Do you love Italy?

Do you love Italy?

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itaalia is ok i guess. but why do you ruin sea food with shitty pasta?

Sea food is fucking disgusting. I think the wops knew what they were doing here.

it's a godly combination, my friend. You should try it.

america is fucking disgusting
i don't like carbs. i'll stick with just sea food. thanks for the info

passaporto pls

do you guys have clams in estonia? I thought you had to import it?

we have some kind of clams that are under natural protection and i don't think anyone eats them. we import them from china and indonesia iirc

Italians here are cool posters and seem like total bros.Nice country, I'll definitely go back one day

Better food than disgusting German food


*the mainstream stuff that you get from a grocery that is. the good stuff comes from our fishers who go somewhere north of norway

Rome is a wonder of a city, I've been there twice. Italians often shit on it but I think it's beautiful.

I wanna see the rest of Italy some day.

Rome is a shithole, still better than N*ples though

>love Shitaly


I want to eat this right now

Only things i love are my mother and my dog

I thought norway was too cold for clambs desu
you can make it, it's pretty easy. The secret ingredient is the white wine to simmer the pasta

Why not remove the shells before cooking it?

More taste plus the flesh stays tender


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i don't.
i had few business interactions with italians in my life, and all of it had finished badly. absolutely 100% unsuccessful experience. Every of them was trying to fraud on me.
It was like they watched too much Chilintano's movie or something because all of them acted the same like he is

Dios mio...

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I love Italy because people get asshurt just because we exist

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Everything below the Po must burn
El RUM*no seniores
I get asshurt thinking about t*rr*n* drawing breath.

those anni di plomo gave good results

>an american despises healthy food
Disappointed but not surprised


I have mixed feelings