Does this partnership mean that DIGIX can be used as a form of tether since its backed by gold?

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except a dollar is always worth a dollar while gold is just a rock

just buy Tron instead

A dollar is worth 97¢ in one year.
Solid reasoning.
Op is right. Req is the gamechanger.
Soon $500/1Req will look like a steal.

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im not exactly sure how Digix works, but being able to buy gold with req is fucking huge.

How soon...nothing pumps the price...losing faith here

>bear market
>not all features are finished yet
>advertising has not gone into effect yet
gee, i wonder why

He is young, we have to give him the advantage of ignorange.

well, in order to win SOMEONE has to buy our bags at $100

but muh lambo... :( Seriously though it hurts to see things like XVG go up %150 and we're stuck here dumping as partnerships with pwc & co are announced...

Jesus christ just woke up to this.
It gets better and better, this should be the meme coin for Jow Forums and not LINK. They actually put out the working product in beta already. How the fuck is this so cheap still? I'm gonna be filthy rich.

how? its a useless shitcoin
>muh mainnet

what have they done so far?

youre partially correct. REQ isnt nearly done with their roadmap. they do have their mainnet working with ETH and a shopify and woocommerce plugin about to be deployed. Judging on their past ability to meet deadlines and the quality of the team, I believe they will meet their deadlines.

30 MILLION FOR SHOPIFY PLUGINS HAHAHAHAHHAHA a fucking programmer would make one for $500 in a month

>30 MILLION FOR SHOPIFY PLUGINS HAHAHAHAHHAHA a fucking programmer would make one for $500 in a month

What about all these dApps?

Holy shit, you’re retarded! I won’t even bother explaining it to you, because I want to see you neck yourself as soon as the price skyrockets and mouthbreathing Reqlets like you will be left behind!

nobody is even working on your shitty dapps that nobody is going to use

>req skyrockets
yeah not happening any time soon, not buying your bags

Not really, the burning contract bot will take care of that.

>yeah not happening any time soon, not buying your bags
Of course it won’t happen soon, you dumb nigger! REQ is a long term hold! Go chase moonshots ADHD kid. You will still neck yourself in a few years.

Man, why is REQ even less than $1.00 when total garbage vapor-ware like OMG is over $9?

omg spent their entire budget on advertising and hype. coins like that wont survive

Apparently ever coin they have directly relates to a portion of gold (not sure how much). Somebody on here was saying earlier that you can trade digix directly for gold in Singapore (or somewhere like that)

This is essentially putting fiat on the blockchain. Each coin is going to be worth a set amount of $, varying only with change in price of gold. This is huge.

no it's not

You are the worst FUDer I saw in a while. Take my advice and neck yourself already.

b-but thats what OMG is trying to do no?

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