
What are some good ways to live rent free? No memeing

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Live with your parents until you have enough saved up to buy a house.

invest in a decent van, gut it out, stick a bed and there n shit and live on the road.

Sadly, this isn't rent free
Good idea but I was thinking more along the lines of a real apartment or home

Become a stinky

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Just, no.

legit answers:

- get artists residency

- rent and sublet a place predating young and naive people foreign to the city (rent place for 1k and sublet a tiny part of it for $800 pretending that you're total rent is close to 2k).

- rent flat & rent art studio. tax write-off the art studio (you're now a self employed artist). sublet your flat and move into your art studio without irs knowing.

- rent large space with plenty of extra rooms, sublet each but your room for an amount that in total nullifies your rent expenditure.

Have a vagina and leech off a man

Is this a joke? Just buy a house with cash and pay your property taxes

>- rent and sublet a place predating young and naive people foreign to the city (rent place for 1k and sublet a tiny part of it for $800 pretending that you're total rent is close to 2k).
How do you go about avoiding this scam, if you're on the other side of the deal?

Find a rich gay dude and let him tear your asshole open with his penor every night.

Live with parents
Live with lose friends for a low monthly rates.
I was paying $300 a month under the table for a while.

buy your own place, unless you're amerifat

I took a job that provides housing. I only have to work 1 three month contract a year to stay active with the company and have access to the bunkhouse. I'm planning on getting a better seasonal job on the side that provides health insurance, then my health and housing will be covered by my jobs and all my profits go straight to my stock portfolio. Also with the job that provides housing, when I'm on contract all my meals are comped, literally no living expenses.

Look up north Pacific groundfish observer.

get enough money to buy a home outright

Idk this sounds kind of gay

van living is actually pretty great and fun, if you like exploring. every day can be a new adventure. if you have an office job though its not sustainable

Be a professional house sitter.

Do not fucking live

Buy a house and rent out the spare bedroom

>How do you go about avoiding this scam, if you're on the other side of the deal?
look up actual rent prices...? you know, using thew fucking Internet?

general awareness of the prices in the area for an equivalent surface should be enough

Buy a house and rent out rooms. I never paid rent in college.

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buy the property you bum.

>look up actual rent prices...? you know, using thew fucking Internet?
no internet in my country


>Live with parents
>Live with lose friends for a low monthly rates.
>I was paying $300 a month under the table for a while.

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