Butthurt Panamian Nazi

Butthurt Panamian Nazi
Volga German
Dutch Arab
Gay German bearfag
Aztecboo Mexican
CIDF Singaporean
Sexpat living in Thailand
Rich self-hating New England leftist
Southern Brazil is White Guy
Cristian Ceron
Communist Finn
Wewuzzist Korean in Canada
The Vietnamese guy (there can't be more than 1-2 of them at most)

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CHI larping as Spaniard

german bear :3

Kamoshida and that canadian guy who always posts the soywojak threads.

german bear poster
polish guy on japanese proxy
gay finn
anti-anime albanian

Not sure if it's one guy but that leftist American who greentexts right wingers' posts and attaches a pic of a not very good looking right winger to mock them.

Obsessed Albanian living in Russia

gay lithuanian
gay finn
gay french guy
gay anime russian
gay leaf who still hasn't gotten over his first bf and cries about it all the time on Jow Forums and /lgbt/ and /b/
self hating gay leaf who posts mike pence images

What makes you think he is a chicano?

As an aside, why do we have so many faggots here? They have _three_ boards to use. Why is it that hard to stay in them?

Also the argentinian that doubts my every post

And gay belgian

Damn, i hate this guy, he always shit at our general


Because they are faggot?

What posts does he doubt?

Jow Forums - Facebook

I'm Iberian American
I'm Italian American
Albanese-Russian proxy

That communist Finn probably isn't a real Finn anyway. He showed up almost coincident with this one Swedish poster who said he was going to study in Finland.

You mean the south Belize is white guy

The American who makes shitty, unfunny posts that contribute absolutely nothing to the conversation. Oh, wait...

...that's all of them.

no one has mentioned me based

I'm glad nobody recognize me because it already happened several times and it was scary

In what way am I not racially native to iberian peninsula?

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i don kno la

Your flag

this user. I like him

Super annoying american communist who hates America
Russian German
American chinese chill
Camadiam Chinese chill
Hungarian left winger
Communist finn
Right wing Brazilian
Canadian Jow Forumstard
Chilean who posts alot of amerimutts
Mexican who hates America

all these threads do is encourage mentally ill attention seekers to double down on their retardation since you've given them attention. Kill yourself.

This. No one recognized me yet, but if they did, should i be proud or ashamed that they do?

>Super annoying american communist who hates America
That would be the New England Bernout. Fuck, that guy is annoying.

I am an Iberian race, who lives in these territoried.

>mutts getting asshurt about facts on their country

When will they learn

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Depends, it would mean that either you're so unoriginal and uncreative that people can recognise you even without a name or you're so unique and interesting that people know it's you when you post.

The “German” Guatemalan.

Good point. Thing is though, i dunno how i stand in that spectrum. I dont autism-post, but i feel like i can get a bit annoying somtimes. I should be ok

That Apu loving Italian.

The 3 ugly amerimutts who avatarfag with pictures of themselves

I'm pretty sure there are multiple canadian Jow Forumstards

I'm always posting Motion City Soundtrack lyrics.
H-has anyone recognized me?

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Chinese butthurt American
Chinese butthurt using jap proxy
Chinese butthurt Canadian
Gay iranian in Austria
Gay pedo Russian

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That manly Finnishbro that puts the shitposting gays in their place

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Whatever happened to that Indian airforce/navy captain.

Damn I need a black weeb gf

He truly is a based individual

wassup bro

Embrace me

As do I. Very badly

Who? I tought all finns were fags.

Post archive pls

retarded gay finnish poster

oh wait that's every single one of them

My fag friend tells me that it's because trannies took over /lgbt/. So fags are refugees and they went to gay ERP and shit elsewere.

>Literally gay rapefugees

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Ukrainian Jow Forumsommando
Finnish Jow Forumsommando
Canadian dude who wants a gun but can't get one where he lives
Australian dude who wants a gun but can't get one where he lives
American who wants to live in Norway
Orthodox Christian Russian who lives in Israel, but is anti-Semitic and hates English speakers but also speaks English
Prideful Belarusian
Guy who posts Sherman every time a pro-South conversation happens
Australian who posts about how he thinks 9/11 was a good thing
Unironically obsessed Hungarian
Amerindian supremacist Peruvian (possibly Incatard on /his/)
Japanese proxy who posts the same bait threads EVERY DAY but people fall for them every time
Assblasted Kazakh, loves to brag about how shops in his city are open 24 hours, hates Borat jokes
Friendly Kazakh who is very philosophical
Self-hating Russian
Nostalgic Vietnamese dude
Jew who likes robot porn
Isle of Man shitposter

The Britbong Barbara Palvin spammer.

That nice French poster who always talks about his family :)

>Self-hating Russian
you mean very Russian?

Right wing Guatemalan
Sheikh of Jersey
Malta shitposter
Qatar shitposter
Saudi shitposter

the swedish guy who is really pro-NATO
the communist finn
the Jow Forumsack brasillian guy
the one israeli guy who posts here
the turkish guy
the really gay finn
that fucking guy who posts the "do you hope to find X in Japan" threads every day
the one guy from south korea who's a communist

Hard not to recognize him when he shows us his face every time.

that idiot guy who thinks he isn't the idiot im talking about

>Not sure if it's one guy but that leftist American who greentexts right wingers' posts and attaches a pic of a not very good looking right winger to mock them.

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>Super annoying american communist who hates America
>That would be the New England Bernout. Fuck, that guy is annoying.

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How goes the move to Norway?


Literally kill yourselves

that gay argie who just posted in this thread


>Cristian Ceron
Well, he's the only Colombian posting on this board so its difficult not to recognize him (me)

that one fat and stupid american

American 5-yen-army's soldier, jidf (japanese internet defense force) shill.

Don't talk about me

the one german who constantly complains about "monkeys"
hey fuck you too

Taco user

anti-gay finn

that belize poster that is annoying as fuck

This little shit

exgellend :DDDDDDD

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The Jewish Brazilian should be banned

All Jews should be banned

The gay furry autistic Finn aka all of them.

>Mexican who hates America
that would be me :)

nice try adolf

Pro-Israeli czech
Anime posting pali posting with a UAE proxy
State champ in fighting at 8th grade Israeli, aka Itzik the Choker
Japanon studying in Waseda uni, next year in Kyoto uni

Belgian terrorist

Finnanon in the Sweden general thread ( he makes the Swede-Finn pepe/apustaja memes)
Autistic Finn who unironically wants to exterminate Swedes
Jow Forumstard with russian flag
Gay Finn (s)
Gay Swede (s)
Self-hating Russian
Ikibey the GREEK
Autistic Georgian user who is really polite and cool

that's about it really, also

The original jungle fever Finn who converted me

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Slovenian Ashitar lover, Aussie-fag obsessed with Great Turan, Lithuanian anime poster

American using italian/british proxy to make anti-italian threads
Anti-italian argie
Sudanese doc
The qatari guy
The anti-EU greek
The american who thinks he's italian

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I don't consider myself Italian, but after seeing the restoration of Augustus physical appearance in a thread yesterday ( he was grey-eyed and blonde haired) I kind of feel proud knowing that at least the Roman Emperors were the same blonde, blue eyed Nordics as myself. Obviously that does not mean I think I am Italian, because modern Italians do not descend from the emperors like for example Norwegians, Swedes, Danes, etc.

Qatari guy
South Belize is white guy
Pro-Chinese Canadian
French algerian

I know it's bait but for me it's a win-win scenario, because i have both med and germanic genes (one of my uncles was also a tall blond-haired guy)

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>Wewuzzist Korean in Canada
he's right though

t. Wewuzzist Korean in Canada

Nice, user.

Is the Israeli fuck machine guy still around?

A lot of us hate them desu

That gay super nice brazillian