1. Your cunt

1. Your cunt
2. How much money would you eat this thing for

Attached: 1466383109754.jpg (736x490, 42K)

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cooked or uncooked?


Raw, 10000$
Cooked, 10$

Hard to say. Probably even 5k USD would be enough, but I'll die in procces maybe from heart attack, it looks disgusting.

one million euros, minimum

500k probably

what are those dots? eyes?

It's actually a beetle

poop holes


Attached: 1524248330101.jpg (604x451, 51K)


raw 100$CAD
cooked 20$CAD

No, the eyes are in the front. I think it breathes through the holes

How much money would you da witchetty grub on ye little sausage for ?

Thanks for clarification, but its doesn't change the fact its disgusting

I'd pay $5


Attached: download (2).jpg (279x181, 8K)

These other answers are making me feel cheap.

Would I have to eat it without puking? Cause I wouldn't be able to

Been quoting this shit to myself all day desu

1. funland
2. I can afford only 20€

Can I clean it and gut it first? My only concern would be fecal matter inside of it... those things live in topsoil and it would be like eating a prawn full of compost.
I see (smaller) versions of those while gardening all the time, and they're similar in texture to raw shrimp when you touch them. It probably wouldn't be so bad.

$200 if I can clean and gut it, $400 if I have to eat it as-is.

how much do you have?

100 trillion unmarked mexican pesos

One billion dollars

id even pay if its cooked 2bh

I haven't puked in 8 years but I most definitely will after just one bite. I dont think any amount can have me finish it.

Fascinating. I can understand how some people are so obsessed and nerdy about bugs.

I would not eat it. I'd rather let it live with me and then it would grow into beautiful beetle :)
would rather eat dog or some other disgusting creature

Attached: frog-on-the-hercules-beetle.jpg (960x646, 186K)

1 milli

not too much, I've had wichetty grubs before

How can I stop vomit even if I paid?