>virtually all trades I've done ended up in the coin going down in value
>get into shorting
>virtually every short I've done ended up in the coin going up in value
This is fucking ridiculous. What did I do to deserve this fate? Feels like reality conspires against me.
Virtually all trades I've done ended up in the coin going down in value
Have you considered holding?
donĀ“t be an ADHD bitch and hold solid projects
This is why you hodl :^)
He's asleep.
Damp it.
please don't buy Link
i.e. XLM
Because you're too late. You should've been shorting for the last 3 months. Now it's about to be tax/bull season. 2018 will see a huge second half accumalte now spend a year learning then start swaying your stack with the market. Buy small when you're new keep everything else in BTC and ETH
just do the exact opposite
what are you thinking is your next trade user, let's test this
I hate redditors so much
Got in at 13652
You feel bad? Last night I opened a 50x long with my entire stack and was liquidated with a big red dildo just a few hours before the massive green dildos that appeared this morning. I want to kill myself
you're just really shit
The whales know exactly what joe normie investor thinks is going to happen and do the opposite. They are 10 year veterans of a video game you just started
Get in on smart scams like. POWH, POWL, POJ, POFOMO, ETHPHX, POWM. I've already 6X'd my ETH in a month
/loser/ thread?
I sold ADA right before it pumped right now
Also sold EOS at 88k sats right before it pumped
I have many other fuck up in the last couple of days but I don't feel like listing everything
When Cobinhood first launched I saw a guy sell $100,000 USD in EOS for under $5,000. Idiot hit market sell then posted about it
I bought RDD when it was 10 sats just a few months ago and sold at 12 sats. It went on to almost 200 sats the following week. Same story when XVG was under 10 sats.
I imvested $5000 in rookie coin and made a 4000% increase. $200k usd in a couple days. user i dont really know what to say except maybe dont trade cryptos or dyor
>no proof
had 2.7 million xvg last november
almost as much rdd at one point last year.
xtrabytes at 11sats in april
it's fucking unreal how shitcoins can turn your life around.
Keep going user
>I had a strike of luck bro, be more like me
We should refer to reddit as soybase
they all have the same estrogen laden sense of humor that relies on pop culture references. I want to gas them.
are you me? Wages life for a long time to come.
So your shorting now, when its near the end of its bull run thinking you were going to do well? how much further did you think it would fall and could get away with shorting? Short when the markets been on a blinding bull run if anything, its more likely to fall in price near the top than near the bottom
Near the end of its Bear run i meant to say