Serbian real estate flip

You are accumulating Serbian real estate and property, right user? What, you didn't know that Serbia is going to soon join the EU in 2025 (at worst)? Prices will fucking skyrocket, it's the true get rich quick scheme.

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EU will crumble before 2025

Even if magically if it doesn't, serbia is worse than bulgaria. Balkans suck.

How much for a shed in the woods?

>You are accumulating Serbian real estate and property, right user?

No, literally no one here is. Not a single person.

>anyone wants to or will ever want to live in serbia
What kind of retard do you have to be to come up with this idea?

>thinkin we wont be at war before 2025
fuckin slavs

1) I'm not a fucking slav and yes people will want to live in Serbia as they will be part of the EU zone and infrastructure will improve, it will be easier for EUfags to live there, quality of life will improve in general because Serbia will be another leech in the EU, they won't pay a dime and get all that german and french money.

Be smart faggots.
>t. hurr why would you buy real estate there if you dont want to live there

I dont know about that having visited both countries. I would say from my experience the Bulgarians are just a load of gypsies whereas the serbs had quite a culture. Furthermore Belgrade is rather chic whereas Sofia is full of gypsies.

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People will want to live in Serbia just beacuse it's in the EU? Good luck with that reasoning, user. Enjoy your gypsy neighbours.

Hahahha serbia will never join eu. Croats wont let that happen

Serbs do have alot of culture and heritage.
you're a ignorant pos tho

Ok slav,
you can keep thinkin Serbia will improve, it will, but not the the level that we here in the west expect. you might have 1 or 2 nice streets but the rest will look like slums to us.

>>t. hurr why would you buy real estate there if you dont want to live there

then have fun dealing with real estate ownership in another country

I was in Belgrade for a week or so and I was impressed. It was clean, modern and cosmopolitan. The women in general were tall, white, well presented and there looked like money everywhere. Why they would want to join the eu must only be for political reasons and government handouts.

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Look, right now NOBODY in the world wants to live or work in Serbia. Once it joins the EU it is connected to a huge work force and market, therefore becoming more attractive for businesses etc... Especially when there's literally nothing right now, so businesses will move there because there are customers who crave for western products and services. People, workers and business will move there and if not, the quality of everything will at least improve, making everything more expensive. Buy low, sell high motherfuckers.

In an underdeveloped, corruption and crime infested backwater country.

>what's a real estate agent firm

Yeah, you will make tonnes of money fliping your real estate to Lidl and Tesco workers who arrive there.

unironically this (EU crumble)
we're living on borrowed time as is. by 2025, minorities in the UK, Germany and France will be the majority of the fighting age demographic
might not be a full collapse just yet but either way we're decaying
i'd invest in vietnam real estate before serbia (and if you don't know, that's the country where their land records are still on paper and vietnameses routinely "sell" properties they don't even own to foreigners)

Exactly the opposite will happen.
Young educated people will move out to west en masse because the pay is so much better.
EU won't fix anything for Serbia, they'll just steal their best people and kill their economy.

the biggest investors/developrs in srbjia (and balkania) are muslmanis. the entire waterfront of beograd is an arab development. bosnia/albania etc are all being arabized

tl;dr ordogan and arabs are organizing a population transfer to balkania/evropa

Finn here, I've been looking at Albanian coastal real estate myself.
I remember what happened with Estonia and how it improved. It went from a complete Soviet shitpit to a place that rivals Finland in infrastructure and wages. Just took couple of decades and it's not entirely developed, but it came along nicely and would have been a wonderful investment.
People aren't even coming over to work here in large numbers due to their wage increases.
Same sort of an improvement will without a doubt happen in these nations, so OP does have a point even if it sounds insane at the moment.
Problem I have with these places is their building standards and the crime.
There's no guarantee that any of these houses are in any kind of a shape a decade or two from now and if these nations keep their reputation of being mafia ridden crime nests, then that's going to seriously hinder their growth regarding tourism.
Also I'd wait to see some big steps taken to rid the government of corruption before investing heavily into them.

you will pay handsomely to be kebab'd.

estonia was basically a top destination for russian/finnish/british money laundering

Good luck to getting gang ass raped in an albanian blood feud

Estonia has proximity with the Nordic countries.
Balkans are just pretty much Balkans and that will never change.
Why would you buy any real estate in that muslim shithole

>buying land in eastern Europe


I'm an Albanian myself. Your idea is fucking retarded, the mafia can come anytime and fuck you up. It's a horrible place to do Jow Forumsnis there, just too much corruption and as foreigner with no connections they will rip you apart

Oh sure it was, but the point is that these places will eventually become modern if enough money flows in.
It doesn't matter whether it's kebab money or whatever money, as long as it keeps on coming.
I don't plan ever on living there myself.

Yeah it's a hellhole at the moment and until the corruption and crime goes down considerably, it's a huge risk.
But Estonia used to be the kind of a place where sketchy taxi drivers working for Russian gangs were likely to murder you.
Nowadays it's a place where you could move without any risk.
Give your country 20 years and you might be looking at a vastly different place. "Might" being the keyword here.
But tourism is growing and so is foreign investment. I'm not going to dump my money in there, but it's not an option I'm going to close off entirely.
We'll see how it progresses.

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