What to buy today?
Which one will increase more in the coming week?

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Req 500$ eoy
Nuff said.

no one can tell you
I hold both of those and more
So you get a up vote from me

I'm so sick of the brainless Req shilling.
Who are Req competitors and why is Req than them?

Long term REQ will outperform AMB.

In the coming week? No-one knows, depends if AMB gets pump'd and dump'd again or if there is a bullish announcement friday for REQ.


that's a fine monkey ass, 9/10

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Basic Attention Token. Do your own research. Its a diamond in a rough that whales are mining in afrida using slaves and you can be one of those by buying now

that's what actualy this post was for

I have both. Comfy AF.

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Damn imagine breeding those niggers one by one in a line and creampieing each of them. Perfect bodies for breeding and having seed growing inside each of them

that's not what this post was for

despite some initial delays, LUXcore has come around and started delivering according to schedule. It's gone up 20% over a couple of days corelating with good news and announcements from the team. Still pretty cheap.

coinbase is their only competitor.

Req anyday. Amb is a mad pnd coin, no regulators will touch it because of this.

This post isn't your average stupidity. Avergage stupidity you understand and pity, but I'm not sure what point this was trying to make.

You realize there have been 5min candles that've dropped or raised btc's price by hundreds of dollars, right? There are points to be made as to why req could see greater gains, but whatever this was wasn't one of those.

req can't grow

the only thing that can't grow is your dick user


kekd and checkd

my sides

Checkd kekd rekt

No its not, look at it from the perspective of someone who hasnt drank the coolaid. Having your token pnd'd regularly makes it very unattractive for instutions to addopt. Look at tyhe way angel spoke about partners before and after the pnd's, he now refers to everything as 'possibly and hopefully'. The company has really suffered. Keep in mind im saying this as a big akb holder, i just dont think the token has any room for adoption.

>when a coin with one of the best teams in crypto is just a "mad pnd"

get amb op

Checki, Keki, Reki

>best team
They had one really good team member, Vlad Trifa is a powerhouse and really the inly reason the project got any attention. Now he's gone its just a bunch of interns slapping together marketting schemes.

bi monthly announcements for Req. Sometimes its just updates sometimes its big news

AMB because what it does vs. current mcap.
It's used for pnds currently because it's low volume... that's literally the only reason.
It won't be low volume for long and it's at ICO price currently

Vlad is still a part of the team, wtf is this gay fud

wtf. i know who you are. im gonna tell mom about this


Yes he was chatting in the dev tg this morning. Weak fud