Plebbit thread

Do you think the mods on Jow Forumscryptocurrency are shill faggots?

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nah they're fine. i do remember what it's like being 16 though and retarded, so i feel for you

You sound like a plebbit mod desu

Why do you say that? Is it because they deleted your thread?

where did the reddit mods touch you user

yes 100% they are bias, Walton and nano are clearly their biggest holdings you can tell by the way they remove iota and Vechain posts with 0 reasonings almost daily

I don't post on there, but I hear from other subs that they delete their threads. I mean it's easy to suppress news from a competing coin of their holding.

>Walton and nano are clearly their biggest holdings
I don't know if that's true, but something definitely seems odd with the way they decide what to keep and what to delete.

every non retard knows that plebbit mod take huge shitcoin chunk to allow brigading and shit in their hivemind shithole

>they are bias
it's 'biased' you dumb cunt

Unironically this. Whichever coin you're holding didn't pay the plebbit cartel to post so they got deleted.

Now this makes more sense. If they're willing to pay big twitter and youtube accounts. They must be willing to pay for reddit exposure too.

Should also note that ANY medium with a decent following can be bought. Some may start off being honest and 'for the people' but as soon as they get enough followers they turn into shills.

good point

The whole think is shit except when you want to dump bags in which case they're god's gift to crypto.

desu such kawaii!!

Yeah those nuggets deleted my thread

You're that Jow Forumsack who started coming here a few months ago asking how to get into crypto. Did you get rekt?

Dude every crypto sub is full of shills. No exceptions. Everyone wants to shill their bags and being moderator gives you the power to trim the unwanted opinions. Just try ceddit to check out how many threads are deleted in crypto subs, the more deleted threads in particular sub the more eager their shill squad is.

What was your thread about?

I only came back to Jow Forums for Jow Forums left before Jow Forums even became a thing

Thanks I didn't know about ceddit

Everybody is a shill

mummy change your nappy

Of course they are. How is this even a question? Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows this


>Just try ceddit to check out how many threads are deleted
Holy shit so many threads deleted in under 12 hours. Some are pajeets tier shit but the others are links to coindesk articles or similar

>left Jow Forums
A likely story

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Sorry, I saved it from another thread.

Bonus game. Check out how many threads are deleted in verge sub. Last time I checked it was a total carnage.

Who is this SEMEN DEMON?

is water wet?

>can't detect when english isn't someone's native language

Kek it's all fucking red