Attached: CHADDONGDENG.jpg (1280x960, 167K)

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is there a video of the meetup somewhere ?

I got a lot of free MAN from their Huobi vote bounty. Will never sell at least until $10.

He can't get us on any exchange tho.

No but it was recorded. London next week will be live streamed.
Patience young padawan, bull market is now upon us right?

I also signed up for huobi and joined youtube shit and typed something but idk how to claim them
plz help user kun

ok now I read the bottom of the pic, it says airdrop will happen when man lists on huobi, how the fuck did you claim yours? or did you not get them yet?

they are waiting for a decent market btw, binance listing is fucking definite. I don't claim having any insider info or shit but come on, this is the most obvious binance listing I have seen in a while
chink coin
chink exchange
potential for massive success
top volume on idex for like a month

idk what else to say

you wont get it until its listed

What a beautiful MAN.


How did that work?

wow the new rush hour movie looks cool

Looks like a good project, but can someone explain to be the token distribution?

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at 10.06.26 AM.png (404x247, 13K)

150m circulating supply now
250m circulation supply after mainnet launch (I think September)

For the rest see: (scroll to bottom)

Rush hour x matrix spin off
100m currently is with the foundation, the remainder are for the team (2 yr lockup) , community growth grants e.g. developer bounties etc and mining

Testnet sept 2018
Mainnet Q1 2019

Mainnet is up in Sept it just won't have every feature e.g. full sandboxed smart contract security checks

Here's some (You's)

Attached: 1505253592168.jpg (489x697, 86K)

This will fly once it is listed on an exchange. get in now while its below $1

Thanks love

You pick some up? We're taking off soon. It will just take on exchange.

Agree. MAN will be yuge

>Failing company puts turns to ICO in order to fund themselves again
The state of crypto

You senile or something? They're academics, there is no "failing company" history

About to - don't have much of a budget right now; probably start with 1k

ITT delude ppl who have zero clue about tech. thinkin this shitcoin can do what no other company has been able to accomplish. Do you guys trust google translate for a legal document? one you will be legally liable for in the future?
Will this coin go up in value, yes, b/c morons like you buy it. FYI on the telegram group the devs were going to give 10 MAN for 1 'review'. still don't have my stupid airdrop
stay poor

you're both incredibly retarded and a liar

nice one kiddo

Reading the whitepaper.
Deep learning to validate complex smart contracts? Generate them from non-technical human readable inputs?
They really pulled out all the stops here lol... never gonna materialize.
Might scam some normies though.

I agree user

I literally bought this due to its hype value

If fucking ada could have done it, what can hype around chink coins, antshares fomo, buzzword fomo etc do?

selling at 3 dolalrs I guess

I'm afraid the price won't drop with your unsubstantiated FUD but it's still a good entry price in the long run.

MAN has both short term and Long term potential.
No point in pursuing exchanges in a bear market.
These guy are smart and have been developing the product. OBOR planned in. What’s to really worry about other then perfecting the product.

Any reputable exchange gets MAN 2X-4X.
OBOR success means 10x potential

imagine adding the word "complex" just to fit your own narrative
you're like those kids that try to do TA and force the lines to fit where they want to price to go

pic related

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at 20.47.16.png (1662x1128, 414K)

Good response to the only FUD against MAN

yep i love deng for responding personally to whoever emailed him. its literally the only fud people bring up and he has killed it early on

The point here is that just creating, for example, a good deep learning algorithm for a simple task, is hard, resource intensive, and prone to failure. On their spec list, it's just one of a whole bunch of complex tasks they will implement all at once. This means that the complexity of what they propose to do exponentially rises with each bullet point in the white paper. This is to the point that one could say they are either naive, or maliciously misleading investors.
The chance they will pull it off might be non-zero, but, well, I'll bet real money that they won't pull it off.
Add to that that they have no working demo, but solicit millions upfront, and we are in scam territory.

Let's remove the word complex, which I've added for a reason.
NOBODY in the world is looking for trivial smart contracts, they add no value. Ethereum can do simple smart contracts. Smart contracts will only be of value if they will be able to solve non-trivial problems. And thus smart contract platforms should be able to provide complex smart contracts.

To which I will add that complex computer programs that handle a lot of money, but with no legal recourse, are retarded and will only be used by retards (DAO as an example).
can you imagine Coca-Cola or Goldman Sachs: "woops, we lost 6 billion due to a bug in the smart contract, ah well, code is law!"
So I'm sceptical wrt smart contracts to begin with.

resource intensive. good thing the proof of work will crowdsource computational resource better than we've ever seen in history.
nobody said its easy, if it was it wouldn't be worth it.
they have a public demo. the mining hardware has been prototyped and demonstrated already

i myself am certainly interested in 'trivial' smart contracts and im sure the majority of the world is too. it makes no sense to think that the value smart contracts bring should only be available to programmers

also for some reason you seem to think the platform won't be able to provide complex smart contracts via programmers as normal, which, it will

about the smart contract bug thing: i agree. its good matrix have thought about this and have formal smart contract verification and out-of-character behavior detection inbuilt.

pic semi-related

Attached: DakQVTPW4AAMoiA.jpg (1200x900, 106K)

Resource intensive as in you need very smart people trying a lot of things and hope they find that needle in the haystack, ot computationally resource intensive.

Any software that is valuable to a business process to the point that businesses will pay to use it (which is the only way to give a platform economic validity to exist), is complex.
and any complex software product is NEVER bug free.
Formal verification is good, out-of-character behavior once again is another complex thing to implement and manage added on top of the list and thus exponentially increasing the project's complexity.