/portfolio/ thread

Who here making it with the next bull run?

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Larp more

what app is that?

Thats one sexy app. What is it?

Bump for app

I just moved my stack into PRL for the shitty airdrop, did I just fuck up?

Bump cockwhores


tell us what the app is reee

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OP give us that app.

What's the app

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OP be nice.

That portfolio is aids.

Tards of Jow Forums, see that 'b' in the top left of the app, go to play store, type 'crypto portfolio' 3rd one down, bituniverse.
its called bituniverse you lazy faggots

>its called bituniverse you lazy faggots
Of course we're lazy. Why do you think we're interested in crypto?


ty user, got my answer.

Hows bituniverse compare to blockfolio? I want to know my all-time gains but blockfolio doesnt compute that based on additional buying... but Im also too lazy to type all my trades in...

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Took you long enough


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Do you guys trust using api with portfolio app?

yes if i get hacked the fdic will insure my losses up to 200k we good senpai i love banks.

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Nice folio

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checked rate mine plz.

Not a single blue chip crypto.. you're fucked user.

Can the app track addresses? I have maybe half my coins on exchanges and the other half in addresses, the balances change daily so id need it to monitor the addresses like eth and any erc20 tokens i have.

Guys let's be serious for a moment and give it to me straight are people seriously buying large amounts of LINK ?

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It can pull them from exchange API. It's great.

I'm gunna fucking make it. Held through all this shit and when BTC goes to 50k by eoy, I'll be pushing 800,000 buckaroonies. Gonna be a good 2019 boys. Not even the Bogs can stop us now!

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Yeah but what if you move your coins off exchange? Do I just make a deposit of my wallet amounts as $0 cost?

It imported my APIs nicely, but I dont know if it can track the wallet balances. If I put $0 cost in for my wallets will it screw up lifetime profit amount? Thanks brah

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>trying to make it by holding btc and eth

Yeah, well we'll see who gets the last laugh. Screenshot this and comeback in 9 months.

I think I'll be the one laughing.

Yeah, you have a nice stack there. More power to you but I just don't have the balls to hang my hat on shitcoins like that. Not dissing your choices I just think everything other than Bitcoin is a shitcoin until proven otherwise. And even Bitcoin will probably die in the end. Just not for a few years.

What app is that ffs

>not holding alts


I consider IBM to be reliable enough I think their interledger will be one of the most widely adopted for buisness on blockchain for settlement, lightning is coming there, which will be interesting to see how second layer would work--and even speed up Stellar more-so.

Also stellar has the biggest chance at getting first place adoption into Hyperledger for settlements, being as hyperledger is already one of the largest ecosystems saving thousands upon thousands in Supply-chain (which is my main profession)

Cardano is a gamble in respects to Stellar, but I think splitting contracts away from settlement means a more stable platform, also--K/IELE is going to be such a big fucking deal that I get giddy inside imagining a 'any-language' interpreter.

I also have Eth, in respect to your statement. Though I wouldn't bother keeping it logged because I do my trades with Ether, I think its failed, because ICO's when they run bog down the whole system, during a dead cat bounce I was stuck waiting for Cryptokitties to let me in. Caving--I went to 20 gwei.

Thats why Cardano, thats why stellar.

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Alright, so I found out the lifetime profit for this app is inaccurate. It seems the APIs dont count the USD initial investments, and just say it as "sell" or "buy" USD. But it's a very handy app! Theyre having a decentralized exchange coming out soon apparently too! Breddy cool stuff, thanks OP