We summon

to decide the fate of crypto.

>implying you didn't check them

Attached: 1455563225172.gif (500x500, 2.1M)

Attached: ready.jpg (650x366, 192K)

We’re all going to make it.

Tauchain will be our savior from this corrupt and untruthful world we live in

Attached: 1523399362001.jpg (960x394, 70K)

Nobody is going to make it but people who are on XRP

3 trillion mcap eoy

it will be a link get
1000$ eoy

Cardano becomes the global currency.

Bch 80% market dominance this year

there are people in the world right now who have money invested in this outcome, and each and every one of them deserve to lose their money (and they will)



A bit early for the eights of truth but either way my Linkies will stay stinky $1000 EOY

Cannot wait for the 8888888 stinky get

Link 0.01 EOY

It's at least another couple of days before that happens

It's a bit early, no?

I missed by one last night unintentionally because I reread my comment and added a comma. I promise kek i'll be more chaotic with my grammar for WYS to get .

Attached: 1523454227718.png (512x288, 154K)

Crypto will be world currency in 2020.

Buy REQ sir

link $1000 eoy

Attached: 1513793422890.png (1000x1000, 53K)


Almighty KEK, bestow your powerful digits upon me so that I may leave the cuckings of a wagie behind and ascend into true NEETdom.

Attached: 1522850788177.png (480x351, 161K)

Bytecoin cash

Yes my child?

Now the bulls run.

Do you have any more similar gif ?

Bulls on Parade!


GVT $94k

gettin' close

all you gay niggers dont even know about it but AUGUR is where the gainz are.


Cum City

because when it launches it will be akin to a new derivatives platform launching, and it will be a new way to price in information into markets.


reddit plz stop

linky will stay stinky forever, 1000$ EOY

Caterpillar market for 10 years

Cool. I hear it’s one of the best prospects for coinbase listing.

mass revolutions and global war EOY

When’s launch?


$1000 EOY

Down in a few days than possible true bullrun. Maybe 2-3 weeks?

link $2 eow lol

Shut up you stupid cunt

LTC $1400 by April 18. You should have listened.

I think you started this thread a little early m8

Attached: 1516307847667.jpg (419x401, 48K)

stinky linky lol 0.03¢ link eow

Show me de way how to name myself that way

you put in the the 'name' field

Attached: images.png (211x239, 6K)

LINK $500 EYO, shadilay

Attached: Sminem is the new Kek.png (514x523, 216K)

Link $1000 eoy

Attached: 84e2f5a4b78a3157746facd7e5c297a31e63a920_hq.jpg (720x720, 42K)

Nice dubs you got there, checked
Also Sergey will be my AI gf and Link 1k EOY

>9000000000000000000 EOY

Unironically this

>it's a ponzi

Chanting ...

BTC moons, alts are irrelevant, linkies all get cancer

was the link get but the thread got 404'd about 10 mins after

Attached: 1521928518924.jpg (2400x4400, 1.83M)

Bitconnect will come back and everyone here is gonna make it.

i am the one to bring you into the light

Attached: 1522117864836s.jpg (187x250, 8K)

Lol, $1 EOY

Attached: xs.png (486x515, 20K)


worst memes possible.
not a chance


No summoning today


It is written ONLY Link

Attached: 178178-link-the-faces-of-evil-cd-i-screenshot-only-link-can-defeat.png (768x560, 9K)

Think link


damn son I'm an old as fuck fag

Attached: XS5LK.gif (500x269, 883K)

decides the fate of the cryptomarket

Do not buy anything
You are already dead

Just Monika.

I dont think you know how slow this board is

Just like bitcoin i right

May I cum yet, frogdaddy.



Nigger Coín is the chosen one

Won't this thread 404 by that time? Also it's definitely gonna be some link scriptfag

bcash must die

Attached: die!.jpg (233x217, 12K)

Chainlink $999 EOY.

Attached: 1515955464402.png (330x475, 305K)

It's sure

LINK 999 sats EOY

Only 10k posts to go mr dum dum pants

Market will go only up from now.

Thanks for the update and for the record I have a few questions about the best way to get a hold of the guy who was the guy who was the guy who was the guy who was the guy who was the guy who was the guy who was the guy who was the guy who was the guy who was

link 1000000 EoY

awwwwwww sheeeeeit niiqquuaaaa we strait rollin init muhufugha, nahsayin?!?!?!
My sheeeiit is goin be stayin mad stinky you nah mean, nah sayin?!?!?

>10k shitposts too early

Attached: 1027.jpg (400x600, 30K)

link $1000 eoy

Vechin $100 eoy

these will be correct. also req $100 eoy

A meme is never late or early.


Attached: memelines.png (1797x872, 108K)

i'll definitely be rolling to waste the septuples

Attached: devilish.jpg (500x500, 139K)

>Buying anything other than bitcoin.

Attached: 1523478376121.jpg (1000x1000, 83K)

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