traumatized, missing all the moons
Me. I have been a pussy since I tethered at 10k. I watched the dead cat bounce to 12k and it felt bad. Now I am so far up in sats but I still seeing it going down more. No reason for me to get back in until I see a real shift in market sentiment.
But what if this is the beginning of the shift? and by the time you decide to go in alts will dump.
BTC existed long before fake exchange money did
Amen. Either I get absolutely justed in tether when it goes down or I experience 80% of what tether would do to me in coins. Lose/lose there.
If hes 90% in tether he risks everything, 90% in fiat he risks nothing
There is still little that has changed in the market outlook. People are scared. I have a cushion so when I fomo it will be when I see a measure your dick portfolio thread posted every 5 minutes here.
Cashing out to fiat is slaughtered by fees and potentially capital gains taxes. Especially when you have to get back in and pay more fees plus the wait. Tether is a godsend to avoid all that shit. If it goes down then btc is crashing back to 2016 and that is the truth.
Pretty much this, the only reason I don't cash to fiat is because all the fees I'll have to pay for transfer + commission and most importantly capital gains.
I moved my whole retirement into a self-directed IRA so I could YOLO it in crypto. I am now in leveraged shorts and hoping this thing will shit the bed in the next few days.
I'm buying next semi dip. I've been around since late 2016 so I still don't know what I'm doing. Fucked up a lot fomo'd fucking sold for losses etc etc. my gut tells me though we are settling at a base. I expect a nice long bowl like shape then 100k BTC 2024
I don't doubt another stratospheric increase by 2024. But at the moment the entire world is in a state of panic in speculative assets. Takes one fucked up day for the market to become a graveyard for awhile. I am waiting for that.
>trusting the dollar
get a load of this cuck
BTC lost value if you don't include the 10 top days of gains last year. You both are trying to time the market and will likely lose as it will spike without warning.
How many people tethered and are just waiting for a re-entry point? I bet it's a lot.
>BTC lost value if you don't include the 10 top days of gains last year.
>top 10 days accounted for $19000 of gains
Retard detected, did you hear that faggot on CNBC say it and just believe him without any proof?
Tetherer detected. Sorry but you are likely going to mistime your idiotic strategy.
Were you there from September to December last year? You can easily get in on the spike.
Do it faggot. Scared money don't make money.
I'm in the exact same position man I don't wanna touch bitcoin rn, even if it's just for a second to buy alts
>sold 15BTC at $16k
>rebought equal amount at $8k
>bought extra BTC at $7k
>bought extra BTC at $6k
>still have a bit over $100k
Yeah, totally going to regret it.
Meanwhile I'm comfy supporting long term projects I believe in and still up 8x since October. Have fun panic selling and panic buying BTC for USD though.
First used BTC in 2011, bought to hold in 2014 and sold for long hold alts October/November last year.
>I've been holding and I'm up 8x since October
You should attempt to make your lies believable at least.
Buy back in faggot, it's not going to go much lower then this
Nano IOTA WTC SYS ZOI are my largest holdings.
Nano XSH PHR EOS XLR are my largest percent gains.
$450k USD valuation but I'm a whale in some of these so it may be slightly off.
if tether blows up you're left with nothing if you're tethered up
btc and eth would take a hit but eventually recover
go fiat or dai, but never tether
25x since dec and mostly in tether suck my dick jelly faggots
So add a little at a time.