Why do Mexicans say they're Mestizos? If they were they'd look like Chileans and Colombians, which they don't...

Why do Mexicans say they're Mestizos? If they were they'd look like Chileans and Colombians, which they don't. They look more like Peruvians and Bolivians

Attached: political-map-of-Mexico.gif (1412x987, 203K)

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they are mutt like us

Most CHIs I've seen look pretty mestizo though some look indo. Funnily enough I have literally never seen a white mexican in real life. The only sudaca I have ever seen that passed pretty well as white was a Colombian.

Mexico is the most "mixed" nation in Latin America. Some have more natives (like us and bolivia), some have more whites (like uruguay) Not Mexico, they are a new race. Like the Judge said "You cant be all Mexican, that's like being all mongrel"

Mestizo = half breed
Castizo = half breed but white looking


Many have less than 25℅ euro blood.

Most white mexicans reside in the SW, but they're overshadowed by the amerindian ones. They mostly blend in with everyone else.
I'm assuming OP is from the New England area since he only sees the amerindian types.

maybe because not all amerindians look the same you stupid amerishit

I blame the perfidious s*reños for intruding into the north

>Mexico is the most "mixed" nation in Latin America
top kek, what is Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, Dominican republic,etc.

>white colombians

>white mexicans

why do CHIs do this?

They exist my CHILEAN brother, but nowadays they're rare compared to their indian counterparts (im CHInese btw)

Why are Americans so obsessed with race? Just stop

This, I've noticed Colombian girls have obvious European admixture, they have lighter skin and Caucasian features, they could pass for Southern Euro. Mexicans on the other hand look straight up fugly Amerindian. Pic related, girl on left is Colombian, girl on right is Mexican.

Attached: colombianvsmexican.jpg (2000x1000, 872K)

Why do non-Mexicans always make threads about us?

public education promotes the cosmic race, were we are all races and non at the same time, we are something new, i personally consider myself white, am from Guadalajara.



Attached: amlo-kino.jpg (1078x800, 162K)

Those people are our southern people, Most of Central America is heavily amerindian so you shouldn't be surprised that the poorest region of Mexico are the types of migrants you're seeing in Brazil

Yeah, take james hes a typical Colombian mestizo, yet in Mexico he'd be considered white.

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I can confirm this isn't even remotely true

>like us
>the USA was 90% white as late as 1960
>Mexico has never been over 10% white
ah yes, "just like us"

Quit your autism faggot this is a civil board for civil people

Because you're unironically ruining our country alongside sudacas.

Because that's what I am. Chileans are castizo. The ones you are thinking about are Indios. There's a difference. Just like native Americans here, amerindians are good for nothing

I thout castizo was slightly more than half breed.

Kys rn
Amerindians are a noble race

Castizo is basically your equivalent of "Metís" or however you spell it. The ones I've seen online look white but larp about their 15% cherokee. This is just about the case for castizos.

>Colombians are white
>post the colombian woman that al most has 21% Of black People DNA in her Blood [estimated]
Epic fail

>muttposter accuses others of autism
Go back you locust.

Attached: mexican fat culture.png (591x618, 579K)

>go back you locust
Literally can't dumbass. In case your shit4brains self couldn't tell, the dude was joking. Why the fuck would he say "praise këk" unironically? And why would you take it seriously? Because you're a braindead retard.

Yes nice fake statistic you butthurt indio, Mexicans are fucking ugly, there were these Mexicans in my class that never spoke, I thought they were Southeast Asian like Filipinos/Indonesians, pic related is average fea india mexicana

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She's white but not European white, she's more like [American] white. Since everyone here is a mutt to some degree

>Since everyone here is a mutt to some degree
Locusts like you are

Attached: Mexico.png (845x468, 871K)

Why do you hate Amerindians?

Colombians are WAY more white than mexicans

Whatever you say most mexicans in america look like this.

Attached: immigrant-family.jpg (4173x2781, 3.24M)

looks cute

>i can't refute his argument so I'm going to post these brown ass fucking induns!!! cliff shitter BTFO!!!!! Xdd
You have to go back you fucking parasite

>colombia es whiiiite

Attached: christian ceron2.jpg (1200x1600, 158K)

what's the point of this thread

What region are you from? New England or the Midwest? Because that's where these Indians are residing the most according to Jow Forums

For some reason Brazilians think not having amerindian admixture is an accomplishment

mestizo: 1 indian parent, 1 white parent
castizo: 1 mestizo parent, 1 white parent, should look whiteish

but metis are legitimately half Amerindian.
Or are you talking about """""metis""""" whites?
Wouldn't make much sense to LARP as less white in south and central America from what I know.

Attached: Ham's-Redemption-1895-Brocos.png (800x948, 1.32M)

making fun of latin americans...

>uneducated roach doesn't even know basic stats before making claims


I guess 3% is what counts as "most" from your shithole country's mathematics education. We don't need people like you in our country.

Attached: mexico manlets.jpg (600x407, 175K)


Lol she's actually above average for an India

It's the mindset every Jow Forumsack faggot has

I'm talking about the legitimately white metis.

The post.
Quit shitting up this thread you fucking leech

What this guy said

Im an Amerindian BULL, dont ever fucking say I have wh*Te blood in me

Literal plastic vs a girl


Attached: 2cac59458a280ea87c8fa850494de68e.jpg (900x1391, 691K)

Looks exactly like the mexicans infesting my city.


Attached: 1519958507134.jpg (360x396, 155K)

Do you guys seriously find her unattractive?

Why have you been keeping a Virgin ?

Attached: virgin.png (692x694, 116K)

You are on Jow Forums

You are either white or mudshit.

You can make america a little bit more white by going back to your shithole tipi nigger.

Attached: x4wwmg8m.jpg (1032x1312, 227K)

No I said she's above average for an Amerindian. I like busty brown girls too but with European feautures. I think there's more attractive black girls than there is Amerindian ones desu

Attached: messi-and-wife.jpg (570x321, 31K)

>ITT: Monkeys in charge of desperate proof that Congolombia is white

Fun fac:The two cunts with largest % of Black people in Latina America are


Haiti and DR

>inb4 Haiti isn't Latin