T-T-This is was not supposed to happen.
I'm sorry Southern American anons.
T-T-This is was not supposed to happen.
I'm sorry Southern American anons.
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I tried playing one of these games and I could not understand at all what my goal was or how to do anything. Is this normal?
at least people are still coming
This is it lads.
What game did you play?
I was going to call you a brainlet but remembered that I was like you too
Same thing with CKII
Don't play them like CIV or AoE games
Dixiecucks are subhumans and so are communists
What are those orange and gray ideologies?
It's okay, to win the game you have to enact this decision while playing as a latin american nation
All that means is your nation is where the first person to come up with communism came from, so you get a minor starting boost to communism faction like say 2% of your population are communist rather than 1%
Paradox games seem incredibly complex at first but once you play them for a bit you realize how shallow most of them are. EU4 despite releasing so fucking long ago still is basically just a "paint the map" game
LMAO Get fucked US.
If I bought this game, would you teach me how to play?
It's probably the most complex Paradox game but still not super difficult. It's probably the only Paradox game though where it's not possible to succeed as any country/person
build liquor factories and conquer nignogs
that's it, really
Sure, user. But it's not that complex.
I’ll make a thread if/when I get it
Conquering chinks is way better in vanilla
The best culture map for USA
A side effect of my personal mod trying to keep Slovakia and Slovenia from becoming ethnically German... I need to spend more time outside.
Not pictured: Texan Guyana
honestly just sit through the tutorials, they are a bitch to get through but you will be so glad you did
Manifest destiny and uncle sam would like a word with you
Conquering chinks is generally looked down upon, and in any case china has shit RGOs so there really is no point in doing that besides the pops, but then again, who does that? China is supposed to buy your shit, not be your army.
Manifest destiny is not an issue. Besides, I've ascended beyond the USA. We /panNorth-American/ now
I've only done it in HoD
>conquer Guangxi
>endless rebellions by 144 regiments in each province
Popular revolts are largely harmless, it is only a concern when soldier pops revolt.
You should do the 1836 start and make more states, like Kansas, slave states. Then if you wait long enough, you'll get CSA cores on them. You can even make CSA Michigan, but it's pretty ugly.
Wish I had known that. I cucked out and gave them independence because I lost most of my territory and pops by that point in a war and the amount of rebels made me feel stressed
We will resurrect Robert to destroy the eternal Yankee, and then to lead us to a glorious global revolution
really want to get into this game. play eu4 all the time. any tips for stupid burger?
Some years have passed, and I stole California, Nevada and Utah with the help of the Eternal Anglo.
I am now on par with the US and no longer fear 1vs1 war. I am growing stronger.
However I dont have cores like in the other territories. fuck.
I did extend slavery so I might get cores in these new conquests
Wait for Victoria 3
They butchered HOI4 and EU4, I wouldnt be so optimistic
>They butchered HOI4
>and EU4
is eu3 better or something?
I prefer EU3 desu
Take Colorado and Kansas for aesthetics
Will take some time until the truce is over.
>wake up
>see this
What do you do?
I always loved that one
In Hearts of Iron your goal is to win the wars
In the other games your goal is to pain the map and you decide what your ultimate goal is and what you want to do.
>What do you do?
Remember myself to build military before going to sleep.
Its how every game ends. I still have no idea how to stop it.
the party in power is socialist, so I'm pretty sure the "rebels" are actual real americans
so everything's going back to normal soon I'd believe
Never understood what it meant to have an ideology spawn in your country. What are the conditions?
lole look at this fuckin newfag
>That Portugal
>Holy Roman Empire
No really, I have many hours in this game and have never figured it out.
the northeast, midwest, flyovers, and west coast are nothing alike
>the northeast, midwest, flyovers, and west coast are nothing alike
Those rebels are communists so it's actually going even further beyond.
Are people that play these sophisticated games better or worse than other gamers?
Imagine actually """playing""" one of those """games""" where all you do is stare at map and insert values
pretty much. wasted 3 thousand hours staring at maps lmao
das right
>staring at maps
>not creating an inbred empire
run white bois
>me like to click buttons and make map different color!!!
dumb g*rm is upset he lost the real world grand strategy
krauts btfo
>Not doing a glitterhoof run
>creating an inbred empire
anglos played that game for centuries
Why arent you just playing CK2 bruh?