Not born into old money

>not born into old money
>brilliant student, graduated Princeton with honors
>started Amazon without "a small loan of a million dollars"
>both a managerial and technical wizard
>got in very early on Google
>survived the dot Com market crash
>survived a near bankruptcy to emerge as uncontested online retailer in the West
>went from middle class bright kid to richest man in the fucking world

Name a more based entrepeneur

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hi Jeff

he had like 500000 from his grandma or something

there isnt one

Bezos is the new king

Here we have at our right Jeff shilling himself up to alt right anime posters

anyone who implies this doesn't play an enormous role in business connections is a fool
i'm a gentile who pretends to be a jew and it has helped me immensely. jews stab each other, but at least they're in the same room. if you're not one of the tribe, either you're getting closed doors or you're a mark to be fleeced

And you would have lost it all on Chainlink.

So once again, name a more based entrepeneur.

Elon Musk?

How do I start pretending to be a Jew? Tfw blonde with blue eyes

Maybe I can get contacts and a prosthetic nose

>Tfw blonde with blue eyes
Gross. You could always make up some story about grandparents from Eastern Europe.

>sucks bezos cock
he wont notice you senpai

plenty of jews are blonde, so much mixing around there's no need to have distinctive semite features (if anything, western askhenazis look down on "arabs")
be weird and awkward but also intelligent, and never make it obvious. using a jewish first name , setting the place of an anecdote as a friend's bar mitzvah, and so on

He is not jewish, feel free to show otherwise.

I'm blonde with blue eyes and 4% ashkenazi jew

>Bezos needs to shill on an Iraqi dough kneading board

Mayer Amschel Rothschild was pretty based as well.

La creatura detected

an inspiration to hairline-challenged men everywhere

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>payed no sales tax on hundreds of billions of dollars in sales
scam artist destroying america’s economy. he should have his wealth taken to pay all the sales tax owed by every transaction ever done through amazon.

>Hire accountants to do their job
>They do


They'll get their tax money back by printing more money. Nobody gives a shit about taxes lmao.

Coincidence? I think not.

>create finance empire
>fund rebels who kill europe's last hope for peace
>coerce every european nation to take war debt
>buy an entire nation from endebted britain
yeah, the rothschilds are pretty based

The "create finance empire" was pretty impressing desu. And the whole "controlling the world" part is also pretty impressing.

>how can you forget (((soros)))

although i think that their power is a bit overblown.

they are right however in exterminating us. whites are stupid retards.

Gates? Come on

Bezos and Gates are white you dumb fuck.

>What is a cryptojew?
Genetics and bloodlines aside, the guy is obviously old money and just a figurehead. It’s amazing that people admit guys like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs couldn’t code and yet assume they were vital leaders in their companies. They’re all just figureheads. Very few industry leaders are real geniuses, most are jist selected for the "lifetime actor" position based on who their parents are and their willingness to sell out the human race.

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do you have any evidence of this?

>jeff gets small invest of a million
>trump gets small investemnet of a million

This is reason I will leave my kids small investment of millions.

Jeff I'm sorry but as long you don't make the West white again I can't admire you.

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aren't you forgetting who they bow to?

>tfw rich people get loans from older family members who have accrued wealth
>tfw i'd sometimes get ~$20 here and there from my grandparents or uncle, would be excited to get that
>most of it would end up going to my parents for cigarettes, gambling, and beer growing up

wish i was whipipo like jeff bezos or donald trump. "give me a million and ill turn it into a fortune lads"

our people are actively walking into demise.

Never forget

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Pretty sure Gates was a gifted programmer who began to code in his childhood (thanks to his parent paying him the machine though).
Jobs on the other side was a marketing genius and basically one of the rare guy understanding how much you needed to enhance user experience if you wanted to make computer mainstream.
Arguably Gates was more pragmatic though and the bigger asshole despite the public perception.

>he forgot where he is
these faggots worship literal fraudsters like Shkreli

is this real?

Attached: TheMasters2.png (1828x2172, 1.98M)

Yep. That's how Amazon started. Bezos turned that pic into billions of dollars.

nice. legitimately motivating. here's another motivational pic, advice from a kind user.

Attached: life is short.png (1242x404, 132K)

>claim he's jewish
>"do you have any evidence at all that he's jewish"
>w-well h-he's actually a cryptojew!!!vv
the absolute state of Jow Forums

checked and kekked, nice try, JIDF

I'm 1/34 jew does that count can i go to like Israel and tear up while I scream "I'm back"

To become the richest man in the world requires a level of greed that most people in western society would be uncomfortable with. You could easily live a life without want and never be close to top 100.

That’s will there’s so many pajeets on the list because India is one of the most uncharitable societies in the world with the caste system. as a website is complete garbage from any software engineering perspective.
I have no respect for their entire company as a result.


is ignorance bliss? then being a nigger isnt that bad?

niggers have inferiority complexes because deep down they know that they will always be niggers, that's why they swagger around and muh dick 24-7

this. at least in hell we are all damned

dont know much about bezos and his personality and although ive heard quite a few very negative stories about how amazon treats some if its workers. that i don't agree with.

and i know they'll do anything they can to put themselves in a position to make more money, but you can just call that running a smart business.

they always say that if you want to make a billion dollars, make something a billion people would use. if you had a company with the level of potential that amazon has, billions of potential customers, you'd get greedy too. in a situation like this you need to just go for it.

>lost on Chainlink
You can't lose if youre in winning team.

pick one

>B-but he's a Jew
Even if he was it wouldn't change anything. Just Accept the fact that this man is just better at capitalism than you.


Elon's story is more inspiring.


That negates any of his achievements because he couldn't even manage to keep his hair

Still ugly as fuck

If you care about impressing women with hair instead of having 100 billion dollars, you are a beta cuck beyond saving.

I care about impressing myself when I look in the mirror and run my fingers through my thick hair, baldie.

kek, this is kinda true

look at zucc, he is worth billion and still made fun of for being ugly/short

>look at zucc, he is worth billion and still made fun of for being ugly/short
do you think not being made fun of is the mark of success? you're doomed to a life of disappointment you goofy nigger

>I care about impressing myself when I look in the mirror and run my fingers through my thick hair, baldie
and nobody cares because you'll die poor

I care about it and that's enough, u cuck

jeff pls go

>i c-care

>spastic eyes


>CIA puppet

no thanks.

buy CIA/Mockingbird Post.
guaranteed moon.

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>wish i was whipipo like jeff bezos or donald trump. "give me a million and ill turn it into a fortune lads"
Kind of like how this is the most successful game developer in history now, right nigger?

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good one


he will be the president of usa in a couple years.

screencap this.

the best part is he fucking deserved it.

ps. i love my kindle.

Bezos isnt a Jew you dumb shit.

I just want bezos-senpai to notice me

Jeff pls go

Gates is. Rest are not

Bezos is his adopted name, Jorgensen is his birth name

this guy is not me and i don't care for Jow Forums
while you cry about white neckbeards on the internet i make bank rubbing elbows with the chosen