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biji biji

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khaybar khaybar

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Who else misses this?
Strike at Karkand
Gulf of Oman

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Does /mena/ think it's possible for Israel and Palestine to live in peace with a two state solution?

Source pls

It's possible desu. Problem is Israel don't want that.

>inb4 muh hamas
They actually said that they were now open to a two state solution
>in 4 Israel want that
The colonies prove otherwise


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How many of you know or have talked to people online or in real life that have gone to Europe as refugees?

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I immigrated three times to italy by boat, until now. almost got killed in one
what do you want to know white boi ?

Cancer thread

You can still play that on bf2hub

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At least im not a mokkokan neet weeb that watches anime all day and night

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Oh wait you are a tn flag. well whatever, same thing

As decreed by Moot-tennō in all of his infinite wisdom.

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The age of the weeb old fags is over.
This is the age of the french flags and cringy tunisian poster.

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>white boi

I just wanted to know that are these "refugees" the worst of their societies, because that is what I have heard from multiple sources, European and Arab ones.

idk about refugees.
but immigrants, in short, are neets that think they'll have a better life there. keep them there, thx

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what does mena think of the thousands of white male converts that traveled to arabia and have many arab wives?